Just for fun...

420 this year was a palindrome. 4-2-0-2-0-2-4.
A known local woman said her husband's saddle and seatpost were stolen in front of his workplace from his new bike this week. It was quick release. Bummer that the ride is a 'No-bummer.' My idea is to sell post collars that are not quick release and are left threaded thread with a star-drive engagement for urban adventurists and commuters. Every day it is 12:34:56:78:90 twice. It would be fun to see a prospective saddle thief deal with that star-lefty any day at anytime. Adding a counter-sink would make it even more of a chore.
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A delivery guy came to the wrong address just now; the number is on the side of the building and he was off by 800. He said, GPS says this is the place, as if that is evidence. I told him where to go. Then to exit the building, he walked into a restroom. He has no awareness and is totally dependent on a device.
It is not yet 10 AM in the west. I just went for a five-mile ride and had a snack while reading a compelling book. The little thing is stuffed with fresh raspberries and melted butter. I ordered, 'That which cannot be mentioned.' People ask, What is that? I have to tell them that it is not on the menu and does not have a name.
A guy with trike issues just made me an offer. On the way over he found a heavy black box on the side of the road. It is a gun safe. He offered to give it to me. I probably has the gun someone needed to ditch and a severed hand inside.
We had 75 riders in the First Friday at Five group ride yesterday. That was fun.

Edit: It was officially 79 riders! At lunch Friday a group of all ages went up Sonoma Mtn. and had a picnic among the wild flowers with the verdant views and souring birds. Then we flew kites and fed free range cows carrots. It was all so close, yet a world away. We could see the Pacific. A mini vacation for an hour. I told a friend that it was okay if she dressed as Julie Andrews. That friend has the picnic faux-toes and picked up a Dutch bathtub bakfiets Friday for me to convert with a Toseven motor.


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It is not yet 10 AM in the west. I just went for a five-mile ride and had a snack while reading a compelling book. The little thing is stuffed with fresh raspberries and melted butter. I ordered, 'That which cannot be mentioned.' People ask, What is that? I have to tell them that it is not on the menu and does not have a name.
View attachment 174757
Looks yummy indeed! I can't wait to cook myself a decent meal again. Lately, I've been swamped with work and other commitments, leaving little time for culinary adventures. However, I'm hopeful that things will ease up soon. In the meantime, I've discovered the convenience of services like https://ukwritings.com/buy-essay , which might be able to help alleviate some of the academic pressures weighing on me. With their assistance, I can free up valuable time to indulge in my passion for cooking and enjoy a delicious homemade meal once more.
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