Just for fun...

Allow me to introduce you to 1970's Children's Nightmare fuel. How this was a children's show is beyond me, but I had a nightmare about these things when I was 3, I still remember it after 51 years.

Wasp Woman did it to me...
Her name was Marilyn Barletta and she kept 200 cats in a house at 201 Baker Street in my town. After she was arrested she went on the lamb. There were cats in the walls. Some had been cannibalized by other cats. She lived on posh Russian Hill in San Francisco and would buy massive quantities of cat food each day and drive up to Petaluma to feed them. It was said to be a staggering mess. That was in 2001.
That looks like a seppuku. No fun in that either. Ominous only and a sigh of self-harm, or to others. That is not for fun. Nasty.
Respectfully disagree. If Rome lived in a gated community in Mission Hills or something, the fact that he used a knife to display the rope might me go, "Hmm..." or "What?" though I wouldn't consider it ominous.

I only know one island (Kauai) but there are places on all the islands that are super primitive, consistent with a lot of Rome's posts about where he rides. Does not seem at all weird to me in that context. I always carry a knife in Kauai when I'm on the trail or diving, though diving, it's more so I can tap the tank to get my buddy or instructor's attention.

My clients who work on set always carry huge frickin' folders-- and often take them out of their pockets and put them on the couch b/c they are uncomfortable to sit with, they never sit down at work! Many of my colleagues might find that threatening, but it doesn't bother me at all.
Allow me to introduce you to 1970's Children's Nightmare fuel. How this was a children's show is beyond me, but I had a nightmare about these things when I was 3, I still remember it after 51 years.

I don't remember what show that is from, but I DO remember seeing those two creepazoids, and having a very similar reaction at a similar age.

My mom was a psychologist, and at a children's production of Hansel and Gretel when I was 5, I started shrieking really loud, and all the other mothers stared at mom like she was a terrible parent for not removing me immediately.

However, she knew: If I got through to the (happy, sanitized) ending, I wouldn't have nightmares. She was right. That totally worked.
In the last year of riding an ebike, I don't hear "CHEATER" anymore. Best response I heard recently was a guy driving by my daughter telling her to pedal. I laughed and agreed with him.
Smoking Vados and admiring your pics.
I think the thingy forward of tug boat is a gangway to board a bigger vessel?
Tell us what it is.
There are tugboats here that pulls barges for Inter Island shipping but they don't have that thing
It used to be a antique red tugboat with white trim. That sort of maybe made sense. The blue doesn't cut it for me. I also don't know why Santa arrives by boat and a month early! Yes, what happened to the reindeer? We were all watching a river otter catching fish when the giant tugboat blowing its fog horn chased it away. You would think it was a seal, until you see the massive tail. Last year it was a harbor porpoise. Those look exactly like a dolphin but are only three feet long. Highschool kids run a hatchery and habitat restoration program and now because of all the giant fish it is bringing in predators such as the otters that like fresh sushi.


I also don't know why Santa arrives by boat and a month early! Yes, what happened to the reindeer?
The sleigh's in for routine maintenance this time of year — and, well, who doesn't love tugboats? And since tugboats are a lot slower, he has to get an early start.

The beauty of made-up stuff is how easy it is to layer more made-up stuff on top. Propaganda 101.
Those are conveyors to supply a submarine inland.
I seen these when I lived on East Bay Richmond CA.


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It does make sense that the sleigh would be in for maintenance this time of year. Hadn't considered that. Here is another propaganda idea. Those kids who restored an ecosystem with the salmon have nothing about ecology or environmentalism in their name. Instead they are the United Anglers. But in order for there to be fish, that requires restoring the habitat. It is like getting duck hunters on board to save wetlands. The kids only focused on salmon but it had all these other positives. Now people are pulling 20-lbs. stripped bass out of the river and occasionally you will spot an eagle.