Merciless (on the inside)
- Region
Same here. One thing I have heard is that far more damage is done by well-meaning, mechanically inclined individuals who lack specific experience with the BBSHD. They open up the motor and screw around with it when its not necessary. The thing has a reputation for just working and you should leave it alone and let it do that. 3-5000 miles in... have at it and re-grease the thing.You’d think as sloppy as Bafang sometimes seems to be, especially with adequate grease, that would be and issue. But our repair shop and my 8 motors never saw a burr issue. I’m thinking I read an obscure post once but if so it’s quite rare IME.
Some things I have noticed with the two motors I just acquired: First, the gaskets are now paper. No longer rubber. Glad I still have some rubber replacements socked away. Loss of gasket crush due to overtightening is one more reason to always use a torque wrench. Second, on one of my two motors (the one that came from Cali Ebike) the inner race on the thrust bearing was nonexistent. And it wasn't that someone opted not to install it. The inner flange was now grooved as a bearing race. Which means if you wear that flange down over time, you can no longer replace with a $15 replacement that is a sandwicjh of inner race, bearing and outer race. You also can't shim it out if it happens to wiggle a little. The second motor that came from Luna had the 3-piece bearing. I don't think either seller had any control over this ... typical Bafang manufacturing BS.