I get skeered when my Energy Bar gets below Half....

Old Man Arthur

New Member
Am I the only one?

Since the Energy Bar stays "Full" for a long time... Once it starts going-down, it seems to go-down quickly.
So, once it gets down near Half... I am heading for Home.

Someone tell me that my paranoia is irrational.
Also, Does everyone run for home once the Energy Bar starts losing dots?
If not, how much juice is really left once I hit Half?... Cuz I know that it isn't 50%.

Thanks in Advance.

Just a pic of my Display box, showing a Full Energy Bar. Like I prefer to see it.


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There are a few threads in here addressing how unreliable the power bars are, and suggesting that the current voltage is actually a much more reliable indicator of battery level.
Check this thread for the details from folks much smarter than me:

I think the gist is that 42v to 52v is a convenient way to think (roughly) of the XP's battery range and 45v should still be good to ride for a little while.
Range anxiety. Common from Tesla to eBike owners.

I think that's a common thing (range anxiety), especially among newbies that aren't used to their bikes yet. Mine will be at 46-47 volts with 2 bars showing, and as I don't like to let it get much lower than that, hopefully I'm on my way home when it gets to that level.
Am I the only one?

Since the Energy Bar stays "Full" for a long time... Once it starts going-down, it seems to go-down quickly.
So, once it gets down near Half... I am heading for Home.

Someone tell me that my paranoia is irrational.
Also, Does everyone run for home once the Energy Bar starts losing dots?
If not, how much juice is really left once I hit Half?... Cuz I know that it isn't 50%.

Thanks in Advance.

Just a pic of my Display box, showing a Full Energy Bar. Like I prefer to see it.

I keep my display on Voltage mode and ignore the Energy bar.
I clicked on this thread thinking it was a funny story about 'energy bars'

I thought to myself, why not take a spare🤔 Same advice works for battery packs;)
Ummm....fear not fellow ebikers. Your ebike comes equipped with pedals. Pedals that will WORK without battery. So if worse comes to worse, you can still pedal home. Maybe have to walk up a few hills but no big deal you'll make it.
Ummm....fear not fellow ebikers. Your ebike comes equipped with pedals. Pedals that will WORK without battery. So if worse comes to worse, you can still pedal home. Maybe have to walk up a few hills but no big deal you'll make it.

Exactly what I was going to say! I have had the same type of battery / range anxiety ever since my early cell phone days 20 years ago.

As opposed to cell phones and electric cars, we have the manual option of pedaling the bike. This is what makes the 11t to 34t freewheel mod even more enticing... If you run out of juice, the lowest gear with 34t is really easy to pedal on.