Hunting e bike for road use


Well-Known Member
I have to get daily exercise because of my health status, but I’m not a morning person since my health trouble and chronic fatigue, so this summer’s heat and humidity is just too much for my regular daily walk. Four years ago I had 4 strokes and left sided hemiparesis, but they put two stents in my brain and with months of intensive physical and occupational therapy I was able to start using my left arm and leg.

I’ve been researching e bikes for a number of years. I built an electric trike from scratch with an electric hub motor several years ago when I was first recovering from strokes, but it was a 350w direct drive hub motor conversion and just wasn’t able to climb even small hills.

There was no way I could afford a decent new mid drive e bike now, due to disability, but I need the extra power due to my size in order to get back home safely and for climbing even small hills.

I found an archery shop in Virginia that got into selling hunting e bikes several years ago. They sold well their first year, but the prices on these e bikes rose enormously over the ensuing years to the point their customers couldn’t afford the newer ones, so they got out of the e bikes business altogether.

However they had one leftover demo from several years ago, a Rambo R750 G3 with BBS02, and the owner just wanted to get it out of his shop because it was taking up so much space. He offered it to me at a bargain basement price, way below his original wholesale price.

With a little creative financing (i.e., selling motorcycle stuff I no longer use) I was able to pick up this e bike yesterday.

The hunting e bikes were geared really low, for off-road use and pulling trailers with game out of the woods. I had to change the front sprocket from 34t to 46t for road use, but otherwise it’s a great fat tire e bike so far.

This bike can go twenty miles without pedaling on a charge, more if you pedal, but I’m getting a second battery and will change out the 26x4 fat tires to a road oriented tire once the Kenda Juggernauts wear out.

I can climb hills now that there is no way I would attempt without the electric motor, and when my body “hits the wall” the electric motor can get me back home. I never know when that will be, but this bike will allow me to get more exercise and ride farther than I ever would have attempted otherwise.

And even in the heat, e bikes create their own breeze, so there’s no excuse not to get some daily exercise.

My original plan was to get a Dost Kope, but my finances wouldn’t permit it in time to get riding this summer. But this “hunting e bike” will be more than adequate to keep me moving till I can upgrade to the Dost.
Hard to understand a single speed hunting bike for pulling a trailer, or is that an internal gear hub? Also having trouble following the needed exercise requirement and 20 miles without pedaling and getting another battery comment. Glad you like the bike!
Hard to understand a single speed hunting bike for pulling a trailer. Also having trouble following the needed exercise requirement and 20 miles without pedaling and getting another battery comment. Glad you like the bike!
It’s a three speed Sturmy Archer.

I do pedal. But it could go 20 miles even if I didn’t.

The second battery is more for peace of mind than anything. If I get out on one battery too far and hit the wall, I literally won’t be able to make it back. I’m up to walking about two miles at a time, not bad for a previous hemiparesis victim, but I have to be real careful in this regard.

I used to motorcycle until very recently and found myself putting on many more miles at a time than I anticipated, just enjoying the ride and the scenery.
I haven’t ridden a bicycle in 8 or 9 years. I got the e bike Tuesday evening, rode a couple miles around the neighborhood yesterday, and took it out to hilly back country roads today where I went 5 miles, mostly in PAS2 but also using PAS3 through 5 for the hills. Then I went to a local rails to trails bike path and rode another 6 miles on PAS2.

So 11 miles today total, not using throttle, mostly on PAS2. The battery was still at three bars when I was done.

Not bad at all.
I had already changed the front sprocket from a 34t to a 46t so that my pedaling could keep up with the pedal cadence at road speeds. However, even in the highest gear I’m still not able to keep up.

So I think I’m going to replace the 24t rear cog on the Sturmy Archer 3 speed hub with a 14t.

Anyone have any input on that?
I would go look at a gear ratio calculator. You are going to lose MA dropping down to the 14t and thus harder to pedal and use more battery.

Can I ask what the bargin basement price was? Just curious?
I would go look at a gear ratio calculator. You are going to lose MA dropping down to the 14t and thus harder to pedal and use more battery.
Actually I want to help pedal more. PAS2 is almost low enough that my pedaling contributes to forward motion but PAS1 is way too little assistance and I can hardly keep the bike going for more than a few hundred yards.

It needs a PAS1.5

I used the passcode and reset top speed and the PAS from 1-5 to 1-9

But when I exit that, it reverts to 18mph and PAS1-5.

I don’t know if Rambo has it programmed their controller NOT to permit changing those parameters even with the passcode or what?
Actually I want to help pedal more. PAS2 is almost low enough that my pedaling contributes to forward motion but PAS1 is way too little assistance and I can hardly keep the bike going for more than a few hundred yards.

It needs a PAS1.5

I used the passcode and reset top speed and the PAS from 1-5 to 1-9

But when I exit that, it reverts to 18mph and PAS1-5.

I don’t know if Rambo has it programmed their controller NOT to permit changing those parameters even with the passcode or what?

Congratulations, your Rambo reminds me of the Ebike that Arnold rides around town... 😉

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Interesting observation - I pumped up the Kenda Juggernauts to 25lbs for road use, and went for a ride tonight. Previously they must have been very low when they left the archery shop where I bought it because they wouldn’t even register on two different tire gauges. They didn’t look flat but I’m thinking they must have been in the 6-8lb range. I had a hard time keeping the bike moving more than a couple hundred yards in PAS1.

By increasing pressure to 25 pounds I’m able to ride in PAS1 all the time, and contribute a fair amount towards going forward, long as I keep my speeds low. In PAS2 it’s harder to keep up with the pedals but it’s perfect on hills.

Plus I put extenders on the pedals as my heels were hitting the pedal cranks before. That solved that problem nicely.
yes, I vary my tire pressure depending on where/what I'm riding.

snow/packed trails 2-8lbs
gravel road 20lbs
tar as hard as i can get them.
Agreed... can you identify the make and model of the eBike?
VTUVIA SN100 electric bike.

Not that I would have known but for this thread:
VTUVIA SN100 electric bike.

Not that I would have known but for this thread:

Thanks for the link to the thread... it appears that she is also riding a Vtuvia. 😉

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