How do I know if a rack will fit (Moscow Plus)

Ya it's been out of stock forever, not holding my breath for that one.
In stock at present in Australia . If you email them they should be able to tell you price with shipping cost. I'm in the Uk, they've posted things to me in the past. Came within 2 weeks.
Thanks, but I'd be paying more than double than for similar models locally.

Anyone have thoughts on how to choose a generic rack for the Moscow Plus?

Did you sign up for the in stock reminder on the Leon cycle website? I did that a month ago and received an email about 2 weeks ago and quickly jumped on it. Received the rack a few days after ordering. Plus it comes with a front and rear lights (I decided not to install the front since the brightness is very low). I would wait for the Moscow specific rack, if possible. Unfortunately I can't help you with the generic rack question. Good luck!
I'm on the reminder list. Still waiting, then again I live in the UK, so we're probably last in line.