Help me decide


New Member
Trying to decide between. Frey ccfat
Quiet kat ibex and cryusher nitro. All have bafang 620. But the Frey and the quiet cat. Have 4 piston 203 mm brakes. And 140 mm air forks. The nitro has 180mm 2piston brake but has double clamp oil spring front forks with 165 mm travel.
The thing is I like the travel and think the double clamp has more torsional rigidity
The bike seem pretty similar other wise what do you all think
If you like the Fork get the Cyrusher. I would not buy the QK because its over priced as usual, they are always over priced unless they are running some type of deal!
There is also the Rize RX Dual, crappier components but it does come with a 52v system vs 48v with the others and that is huge imo, its also $1000 cheaper than the others.