You have admitted yourself your LBS is incompetent. The reasons are irrelevant. Yet you continue blaming Specialized.
The fact that you think a guy putting pedals on wrong as an honest mistake irrevocably means "The entire LBS is incompetent" says everything that needs to be said. Stop judging people without any context. You don't know. You would feel like crap if that guy came to work having just been served divorce papers and was a bit distracted. Just stop judging people when you are clueless about any context around them.
They don't sell the IGH models. They sell other electric models and support them. So lets analyze why: I have had 1 IGH non-delivery due to a D2C black hole (for which myself, the LBS and Specialized all play a part) and 3 IGH models delivered with varying problems. All 5.0 IGH como or vado. I have *zero* experience with any other model. So, is the conclusion that Specialized has built a garbage IGH lineup? Again, you have gone straight to judging the LBS instead of considering the possibility that Specialized plays a role in these problems. Why?
The answer is your own bias. You are finding any excuse to blame the LBS to protect your precious belief that specialized can do no wrong.
What's the simplest answer? 1) We know the crank arms were installed wrong. We know they come pre-installed (if you would like to dispute this, call your dealer and ask them on *IGH* models). 2) We know the IGH features were not working or present on the first ride. 3) We know that my current vado and previous vado had those same things working (though still has the low gear display question).
Occam's Razor: Simplest explanation here is the como came out of the box with build issues from the manufacturer. And the dealer failed to catch them before delivering the bike. Assuming the dealer didn't *actively cause* them as evidenced by not breaking two other deliveries in this way. Occam's Razor: specialized built and delivered a broken bike. LBS didn't catch the one issue they could have corrected. Case closed.
tens of thousands of other satisfied customers of specialized and other LBS
Of IGH models? Honestly, not that I have seen. In nearly every reddit/forum post I have followed, 3-6 months later OP: "Bike is in the shop and they can't solve it". Seriously. Reddit is scary. While I agree that the LBS will ultimately be *the* line of defense for these issues, the pattern of this across multiple LBS is distinctly another sign of Specialized not sufficiently skilling up (through required or ease of access training, read: virtual) their network. Again, this is a comment limited purely to *IGH* models. Not Specialized support of other models. I think specialized is used to the LBS leading the effort, and frankly, having the knowledge on site, but belt/IGH has thrown all of that out of whack.
it’s hard for me to see how the majority of the fail here isn’t the LBS
Disagree (I should say potentially disagree). We don't know that Specialized even has trainings around this. And none of that matters if Specialized delivered a broken bike (this is an *IF* for the sake of this comment). There should be someone on this planet that would hear the words "Mastermind doesn't realize it is attached to an IGH bike" and immediately knows the answer. But that person isn't in my LBS (nor is it "reasonable" to expect them to be there, as outlined above). And, they quite possibly aren't accessible to the LBS through specialized support channels (as evidenced by my previous bout with IGH problems). And, Specialized, being the owner of the information necessary to answer that question is also the one responsible for distributing the answer. Now, if it turns out the answer to this is in dealer accessible documentation, then I will start blaming the LBS more actively. Hence the potentially disagree.
If the wiring harness actually fixes it: Specialized delivered a broken bike (there is no "normal" scenario where a simple bike build by the LBS should be effecting the wiring harness). If the wiring harness doesn't fix it: Specialized doesn't have the internal support network to support this model. I don't see how those two statements land in "It's primarily the LBS fault" territory. Nor do I find either of those statements "extreme". Particularly in light of the fact that no one seems to know how IGH models actually work, agree on the correct belt tension, or have any understanding of how the automatic communicates with the mastermind unit.
Again, blaming the LBS with only the information we have is jumping the gun on these specific models. Occam's razor: the simplest answer here is that the crucial piece of knowledge to get things connected is missing. Is there a pairing process that re-connects mastermind to enviolo and Specialized hasn't suggested it? We don't know. The LBS doesn't know. The only one who can possibly be reasonably expected to know does not have a good track record at fixing these things currently.