Well, specialized may be dead to me. They delivered the como and there are two problems. The factory installed the crank arms wrong with the right and left swapped. When I switched pedals (or tried to) I couldn't get the first pedal on. Well, the reason is obvious. I also likely stripped one of the crank arm in the process.
Second, this bike's f2 button does not allow for changing the pedal pace that the vado allows. It's not clear if this is a flaw or something that is removed from the como IGH vs the vado IGH.
Now, my bike, at the very least won't go into the lowest gear (again, this problem happened on the previous vado and is probably just a calibration issue. I hope.).
So, my wife's bike is now in the shop waiting to be fixed. And she is furious. Both these bikes may get returned. My only assumption is specialized is completely incompetent across the board. 4 bikes. 1 order issue. 1 bike that continually had problems. 1 that was delivered (from the factory) with the crank arms installed on the wrong sides. And 1 more that doesn't have enviolo setup correctly. 4 out of 4. Makes my priority current experience look acceptable by comparison.
As of this moment, anyone considering specialized, just don't.