Got Called a "Cheater" by Another Cyclist


Active Member
I ride my Rize RX regularly for exercise on the roads in my area. I usually go out for 18-40 miles rides, and I ride hard for exercise. I only ride in ECO 1, the lowest level of assist. I compete with no one and enjoy every ride like a 6 year old. I make a point to nod, wave, or say hello to every cyclist I pass. On Sunday, passing an acoustic cyclist in opposite directions, I nodded and was greeted with a loud call of "Cheater!" in response. Kinda bothered me, but then I figure what ever the issue's in his mind, because I'm just doing my thing. That is all.
Jealousy comes in many guises! :D

This is the way I do it.

If they're wearing Lycra, I keep my head down and just pass by..... Virtually all of them will look at you with disgust because you're ruining their chance at winning a Strava KOM! ;)

But generally don't worry about it.... You'll probably never see them again! :)
How is it cheating, there are no rules in recreational cycling!
Now if you are riding in the Tour De France, ya I agree you are cheating.
Not if you mark your ride as "E-bike" in Strava.
I'm not bragging but I've been congratulated on my WORLD CLASS RIDING!!!!! :oops::D:p

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Don't dismiss other riders for what they wear. A LOT of ebikers wear lycra, cycling jerseys and cycling specific shoes, mtb shorts.

Most times you get a cheater like comment, people think they are being funny and mean no harm. If an ebiker is making a cyclist feel insecure, that's on them. I've been drafted by gravel grinders and mountain bikers. At rest stops my bike is often the topic of conversation. Great chance to educate others. In my area other cyclists of all stripes are generally friendly and curious. The ones that aren't are the ones not having any fun riding. Who wants to hang around with them anyway🤔
I'm generalizing and these are just my observations, but there are different mindsets.

On the single track trails I have not heard one negative comment and in fact the comments have been friendly.

The negative comments I've ever heard are on tar trails.
I don't know exactly what that means, but in my area it seems the MTB'ers don't care what you ride!
Tar riders, not so much.
I've not had this happen to me yet, but I have my prepared retort in hand..."Oh yeah?...Your mother wears combat boots!":)
I'm not bragging but I've been congratulated on my WORLD CLASS RIDING!!!!! :oops::D:p

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Passive aggressive. Strava sounds like a bad scene. Glad I haven't spent much if any time there.

I have another cyclist I follow on social media who recently posted that he dropped Strava.

"I used to joke that Strava was just Facebook with bikes, but I didn't realize how right that was. Both companies share the same sociopathic DNA, where societal/environmental damage from their predation are just normal business. As @nigelwallis says, they have a lot to answer for."
Wow if that really bothered you, then you may want to walk away from the internet...
You should work on your reading comprehension if that's your takeaway from this anecdote. The entire exchange gave me a laugh, and I shared it, to give others a laugh. You missed the plot.
Passive aggressive. Strava sounds like a bad scene. Glad I haven't spent much if any time there.

I have another cyclist I follow on social media who recently posted that he dropped Strava.

"I used to joke that Strava was just Facebook with bikes, but I didn't realize how right that was. Both companies share the same sociopathic DNA, where societal/environmental damage from their predation are just normal business. As @nigelwallis says, they have a lot to answer for."
Yes I've had a few comments like that over the years. Strava has a lot of Pro/Semi-Professional riders who take ride times and leader boards seriously so its not the most ideal site for ebikers.

tbh I'm not really the biggest fan of Strava but it syncs with everything - phones, garmins, watches etc, and also syncs with the services I do use more often, like Trailforks and Komoot so its quite handy in that sense.
I've heard the same comment a few times, but from trail riders who typically then go right into "What do you think of your bike?" and often "where can I get one?".

One guy a few weeks ago was sitting on a bench resting to which I responded, "just about to pop down the fun downhill route over there...I'll be back in 10". He laughed and said he'd time me. It took me 11 and he was still there. The route I'd just done had a fairly intense uphill on the return, and that's why he was resting still. We had a good laugh.
I once passed a group on the road when one of them yelled "Want to race?" No point in replying as by then I was way ahead of them.
And when ride at the same speed with the assist off, should I call out to them something like "slacker"?

Yesterday I rode with Eco mode full time. First time in 9 months. I had to get to an appointment. I was running between 80-90 cadence and hitting 19-23 mph on a 17mph max assist. I was pretty well worked after 25 miles. More than a 0 assist ride going slower.
I am new to eBiking. Not new to biking but lets just say on my old bike I did 1000 miles in ten years and on my ebike I almost did 1000 miles in two months. My observation so far is most bikers I come across are not that nice. I too wave hello to everyone. But on the road as in life you never know what someone's issues are or the pebble in their shoe. So keep waving hello and keep enjoying your rides. Just my 2 cents.