Girl Talk


Well-Known Member
Petaluma, CA
Does it seem to you like most bike choices are trying way to hard to be butch? Why? Warning: this thread may stray into areas of gender and economic power. Where are the girly/girl bikes? If you have an electric bike that is comfy, lithe and lovely, please talk about it with your experiences. Why are some people seemingly afraid of femininity? How could there be so few options for nice bikes?
Well, I am a male (both biologically and by identity:)) so I hope you don't object to me posting.

My wife was the first in our family to buy an ebike in 2017. She selected the 2017 Blix Aveny. She picked a color they called "Racing Green" rather than the cream color shown in this picture. It immediately became very obvious that the style and design of the Aveny had a strong appeal to women, especially seniors in her age group. I lost count of the number of times we were stopped when we were out riding on the trails, always by women who wanted to take a look at her Blix ebike. Most of them were women in her age group (60's and 70's), but there were also some younger women and girls who seemed to really like it.

My wife has since migrated to riding an e.trike because of health and balance issues, but we still have the Blix Aveny and it is used by guests and family members (of both sexes) when they come to visit. It still seems to get a second look, especially by women and girls.

Incidentally, I think identifying bike colors and styles by gender is declining in general. I ride a Gazelle Arroyo step thru ebike, and have been teased about riding a "girls bike". I just laugh and keep riding. My Gazalle is comfortable, easy to mount and fits my abilities. I also ride the Aveny when I have my Gazelle in the shop and don't mind if I am riding a "girls bike".
I would never ride a "girl's bike". Really enjoying my Gazelle C380 step-thru. No one has mentioned the bike style to me.
Warning: this thread may stray into areas of gender and economic power.

A giant full power bike with preferred pronoun it 🌈


Replaced by a less powerful but more expensive Specialized, seen here parked next to my other daughters bike, Scott.


If you have an electric bike that is comfy, lithe and lovely, please talk about it with your experiences. Why are some people seemingly afraid of femininity? How could there be so few options for nice bikes?

So I'm a little confused, my comfy, lithe and lovely ebike doesn't come in a gender specific version. It does come in LOTS of options - everything from horribly expensive to my partner loves me but now I feel guilty price range. Is that what you mean by aftaid of feminity? Paying too much and facing they who must be obeyed?
Does it seem to you like most bike choices are trying way to hard to be butch? Why? Warning: this thread may stray into areas of gender and economic power. Where are the girly/girl bikes? If you have an electric bike that is comfy, lithe and lovely, please talk about it with your experiences. Why are some people seemingly afraid of femininity? How could there be so few options for nice bikes?
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Nice looking bike. I like the color.
I think identifying bike colors and styles by gender is declining in general.
I think you are right. For the most part companies are going gender neutral. Small and Extra-Small will often be proportioned for people with a longer leg length to torso length ratio. There is a branch of Santa Cruz called Juliana that are all this way. There is also Giant's Liv line. I suspect that the design teams are mostly male for a large share of electric bike companies. And that they are blind to a large potential slice of the market. It seems that many bikes want to look 'Bad Ass," and that they are clunky. I just made this bike today with through frame wiring and nice touch points, a rack and removable basket. Guys in Holland use step throughs all the time. I suspect that a large share of women over 45 would like something feminine more than a generic choice.


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I can't be doing with the bad ass look, too. My mates like very girly bikes because they are step through easy and they tend not to get stolen from outside shops when they've gone in for their beer. They just don't care at all. As long as the bike doesn't get nicked and they can get the beer back. Basically they are just more practical. I can't understand anyone who drives a sports car, a van has got to be best. So some blokes are just interested in what is practical, gender never comes into it. Real men haha
The Giant Momentum Vida comes in a mid-step and a step-through. The black one is really charcoal with metallic flakes like the stars at night with a clear coat. I have found that many ladies are attracted the the step through in teal. It is a modern take of the Dutch riding position. with a highly raked seat tube, long fork and lax head tube. The saddle it twice the width of a road saddle. Those Gazelles are nice electric bikes with a similar geometry, full chain guard, fenders, and factory rack. This is comfortable transportation that can replace a car for most trips around town. Unlike the Dutch most Yanks categorize bikes only as sporting goods, not go to transportation.
. There is a branch of Santa Cruz called Juliana that are all this way. There is also Giant's Liv line. I suspect that the design teams are mostly male for a large share

I suspect it's advertising rather than design. For example, my daughters scott genius came in a " female" version with " contessa" added to the name. It was essentially the same bike but with 27.5 rather than 29 wheels ( it has a flip chip to change the geometry and enable either size). From a design perspective, a 27.5 wheel is STRONGER than 29 , so arguably more suited for extreme mtb riding! I doubt the advertising team are open minded enough to consciously market a more capable female bike!!!!! Unfortunately the advertising dept don't cater to 6 foot tall females

BTW , Liv versions of giant bikes have subtle design changes - shorter stems / narrower bars and occasionally shorter cranks. Liv sponsor female mtb racers , so I suspect they get feedback that way?
When my sister saw my Trek 9.9S Stagger, she asked me why I was riding a girl’s bike. Messed with my head for a minute. 😂 Really, I don’t care what anybody thinks, ‘cause the “men”s 9.9S standover height woulda wracked my balls!
When my sister saw my Trek 9.9S Stagger, she asked me why I was riding a girl’s bike. Messed with my head for a minute. 😂 Really, I don’t care what anybody thinks, ‘cause the “men”s 9.9S standover height woulda wracked my balls!
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I am crazy for those Bontrager grips and that saddle! That saddle is SO comfortable. I put one on one of my personal bikes. That bike came with white tires, brown and round vinyl grips and a brown vinyl saddle. Now it has black gravel tires with the black Bontrager grips and saddle. It is black, white and silver, that's it. Who wants white tires anyway? They may look attractive in the showroom, but after one ride? Great photos everyone.
My next bike (if I buy another) will be a step thru. I have met the crossbar way too much these last couple of years of riding. You tall guys got it made. :)
I am crazy for those Bontrager grips and that saddle! That saddle is SO comfortable. I put one on one of my personal bikes. That bike came with white tires, brown and round vinyl grips and a brown vinyl saddle. Now it has black gravel tires with the black Bontrager grips and saddle. It is black, white and silver, that's it. Who wants white tires anyway? They may look attractive in the showroom, but after one ride? Great photos everyone.
I took that picture for a sale listing, as I’ve replaced that bike. I actually didn’t care for that saddle, and had replaced it with a Brooks, along with a Redshift Shockstop seatpost. Those are going on my wife’s Rad bike before her next ride. 👍 To each their own though. 😊 Heck, my new bike has a similar saddle, and I love it!
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A proper step through is the only frame for me. So many are really clumsy to mount with relatively high bars.
I always mounted that bike by throwing my leg over the seat, as I also found the step-thru to be clumsy. Didn’t have to be concerned by landing on the top tube in a sudden stop though. Did that once when I was a kid, and once was enough. My newest bike does have a high top tube, but it fits me much better, so no worries.
I have been reliably informed that one can pee standing up regardless of whether one rides a bike with a crossbar or one without. And similarly, if one doesn't pee standing up, one can ride either one, too. Me, once my brother started upgrading his bikes, I inherited his hand-me-downs. So I have mostly ridden "boy's" bikes my whole life. The crossbar was good for hanging your leg over as you stood at a stoplight, and for hoisting the bike up to carry it up stairs.

It just so happens that the ebike I liked the best was a step through. There are three reasons why I think stepthrough is better for most riders as we age:

#1, because they are much heavier than acoustics, it is clumsier to get going and swing your leg over. The weight changes the ease of the maneuver.

#2, as we age, we are less agile and we can't swing our legs with the same ease and elan as when we were young.

And #3, we tend to ride faster than when on an acoustic, and that combined with that greater weight (plus probably our own greater weight!), when we brake, we are going against a stronger momentum. Thus the chance of an unfortunate encounter with a crossbar is higher.

If you are talking style, well, neither the swooping lines of cruisers nor the Terminator pretensions of mountain bikes appeals to me. But to each their own. I tried both the Giants and the Livs, and couldn't find any real difference to them, but I am 5'7" and seem to have longish legs, so perhaps the "shrink it and pink it" thing just doesn't make any difference to my ride experience.

But I sure would like it if ebikes came in a greater variety of colors. Most come in asphalt or blacktop, both of which seem to tempt fate.
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#1, because they are much heavier than acoustics, it is clumsier to get going and swing your leg over. The weight changes the ease of the maneuver.
I am not yet feeble, but was caught by surprise (almost embarrassingly bad) the first time I leaned the bike over to swing my leg over a "boy's bike" at my LBS.
When my sister saw my Trek 9.9S Stagger, she asked me why I was riding a girl’s bike. Messed with my head for a minute. 😂 Really, I don’t care what anybody thinks, ‘cause the “men”s 9.9S standover height woulda wracked my balls!
To me, that isn't a step through. I'd really struggle and have to mount as if it were a top tube frame and have to swing my leg, with much difficulty, over the seat.
To me, that isn't a step through. I'd really struggle and have to mount as if it were a top tube frame and have to swing my leg, with much difficulty, over the seat.
Not a step through…….I totally agree. Not once did I try, as I think that would have been much more difficult than tossing my leg over the seat. Thankfully, the ol’ hips are still good, and the right leg is still flexible enough (very much unlike the left 😂)!
Bike i purchased very recently my first e bike is a step through , old non e bike was so called male bike with long bar across
and i was thinking when i ever get another bike in time then it shall be with no bar along
and not caring if its feminine without bar along , but id not buy feminien coloured bike and so went for one matt black
and in fact on site sais unisex , anyhow its better without bar along i reckon , much easier and in a way being also safer
ye ave nearly before messed up big time 😊

Seriously step through is way ive went and happy i did , only one thing i dont like about e bike i got
was doesnt take my 2 x almost like new Ortlieb pannier bags :(
apart from that very happy after trying it recent for my very first time just around block as is so much a smoother ride
and more enjoyable via the kick in the battery power gives out :)