I have been reliably informed that one can pee standing up regardless of whether one rides a bike with a crossbar or one without. And similarly, if one doesn't pee standing up, one can ride either one, too. Me, once my brother started upgrading his bikes, I inherited his hand-me-downs. So I have mostly ridden "boy's" bikes my whole life. The crossbar was good for hanging your leg over as you stood at a stoplight, and for hoisting the bike up to carry it up stairs.
It just so happens that the ebike I liked the best was a step through. There are three reasons why I think stepthrough is better for most riders as we age:
#1, because they are much heavier than acoustics, it is clumsier to get going and swing your leg over. The weight changes the ease of the maneuver.
#2, as we age, we are less agile and we can't swing our legs with the same ease and elan as when we were young.
And #3, we tend to ride faster than when on an acoustic, and that combined with that greater weight (plus probably our own greater weight!), when we brake, we are going against a stronger momentum. Thus the chance of an unfortunate encounter with a crossbar is higher.
If you are talking style, well, neither the swooping lines of cruisers nor the Terminator pretensions of mountain bikes appeals to me. But to each their own. I tried both the Giants and the Livs, and couldn't find any real difference to them, but I am 5'7" and seem to have longish legs, so perhaps the "shrink it and pink it" thing just doesn't make any difference to my ride experience.
But I sure would like it if ebikes came in a greater variety of colors. Most come in asphalt or blacktop, both of which seem to tempt fate.