I am hoping this was a quality issue at the factory, it was the first time I took this bike on a green level trail, the other times is just on the street. I'm trying to get an opinion from a welder. Maybe the metal got to hot, maybe their is too much play in the tube on this particular model. So far the frame builder argument is I had my seat post to high which isn't the case cause I have a short inseam then they implied I must have crashed it which wasn't the case either. Just trying to blame it on me.
Leili is trying to make it right by offering me a frame for free, but I have to pay for shipping. I am hoping I can gather more evidence so Leili can present that to the frame builders. It will be nice if the welder can work some magic and fix/improve the design. I had a couple ideas on how to that. Might just become an expensive parts bike...