First accident

Wow... what a coincidence.

Riding down a paved trail yesterday and totaled myself and the bike. My friend said it was a rabbit that darted out and I tried to avoid it but I have no recollection of what happened just sitting up in a cement ditch with a bunch of injuries.

Helmet saved my life... or my brain. It has a big crease in it just above the temple which I assume was the edge of the cement ditch. Paramedics took me to the hospital, got a CAT scan and results were normal (well... normal as can be :) ) and they even took x-rays of my chest/ribs because I think I bruised my ribs.

Left arm is scraped down to the under flesh so wearing one of those silicon bandages... tons of scrapes and cuts everywhere else and have a real achy back along with the ribs. I have no idea if I flipped over the handlebars or what, just my friend saying he saw my bike fly in the air (which for a heavy ebike is bad) and then I was lying face down in the ditch.

Gloves really helped, I have a few abrasions on my hands but the gloves look way worse. I'm surprised I didn't break any bones although the top of left foot/toes are really bruised and by the looks of my left shoe (which also flew off) it looks like I dragged it on the ground as the top of the shoe has a giant hole in it.

Although everything hurts, I think I'm lucky considering... just wish I remembered what went on.
jeez, hope all you guys heal fast and glad no one seems seriously hurt

this is super scary, researching full face helmets now
they all seem heavy and expensive...

everyone be safe!
Oh Wow,
You guys are not making me want to get back on that horse again anytime soon! lolol I'm so sorry! I feel your pain. Although sounds like you took it worse than me. Your bike is totalled too? So glad you had your helmet on. I finally was able to take my bandage off my arm and let it be open to air. Still got a big ole lump above my eye. Thigh is all bruised. I don't feel like doing alot. Slowing inching back to life though. I'm thinking of getting full finger gloves too. I had half ones on which I was grateful for. I only cut one finger. Making me rethink my gear that's for sure. Hang in there. I think pillows come in value packs!
@Travelbugblues, so sorry to hear about your accident! Get on well!

These damn dogs... I was lucky enough to not to ride over two of them (unleashed) recently. Yet I had an ugly accident (not that bad as yours though) in my first e-biking days, about a year ago. I tried to overtake a quite fast cyclist on a bike path. To do that, I had to ride onto the "sidewalk" part of the multi-use-path. There was a little curb (onto which I should ride more perpendicularly as you should). It was a bad fall at some 19 mph. The bike fell together with me and was sliding down the sidewalk to the standstill. When I opened my eyes, I could see a concrete post just few inches in front of my forehead. It was the single situation I wore no helmet! A wound in the forearm was quickly bandaged at local health centre, and taken better care of at a hospital on the next day.

More and more I ride, the more I'm concerned with the ride safety. However stupid I may look like, I now wear a full face, MIPS helmet on my rides (Bell Air-R):
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The helmet is pretty lightweight as for a full-face one. The long visor is for controlling the ventilation but also protects your eyebrows. (In the wintertime, I wear a snowboarding helmet).

I started using the full-face helmet after I learned about my brother's accident. He was riding e-bike and made a mistake on cornering. The worst hit he got was the one in the chin (it could end up far worse). After I heard about it, I re-attached the chin protector to the helmet...

What are you wearing on your back?
Yes, I should have been more perpendicular. The Como has bigger tires but still wasn't enough to handle the change. I have to say it has sort of scared me some. I know when my helmet comes I'll get back out again, but my mood is a little dampened about the whole thing.
Hang in there bugblues! Stay tough.🦅
Take a
Oh Wow,
You guys are not making me want to get back on that horse again anytime soon! lolol I'm so sorry! I feel your pain. Although sounds like you took it worse than me. Your bike is totalled too? So glad you had your helmet on. I finally was able to take my bandage off my arm and let it be open to air. Still got a big ole lump above my eye. Thigh is all bruised. I don't feel like doing alot. Slowing inching back to life though. I'm thinking of getting full finger gloves too. I had half ones on which I was grateful for. I only cut one finger. Making me rethink my gear that's for sure. Hang in there. I think pillows come in value packs!

Don't let it stop you from getting back on the bike. ;)

Take a look at G Force for some innovative protective gear... gloves, knee, and elbow pads.

They have developed a line of soft, comfortable, and flexible pads that harden on impact.

I still have my Kevlar long johns from my motorcycle days. They’re specifically intended to be worn under regular pants and shirt to prevent road rash in a motorcycle accident.

Based on this thread, I think I’ll pull them out for fall/winter/spring use. I’ve had multiple strokes and take two blood thinners so road rash wouldn’t be a good idea in my case.

They would be way too hot for e biking during the summer though.

I also have some Kevlar lined motorcycle blue jeans for the same purpose which would serve nicely too.
Wow... what a coincidence.

Riding down a paved trail yesterday and totaled myself and the bike. My friend said it was a rabbit that darted out and I tried to avoid it but I have no recollection of what happened just sitting up in a cement ditch with a bunch of injuries.

Helmet saved my life... or my brain. It has a big crease in it just above the temple which I assume was the edge of the cement ditch. Paramedics took me to the hospital, got a CAT scan and results were normal (well... normal as can be :) ) and they even took x-rays of my chest/ribs because I think I bruised my ribs.

Left arm is scraped down to the under flesh so wearing one of those silicon bandages... tons of scrapes and cuts everywhere else and have a real achy back along with the ribs. I have no idea if I flipped over the handlebars or what, just my friend saying he saw my bike fly in the air (which for a heavy ebike is bad) and then I was lying face down in the ditch.

Gloves really helped, I have a few abrasions on my hands but the gloves look way worse. I'm surprised I didn't break any bones although the top of left foot/toes are really bruised and by the looks of my left shoe (which also flew off) it looks like I dragged it on the ground as the top of the shoe has a giant hole in it.

Although everything hurts, I think I'm lucky considering... just wish I remembered what went on.

Omg Big N!

Were you on your Sport? How fast? Bike path, offroad?
The last thing I need to do is endo on my Ebike.
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Sorry to hear about your accident Amy, unfortunately they do occur especially when we’re not expecting them. Do wear some type of protection especially for your head. Don’t drive fast until you’ve gained confidence and most of all, respect the power of your bike, it is not a toy. Good luck, have fun and don’t let an accident keep you down. When coMing from a lower level to a higher level as you were in is to slow down and take it at an angle, less than A 90 degree.
I am no expert on falling, but I did read advice on this forum from a mountain biker who said try to tuck into the bike so the bike more than your body absorbs the impact. Keep hands on handle bars. I have not had to use that advice yet. Hope you all heal quickly.
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I am no expert on falling, but I did read advice on this forum from a mountain biker who said try to tuck into the bike so the bike more than your body absorbs the impact. Keep hands on handle bars. I have not had to use that advice yet. Hope you all heal quickly.
My sons raced MTBs in high school and college. They were coached for years to 'stay in the cockpit' and let the bike take the hit. There were crashes every race. Those that followed the advice raced on. Some of the others went to the EMTs for care.

I was just a dad at the practices, but I got the message. When you go down, and you will, don't let go of the handle bars. Use clipless pedals and under no circumstances should you unclip in a fall. Keep your knees in tight and roll your shoulders. It worked for my sons, and when I remember, it works for me. I've cracked 3 helmets in the last 5 years, but rode away from each one. YRMV.
My sons raced MTBs in high school and college. They were coached for years to 'stay in the cockpit' and let the bike take the hit. There were crashes every race. Those that followed the advice raced on. Some of the others went to the EMTs for care.

I was just a dad at the practices, but I got the message. When you go down, and you will, don't let go of the handle bars. Use clipless pedals and under no circumstances should you unclip in a fall. Keep your knees in tight and roll your shoulders. It worked for my sons, and when I remember, it works for me. I've cracked 3 helmets in the last 5 years, but rode away from each one. YRMV.

It sounds like you guys ride like I used to ride motocross hare scrambles and balls to the wall-those days are long behind me. I do not want to crash ever again. I am wearing shorts and listening to The Band. A crash would be horrible...
Glad your'e overall okay. Falling stinks. I wreaked my ebike awhile back (thread on here somewhere) then I wreaked my motor scooter-with the wife on the back! I wear a helmet now on the ebike and no longer ride the wife on the motor scooter. Protective clothing in the cooler weather. I have a Corazzo armored hoody. Has elbow pads, shoulder pads and the optional back protector. Has zip-open vents for when you get hot and I put a thin liner in when it gets chilly. Wear Mechanix gloves sometimes.
Omg Big N!

Were you on your Sport? How fast? Bike path, offroad?
The last thing I need to do is endo on my Ebike.

Yeah. Downhill paved path, Sport was off (as I tend to try to ride it no power)... just lost control after I hit the wascally wabbit. Went flying into a cement drainage ditch from what my friend told me... lucky to be in one piece although I have numerous injuries.


MIPS Giro helmet saved my brain.
Hey Everyone,
Well, haven't had my Como long and experienced my first bad accident. Bike is okay. A guy on the path with dog on a leash was coming towards me. Dog was wild. Moved over to give some extra room. Got onto the grass a little and when coming back to the sidewalk my tire got caught between grass and sidewalk. I needed to come at it more perpendicularly. Had to take an ambulance ride for a head injury. Had a helmet on but ended up wacking head in some way above the eye. My vision is still impaired. Concussion. Bloody arm with road rash, huge bruise from him through the thigh. I'm okay. No more sense than before the accident I'm sure. The bike has some scrapes, but I took the brunt of the impact.

Very sorry to hear about your accident. I have had a spill or two in my time but none as bad as yours - never needed an ambulance. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that you contact your ophthalmologist if you encounter anything weird with your vision such as losing vision in part of your eye. Do it right away anytime of day - don't wait. Get to an emergency department if you have to but don't wait. They can often repair the detachment before it gets too bad.

I had a full retinal detachment 2 years ago and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I hope you heal quickly and get back on the bike. Keep pedaling as it will help keep you young.
Stephan does your neck get tired on long rides wearing a full face helmet?
Not at all. Bear in mind the Bell Super Air R Mips Spherical (that's the full name of it) is a lightweight helmet. Interestingly, you can remove the chain-protector with just two clicks (but then what's the point of having that helmet in the first place?) Ridden without the chin-protector, the helmet makes the wind howl in your ears! With the chin-protector, your ears and temples are protected, too, and no noise. Visor down: Use on colder days, your head not cooled; visor up, you get a lot of cooling on hot days. Interesting helmet.

I also own Abus Pedelec+ one. Good, even more lightweight one, rain protector (hidden in a compartment at the helmet's back) plus tail-light activated by a hand-press. Saved my head once, the hit was in the side of my head -- I was applying the "stay in the cockpit" routine described by Sierratim. Yet no chain protection.
Yeah. Downhill paved path, Sport was off (as I tend to try to ride it no power)... just lost control after I hit the wascally wabbit. Went flying into a cement drainage ditch from what my friend told me... lucky to be in one piece although I have numerous injuries.

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MIPS Giro helmet saved my brain.

Oh my, hope you heal up soon. How did Sport fare?
Alarming to read about your crash. Your writing is coherent so it appears cognitive ability has not taken a hit. At your tender age healing should go quickly ;) Sending good thoughts for full resolution of your vision without further medical intervention.

Bell also makes some nice convertible full face, MIPS helmets with a removable chin bar which can be worn or not.

Also Fox, Troy Lee and Dakine, make convenient arm and leg protection sleeves with abrasion resistant fabric and padding in strategic locations. This stuff is made for mountain biking and can be found at stores that specialize in that.

Heal quickly and get back on the road soon.