Equalizer electric fat bike - definitely not a recommended purchase!

I personally think the ONLY saving grace this bike possesses is a higher capacity battery. Not worth anything near the asking price of bike OR replacement battery.

As for comparisons, based on the market and current available options spec wise, this is a MAX $1800 ebike. I give it's cost a few extra $$$ due to more mah in the battery capacity.

And @Joe Remi does have a point. All the "reviews" and "opinions" found anywhere on the net all have the same terminology, and almost identical grammar. Sounds fishy to me,...

TBH I've found quite a few similar spec'd or better spec'd bikes on Amazon, and with real user reviews. I'd avoid this bike/company like the plague.
There seem to be several good e-fatbikes avialable for way less than that. Rad rover and Biktrix are known vendors of a reasonably priced products with good specs
I didn't waste my time clicking on any links but you've effectively taken a bike thats overpriced and basically advertised for it by starting a thread over here. Case in point 5 min ago I didn't know any of the things you wrote about existed. Lets not spread a cold, right?
I asked questions of individuals more knowledgeable than myself. If information is illness than so be it. I just beat someone else to the punch. So is life,...

And, as stated, hopefully Court will get to review this thing and give us his professional opinion. I hope he gets well quickly afterwards. ;)
I didn't waste my time clicking on any links but you've effectively taken a bike thats overpriced and basically advertised for it by starting a thread over here. Case in point 5 min ago I didn't know any of the things you wrote about existed. Lets not spread a cold, right?

I don't think discussing a scam is advertising. I don't give a flip if thousands more people know about that stupid bike as long as they know there's something fishy about it. If they still want to dump $3600 on one, more power to them.
Anyone who buys an internet ebike, including Amazon, deserves what they get.

Unless you can get your hands on the bike or a similar bike from the same company before you buy, you have no idea what you're getting.

People should spend more time riding bikes and less time on their keyboards.
I would gladly take a ride,... But work and weather aren't cooperating. ;)

Eh, in the era of smartphones that's kind of a moot issue. I've tweeted and sent comments to forums from rest stops on bike rides. You can do both!
I do the same. I'm never without my cell phone - it's a required device. And that's on-the-clock at work, or on my personal time.
During the summer I ride about the same. I miss riding my bike right now,... :(