Does an automatic transmission on a bike really make sense or really add tangible value? I know we've all grown lazy with automatic transmission cars (I've never owned one and I'm 58 - I just feel like I'm a better judge of shifting than an automatic) but now we are being marketed that a bike should shift itself. Wow.
If automatic transmissions decrease the time I spend on maintenance, it will 100% add tangible value for me. Buttons fail, cables stretch, replacing a coin cell once a year sounds great to me.
Even if you don't use the Automatic feature, the Harmony uses an electric twist control, so it's trivially easy to turn. This was a factor in choosing this system for my wife, who suffers from weak thumbs/hands.

Added: And I just read in the manual that while the cable-driven one only lets you shift a limited amount while stopped, the electric one lets you shift as far as you want. Now, the hub still won't change all the way right away, but as you start pedaling it'll complete the big shift change.
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Does an automatic transmission on a bike really make sense or really add tangible value? I know we've all grown lazy with automatic transmission cars (I've never owned one and I'm 58 - I just feel like I'm a better judge of shifting than an automatic) but now we are being marketed that a bike should shift itself. Wow.
Yeah, your point is hyper-subjective, and is of very little if any substance, because I'm sure you could make this same argument about all sorts of unrelated luxuries in your own personal life.

You can make these types of arguments regressively, until we're all back wearing animal skins, holding a club, and dragging our women around by their hair, because how many things in life do we REALLY need to survive? Very little... I'm willing to bet that at least 98% of everything humans have and do are for reasons of luxury and NOT of necessity.

There's nothing strange or unique about this, it's just part of the standard advancement of technology. Why have A/C in your car. Why have windshields? Why not go back to the cars before these technological advancements? Why not go back to solid rubber tires, and back to vehicles with no suspension? Why not get rid of the automobile completely and go back to horse and buggy? And while we're at it we can get rid of lighters and go back to knocking rocks together, or rubbing sticks together?
Some of the new CVTs by Enviolo support higher torque and wattage ratings, which I personally see as being more important than automatic shifting. The Enviolo SP supports 120NM/500W. This is a notable improvement over the Enviolo TR that has 75NM/250W. The latter product is fine if you're lean and fit, but can seem a little sluggish for a heavier rider. I rode the Nuvinci N380 for a while 2 years ago and found that it had somewhat of a delayed response for my 200 pounds. Apart from that I enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to trying the Enviolo SP if an opportunity presents itself.

We have some Enviolo SPs and it looks to be a heavy-duty hub. While the gear ratio remains unchanged, the internal parts are strengthened to handle the extra load.
Their "Automatiq" shifting mechanism was introduced back in 2014 and it had some issues but they re-introduced the Automatiq system in 2019 with a better controller interface and electronics. We were told that it can make use of the gear range better than a human input. Most riders tend to shift in the middle of a climb and this situation is not ideal for the shifting mechanism. In the case of Automatiq, the servo motor does the work and it will complete the shift in a more clinical way because there are no cables to stretch and no back and forth movement of the grip shifter and as a result, the variation in cadence should be minimal for the rider. I am looking forward to testing them more comprehensively.

Back in 2018, they introduced something called Enviolo 380X, which was the beefier version of the N380 but later, it was retracted and again re-introduced as Enviolo Sportive.



We have some Enviolo SPs and it looks to be a heavy-duty hub. While the gear ratio remains unchanged, the internal parts are strengthened to handle the extra load.
Their "Automatiq" shifting mechanism was introduced back in 2014 and it had some issues but they re-introduced the Automatiq system in 2019 with a better controller interface and electronics. We were told that it can make use of the gear range better than a human input. Most riders tend to shift in the middle of a climb and this situation is not ideal for the shifting mechanism. In the case of Automatiq, the servo motor does the work and it will complete the shift in a more clinical way because there are no cables to stretch and no back and forth movement of the grip shifter and as a result, the variation in cadence should be minimal for the rider. I am looking forward to testing them more comprehensively.

Back in 2018, they introduced something called Enviolo 380X, which was the beefier version of the N380 but later, it was retracted and again re-introduced as Enviolo Sportive.

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You're also testing Enviolo Trekking(TR). Which one is that? And how is it different from Enviolo SP?