I already stated I am in the Insurance Business . They don't separately insure E-Bike -Just like they don't separately insure golf clubs or lawn mowers or anything else not considered structural in your home . It has nothing to do with the motor . Think for a minute as a homeowner how many things around your home have motors . Garbage disposals. Dishwasher , refrig, TV , Radio etc etc tec . These things are taken care of under assets in the home owners policy . Under a separate clause . After whatever deductible you have . If someone steals your E-bike whether at home or away . It is paid for under your Homeowners policy minus your deductible . Which could be $100-$1000 . Depending on what you chose .Actually, when researching this, and talking with my insurance carrier they do not insure E-bikes for the simple reason that it has a motor. I would suggest, that if you check with your carrier, on home insurance, they do not cover E-bikes either for the same reason. My carrier is USAA for homeowners. In short - no motor, they cover. Has a motor, look elsewhere.
while there are likely companies that sell a policy for E-bikes . The fine print would reveal they do not pay in addition to Home Owners but After . Hardly worth buying . I've done this for 40 years and know what I am speaking about . Thank you
There's always a Gimmick company that will tell you they have insurance. These policies normally only cover what regular insurance didn't . You can't profit .
You should see a schedule page on your policy that shows how many assets in $$$$ you are covered up to. It should read something like : Replace cost contents .
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