Just to clarify my own position/experience regarding "fatties" maybe -
I have NO issues with a fat tire (4"+) when used in the dirt, or anywhere but pavement really (go fo it!). It's the grip of a 4" street tread tire on pavement that causes the issues. That, combined with the difference in rolling resistance when comparing a fat pavement tire to one, say in the 2"-3" widths, now often referred to as "plus" sizes. I purposely compared them first hand with an open mind - a mind that's always on the search for something that works better. MY opinion is that the fatties work well in the dirt. On pavement the fat "knobby" tires work good too - but they have a tendency toward noisy (roar!), and quick wear. To rid yourself of the noise, you go to a street tread - which is where you start picking up the self steering issues, with varying degrees of bad depending on the pressure you're running. Fatties w/street tread WILL work OK at higher air pressures, but at that point you've lost the advantage most ae looking for in the way they ride. Fom a ride standpoint, at higher pessures (whatever max psi is for your fat tire) you might just as well have 2" tires. The compromise that seems to work well on ALL surfaces (but clearly not BEST) is the 2.4-2.8 "plus" sizes - in 27.5 tires anyway. 29'ers may be a different case. I'm too old to mess with them, they make the bike too tall! FWIW, -Al