I can't speak to what is happening in local jurisdictions around the country. After spending a year in meetings and public forums, talking to regulators on the phone and writing letters to representatives, it's my experience government is getting up to speed on what ebikes are and what is legal fast. That includes law enforcement. Whether a particular officer will want to strictly enforce regulations, could be another matter.
We set up a test ride with local authorities and they turned out in large numbers. We just wanted to gain access to local trails, they were there to learn. I was surprised just how much many of them learned on there own. It went very well and they had a blast riding our bikes. Ebikes can put a smile on most people. Everyone wants to see public spaces utilized.
The best defense is to ride a legal bike, next best is to ride rationally and safely. I wouldn't count on regulators and enforcers to be ignorant of ebikes. We are mostly rural and they knew more than I expected. The one thing that angered them the most was people ignoring local regulations. To a few, they thought the easiest thing to to was ban them all. We were fortunate that cooler heads prevailed and we won access.