Cross Current

I received my battery over the weekend and after removing the water basket, rode it into the office this morning on Sport mode the whole way. The 17.4 aH battery fits well, I can wiggle it myself, but I didn't have any problem riding it over bumps and did not notice any rattling at all so I'd say it's great.
Tora, how would I go about getting one of the Cycle Analyst for Juiced cables? And if I'm going to buy a Cycle Analyst, which should I get, the v2 or v3? From what i've read before, it looks like the v2?

haha Sport mode the whole way is the only way! Glad this one works better. We are dialing it in and making sure all series productions can fit.

For the CA you need to get the CA-DPS with the external speed pickup. You also need the shunt and a bit of wiring. Let us know if you have any issues getting it installed.
I've had my CC close to a year now and had no idea that the up shifting can be done my pushing and pulling the shifter. Learn something new everyday.
Any thoughts on how well this bike rides on hard packed trails? While I mostly stick to pavement, I do tend to go on the hard packed trails when I go to state parks and such.
Any thoughts on how well this bike rides on hard packed trails? While I mostly stick to pavement, I do tend to go on the hard packed trails when I go to state parks and such.

Works fine on hard packed trails, I would just switch out the tires to ones that are a little bit more knobby.
Here's a picture of the bike with the 17.4aH battery installed. For comparison, the post before this shows the 10.4aH battery.

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

hey dunbar how many inches of space left in the triangle corner with the 17.4ah battery, i'm trying to find a triangle frame bag before my 21ah gets here.
Bafang and 8Fun is the same company. "8" in Chinese is pronounced "Ba". "Fang" is like direction. "Fang" sounds a little like "fun" so they went with "8FUN" for a while. Now they are running with BAFANG. I will ask the boss Mr. Yu whats with the change.
hey dunbar how many inches of space left in the triangle corner with the 17.4ah battery, i'm trying to find a triangle frame bag before my 21ah gets here.

I'm not sure how they measure triangle bags. I measure about 9" across the top tube, 8" on the seat tube and about 6.5" tall should fit (I have a medium frame.)
Has anyone ridden the crosscurrent in the rain? I want to know how it does with water. I know water is an issue for any electric bike but with the cutoff issue with some of the battery packs depending on the version, I was wondering how it would do in the rain or if there might be any other issues with the battery pack. I'm thinking about getting a 21 amp battery with the crosscurrent as my daily driver.