That's a good point,but,if local trails would simply post [ebicycles are allowed speed limit 15] it would solve some confusion issues.The debate of e-bikes being restricted has been going on forever. I have one simple question....
Has any e-biker reading this post ever been stopped or restricted by law enforcement
while riding safely and at an appropriate speed on a trail marked 'No motor vehicles' etc?
I'm not talking about "I have a friend who knows someone who said they saw someone that......".
I'm talking about you ! Have you ever been stopped ?
I can wait...
My guess is, in the real world this subject is almost irrelevant, but makes for great blog posts.
I have a feeling the advice we were given was confusing information.
As I posted ,the rep. at the parks department emailed and was very welcoming and supportive of electric bikes, in fact we tried the trail and saw two separate ebicycles using the trail.
My post was just so other people in the future would not have trouble.
This was a very nice trail,and they are still adding to it.
Personally, we have not yet been contacted by a police or representative officer on any trail,we like most are just out to enjoy the USA.