Class 3 Bikes: What Do Manufacturers Know That We Don't Know?

i find it interesting there is little to no concern or thought to lives that can clearly be saved by investing in the appropriate infrastructure. Any talk of the consequences of poor design, deaths aka body count, is wiped away as hyperbolic.

If loss of human life doesn't spur some to action or convey the severity, what will? What we should probably do is tell us americans we are taking away their bikes, then maybe we will get all kinds of support? Maybe we should say main stream media wants to take away all our bikes?

Infrastructure is a battle cycling advocates have been fighting since before ebikes even existed as a thought in someones head. Discussing ebike-specific stuff doesn't mean people don't care about general advocacy, its just a big issue to tackle. Living in NoVA I've seen bike infrastructure gain a lot of ground since I started bike commuting in ~2005, but it still has a ways to go. As rawlus noted above, its a very local issue. You fight and win small battles, and then build on that to grow ridership and take on bigger battles.

Anyone who cares about it and wants to contribute needs to find their local group and get involved.
tough guy is made of sugar lol. I'll repeat again, just because you can't imagine something, doesn't mean it isn't needed. You couldn't have proven my point any harder if you tried.

Back to the topic at hand, other than proving you're compensating, anything else to add?
Infrastructure is a battle cycling advocates have been fighting since before ebikes even existed as a thought in someones head.
agreed and it benefits both - ebikes/non-ebikes/pedestrians. Its a big issue and it just needs to be positioned more than just bike infrastructure, its more about modernizing we move as people, with technology going where it is, we aren't going to be driving flying cars for the next 10-20 years and even if we do, there probably isn't going to be a one size fits all approach. So its sound investment. Lastly, its good for the human species as we race to save our livelihood against the pollution we have created.

Talk of electric trucks, Semi's etc etc, still isn't going to move the needle on saving our species in the time we need. That's why I don't think its a local issue, infrastructure - trains, busses, bike lanes, there is plenty to address to make moving around this country safer for everyone.

less cars on the road, means less opportunities for accidents and loss of life - the costs of reducing that, benefits us all.
Flying cars aren't going to happen in what is remaining of my lifetime. Pre-Covid, I thought that self-driving electric taxi services were the future around metro areas and perhaps the surrounding suburbs. That effort seems to have died off due to less demand and the safety/danger of autonomous driving systems. Now it seems that closing offices and working remotely is the future for many companies.
tough guy is made of sugar lol. I'll repeat again, just because you can't imagine something, doesn't mean it isn't needed. You couldn't have proven my point any harder if you tried.

Back to the topic at hand, other than proving you're compensating, anything else to add?
So because I have done well financially and enjoy nice things I’m compensating? Lol, sounds like someone is jealous. Typical democratic/ liberal response is expecting everything done for free and that everyone be the same and follow suit and give up what they have to bring them down to your level. Complaining the gov’t isn’t doing more for you poor cyclists that commute on a bike out of pure care for Mother Earth is laughable . You really have taken the bait. In the end, unless 2 countries (India and China ) are completely wiped away,what we do environmentally is like pissing in the ocean, it’s a moot point. If you care so much then get off your a$$ and do something. Donate money and time to get the land leased or purchased, heavy machinery in to clear the earth and prep for ashphalt, the crews in to control traffic and reroute as you build etc. Or are you too busy with your 8-5, Monday-Friday schedule and cleaning your cubicle sized apartment so you and your hipster buddies can get together and compare the sweet finds you got at a local thrift shop
Flying cars aren't going to happen in what is remaining of my lifetime. Pre-Covid, I thought that self-driving electric taxi services were the future around metro areas and perhaps the surrounding suburbs. That effort seems to have died off due to less demand and the safety/danger of autonomous driving systems. Now it seems that closing offices and working remotely is the future for many companies.
agreed, I think part of the issue starts with planning and strop prioritizing automobiles in urban and suburban environments. Pedestrians and mobility should be prioritized, incorporating public transportation and other methods that are more efficient and create safer environments.