Chili Verde

I don't think I know why IPAs got "loud" ... I know it was developed for Englishmen stationed in India during the time of Windjammers, but why IPA brewers got into a race to make the most headshakingly bitter brews is a mystery to me.
" cording" to my opiniation'( with "GIGO" thrown in of course) it actually worked the other way in some instances it was brewed in India with all kinds of strange things and a lot of alcohol to survive the trek back to the Isles.
My Daughter used to date a rather strange fellow who worked at the "Starr Brewery"( forgot the location) He would send a carton of various "IPAs" from time to time, some were rather drinkable, some were worthy of 'curb detail".
Seems like some Folks like the Heady brews( I have heard rumors some People can actually consume the"bitter as aspirin" Yankee brews- you know what they say,"different strokes.,") make mine smooth German Lager or even the German sponsored Mexican Lagers. One thing that amazes me these days is I cannot gag down different beers I used to guzzle with abandon in my Younger days( anybody like "Bock"?")
A small % of the population drinks beer during half-time. I read about it once. Not sure of the stats and have no proof.
Sam Adams had a special "xxx" beer of around 36 proof from time to time as they say"the proof is in the pudding"
It was -15 C here this morning( helped in part with the Albedo of the snow, no doubt) so I will just stay around the fire till "Old Sol" does His thing, at least its clear and calm. I do not ride in lousy weather, planning on doing a bit more after the weather is better.
No doubt the good Folks here know this, clean the guts out of your Chili's for milder flavor, as far as flavor a good Habenaro is hard to beat, the Chinese have this slender little Chili they like to liven things up with, don't know the name I try to avoid them, as a young lad I had the misfortune of chomping down on a funny looking short ,squat little innocent lookin pepper, upon reflection I believe that was my first introduction into the pleasures of the Habanero. I will never intentionally mess with a "Reaper". after I used the little boys room and rubbed my eyes after handling the "Habenaro' I could understand why "Pepper spray" will slow down attackers or aggressive critters. Has anybody spiced up their 'Chili with pepper spray? Seems like a waste to use it only on miscreants.
One other thing, what is the best non-agonizing"Hot sauce"? I like Franks or Tabasco, (mild, just warm enough)
Now Chili Verdi has transitioned. Now it is all about things that are cool and green. Problems and finding solutions. Using an electric bike instead of a car is one solution in the right direction.
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I believe the drought is affecting chili pepper production
I drove through Hatch ( self proclaimed chilli capital of the USA ) on my way to Phoenix.
Already so dry it made my skin itch, with road signs warning of zero visibility dust storms. Peppers are really tough plants, I guess.
Read an interesting article in the NYT today about bar shampoo (like bar soap) - supposedly one bar is the equivalent of three (plastic) bottles. They're also purported to be free of many of the chemicals that cause damage to hair. Here's an example of one brand/type sold on evil Amazon - I'm going to try some 😁.

I wonder if they have any with essence of chili pepper - would really spice up the scalp 🤯!
Now Chili Verdi has transitioned. Now it is all about things that are cool and green. Problems and finding solutions. Using an electric bike instead of a car is one solution in the right direction.
A few years ago climate change was still up for debate in the eyes of people who had something to gain by keeping the argument going for just a little longer, long enough for them to sell and get out of Dodge.

Lots of beach houses and island resorts are still to be sold (or traded for mountain top getaways, maybe ?).

Remember the condo that collapsed in Florida recently ?
Now soak that sandy soil when the storm surge hits a few times and that ocean view isn't going to worth much.
Okay, so we are veering slowly back on track...

Option to consider: We'll keep this dialogue here for the moment, but be prepare to bolt if we have the same problems we had before, or if we wind up making too much work for the mods.

Patricia, if you can keep that WeMe group open for a while, that would be outstanding. I have a feeling we may need it yet...
Okay, so we are veering slowly back on track...

Option to consider: We'll keep this dialogue here for the moment, but be prepare to bolt if we have the same problems we had before, or if we wind up making too much work for the mods.

Patricia, if you can keep that WeMe group open for a while, that would be outstanding. I have a feeling we may need it yet...
Will do...
Chili will become more common with climate change. It would be fun to have a Thanksgiving that is all Americas. Turkeys, potatoes, chilis, corn, and chocolates with chestnuts. Did I miss some foods?
Chili will become more common with climate change. It would be fun to have a Thanksgiving that is all Americas. Turkeys, potatoes, chilis, corn, and chocolates with chestnuts. Did I miss some foods?
The three sisters: corn, beans, and squash. Also the best apples in the world.
Bison, and maybe big horn sheep.
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Speaking of chilly and green, my wife helped me save the planet for Valentine's Day by taking me to a hockey game at Climate Pledge Arena.

Hard to see it as much more than greenwashing, but it is cool that the ice is made by eZamboni's using rainwater collected from the roof. And you can ride transit for free with a hockey ticket. They also have a bike valet and bike lockers which is pretty cool.

And yes, you can order Impossible Chili fries
Another screenshot of rain forecast 75 degrees all day.
With all this chili it is heating up around here. I might need to drink a case of sugar cane Mexican Coke. Mexican Coke is not sweet and it comes in 8oz glass bottles.



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Does anyone remember where the "coca" in Coca-Cola came from? Anyone from the Atlanta area probably knows ...