Chili Verde

My new multi modal access improvements.
Slowly but surely improving. Some stretch of the rail trail will be gated access. For wildlife sanctuary.

Pardon me for being vain. Referring these trails as mine! Mine!!! It's all mine.
Some sections of these are useful for training controlled SDV. (Seal Delivery Vehicles.)
The gates here all can be walked around with a bike, at least in the Verdugos, so they are okay for bikes. Sometimes the gap is narrow and you have to lift the bars over and kind of squeeze through. I think the idea is that you can get through on a bike or Ebike, but on a dirt bike, it would be really difficult.
I want a ballerina bike to dance with.
Dance like no one is watching.

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo – The World’s Foremost All-Male Comic Ballet Company.png
I searched it and Ode to joy is by Tchaikovsky.
Russian composer. I use to have the disc "Mad About Tchaikovsky"
I beg to differ , we even use an adaptation in Church called" Joyful, we adore thee"., The very great Tchaikovsky may have had a work by the same name( He did so many good ones)I Might have to get a copy of that disc.
My new multi modal access improvements.
Slowly but surely improving. Some stretch of the rail trail will be gated access. For wildlife sanctuary.

Pardon me for being vain. Referring these trails as mine! Mine!!! It's all mine.
Some sections of these are useful for training controlled SDV. (Seal Delivery Vehicles.)
Nothing wrong with that -enjoy!
Glad to see you again, Art, wondered where you were… now if anyone knew what is up with Dallant, we’d be in good shape. It’s disquieting when regulars go dark from time to time, especially since so many of us are a bunch of old geezers anyhow 😎
Glad to see you again, Art, wondered where you were… now if anyone knew what is up with Dallant, we’d be in good shape. It’s disquieting when regulars go dark from time to time, especially since so many of us are a bunch of old geezers anyhow 😎
Yes, Dallant hasn't been seen since Oct. That's extremely weird.
Booze Cruising bike
We have at least one of those here in the wine country. I am writing this while the soldering iron heats up. I just stepped outside and found a six leaf clover. I attempted to get a shot of the under side of it. Oh by the way, don't run 30Amps through a 15Amp controller.


This Friday 5/20 is tell a joke or funny story day on Chili Verdi.
I was helping a friend today at his house work on his bike. John forlornly said, "My wife is so depressed that all she can do is watch Cable News all day with the shades drawn."
Now, I cannot think of anything more depressing than watching Cable News all day in the dark. Let's take a break and have a few laughs! No current events this Friday. Fun. Get out and ride too. Who has the lamest joke? A groaner.
1) What kind of race do remodel tilesetters run?

2) What is the favorite sport of zucchini?

3) What Olympic event do bagel bakers excel at?

4) In what event is a drunk participating when he weaves from tavern to tavern on both sides of the street?

5) What event was sponsored by the Bank of Warsaw?

6) She couldn't knit worth a dime, but she won a gold in which sport?

7) Amazon sponsored a team in what sport?

8) What is the official sport of carpet layers?

9) Shopaholics medal in which event?

10) Feisty people are good at which Olympic sport?
Two nerds are riding along on a tandem bicycle when, suddenly, the one on the front slams on the brakes, gets off, and starts letting air out of the tires.

The one on the back says: "HEY! What are you doing that for?!"

The first nerd says, "My seat was too high and was hurting my butt. I wanted to lower it a bit."

So the one in the back has had enough. He jumps off, loosens his own seat and spins it round to face the other direction.

Now it's the first guy's turn to wonder what's going on. "What are you doing?" he asks his friend.

"Look, mate," says the rider in the back, "if you're going to do stupid stuff like that, I'm going home!!"
When I ride my gravel bike up in the hills, there are often guys in spandyX blocking the trails. So I just added a horn to blow as I pass them. It sounds like a miniature poodle's squeaky toy.
Putin? Mick is at 100% here. Amazing! John Lennon is dancing.
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Okay, for joke day I have a submission from @M@Roberson. What happens when a bike engineer goes into marketing?