Chili Verde

Biggest consumers of s*it pork scraps from Austin Minnesnowta. The place id disgusting!

You can't make up stuff like this.
This is fun. A guy called me out of the blue this morning. He had a vague idea of maybe getting an electric trike so he could sell his car, and not support Putin, Texas, and the Saudi Princes any more. I talked about trikes head on addressing all his questions, then reasons a cargo bike would be better. He came over to find out more and went home with one after I took him on an hour long test ride in the hills. He selected the red bike with two batteries and a double wide pannier. These bags are only $30 and should be $75 or $80. It means that you can go shopping wile giving Putin the finger. Oh, the bike has a matching red rack that is not in these photos.


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easter breakfast. Italian sausage onions green peppers ham spaghetti sauce steamed zucchini and carrots. pretty good and low carb for me besides what's in the tomatoes.

View attachment 120589
No Spam!?!?
This dish is typically made with Italian sausage, spam, onions, green peppers, spam, ham, spam, spaghetti sauce, steamed zucchini, spam, carrots spam and spam.
The good nazis are taking off their masks now - it's time to "drill baby drill" in the North Sea UNESCO heritage sites, to save Democracy where opposition parties have been summarily save Democracy.
Her setup looks like she'll be having a spill or maybe she'll just be faking it. Doesn't strap up her helmet, either.
Just a quick note here-- miss you guys. Last few weeks of the semester. Really serious COVID surge on campus. 11% of the entire campus where I work was infected, and that is likely an undercount because whatever variant we have clearly evades easy detection by PCR. Many students had to get tested five or six times over 8 to 10 days before they tested positive, so the real number is probably at least 15%. All are vaxed and boosted.

Generally the infections see to be self-limiting and fairly mild. However, it does seem like there are some students who are not recovering, and I have a couple myself who appear to have recovered and then relapsed. I am now going to work on campus one day per week despite being high risk and having no response to the vaccine (at least to the spike protein.) I am working with them outdoors wearing masks, and they are out of quarantine, but it's still pretty intense... they stop, cough for a bit, and then we continue. A half dozen friends back east are infected, one or two might be serious.

Fortunately, I have been able to drive the CRX, which is running like a top and seems to be getting around 50 MPG on pretty fast runs where low speeds are in the low 60s and high speeds are a bit over 85. I might have hit 88 one day, but I haven't hit 90.

It is wild to think that I probably could ride Seeker to work if I had to. It's 40 miles away with 1,500 feet of vertical, so Seeker's could probably make it, though it would probably take about three hours (as opposed to 50-60 minutes by car) and I'd have to ride with only a water bottle, iPad, phone, and charger.

It took over two years, but I am now a front-line health care worker. Never thought that would happen.
@Catalyzt, Wow. I think a lot of people have become complacent while the variants continue to mutate. The ones that can get through our defenses are the ones that will spread. Have you ever heard of RoundUp ready coca?

"Over the past three years, rumors of a new strain of coca have circulated in the Colombian military. The new plant, samples of which are spread out on this table, goes by different names: supercoca, la millonaria. Here in the southern region it’s known as Boliviana negra. The most impressive characteristic is not that it produces more leaves - though it does - but that it is resistant to glyphosate. The herbicide, known by its brand name, Roundup, is the key ingredient in the US-financed, billion-dollar aerial coca fumigation campaign that is a cornerstone of America’s war on drugs."

Mutations happen.
I searched it and Ode to joy is by Tchaikovsky.
Russian composer. I use to have the disc "Mad About Tchaikovsky"

Not exactly, but thanks for posting, because it was interesting to look into it. I think I may have wondered the same thing at some point.

That was a later version, with a Russian translation in 1865.

Beethoven's is from about 40 years earlier, from German poet Friedrich Schiller's poem, which is from the late 1700s.

It is also the anthem of the EU.

Some of the lyrics are very interesting. One translation of a few stanzas:

Whoever has created
An abiding friendship,
Or has won
A true and loving wife,
All who can call at least one soul theirs,
Join our song of praise;
But those who cannot must creep tearfully
Away from our circle

@Catalyzt, Wow. I think a lot of people have become complacent while the variants continue to mutate. The ones that can get through our defenses are the ones that will spread. Have you ever heard of RoundUp ready coca?

"Over the past three years, rumors of a new strain of coca have circulated in the Colombian military. The new plant, samples of which are spread out on this table, goes by different names: supercoca, la millonaria. Here in the southern region it’s known as Boliviana negra. The most impressive characteristic is not that it produces more leaves - though it does - but that it is resistant to glyphosate. The herbicide, known by its brand name, Roundup, is the key ingredient in the US-financed, billion-dollar aerial coca fumigation campaign that is a cornerstone of America’s war on drugs."

Mutations happen.
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Yeah, that's right... I had heard about that, but I'd long forgotten!

I mean, remembering coca, cocaine... that just seem so 2013, ya know?

I'm in recovery, but with fentanyl turning up in every street drug these days, I kind of wish cocaine-- real cocaine-- would get cheap enough to displace fentanyl and all the new junk meth on the street in LA, only because it's a bit easier to kick and less likely to kill people.

Ooh, the last time I flirted with the Marching Powders was a long time ago, but I was still WAY too old, and that sh*t was NOT pretty.