Chili Verde

Wow! Speaking of TP, I am wiped! From 9-4 I repaired 50 donated bikes. A bunch also went to the dump because they were junk. But 9 went to needy families today. The rest go out next week. I also provided about 5 free tune-ups. I brought a load of tubes and chains and was the only mechanic. I did have helpers washing bikes and pumping tires. I was only asked yesterday. For 2 months they had called every bike shop in two counties. It is good to feel useful. A gift. The ones in the shade behind the woman are ready to go.
Now, I will need to chill with either a cassabella suppository or a beer.

I started reading Dune. In it there is a 350-year program to tera-form a planet from a desert to a verdant place. It looks like we are enacting the opposite multi-generational plan. One example is the Horn of Africa. . That said, I feel so fortunate. I had a BLT with guacamole and brae melted into the free range bacon for breakfast. The tomatoes were heirloom and local. The sourdough was made this morning.
Whoa! You haven't read Dune yet? There is some recent Dune hatred going around, but I'm a huge fan, re-read it every five years or so. Liking it?
@Catalyst, I read it when I was 16. I didn't know that it was about ideas then, only plot. One of my kids gave it to me on Father's Day. I am so spoiled Chez with all this fresh local stuff that is from an alternate universe. I talked to someone who went to heartland Kentucky. At a white tablecloth restaurant, they served her grayish boiled canned string beans. If you think gas prices are high?
I listened to the hearings while working on bikes today. It was good drama. Here is my take away moment:
Donoghue said he told Clark, “You’re an environmental lawyer. How about you go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill.” “f*cking a-hole, congratulations, you just admitted your first step or act you would take as attorney general would be committing a felony,” Herschmann said.
That took place in the Oval Office on January, 3rd.
I listened to the hearings while working on bikes today. It was good drama. Here is my take away moment:
Donoghue said he told Clark, “You’re an environmental lawyer. How about you go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill.” “f*cking a-hole, congratulations, you just admitted your first step or act you would take as attorney general would be committing a felony,” Herschmann said.
That took place in the Oval Office on January, 3rd.
ya it was crazy.
Speak not of cajones, speak of backbone. Unfortunately, as far as the Constitution goes, the modern Republican party doesn't have two vertebrae to rub together. The toadyism really is phenomenal, particularly when you compare the actions of the Republican legislators during the Watergate hearings to the stance of the vast majority of the Republicans now. No concept of citizenship or truth.
I started reading Dune. In it there is a 350-year program to tera-form a planet from a desert to a verdant place. It looks like we are enacting the opposite multi-generational plan. One example is the Horn of Africa. . That said, I feel so fortunate. I had a BLT with guacamole and brae melted into the free range bacon for breakfast. The tomatoes were heirloom and local. The sourdough was made this morning.
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You eat well!