better $1,000 bike deal NCM Milano?

Just saw the NCM Milano at ~$1K. Seems like a good value. Looking to get a step through with front suspension for my wife.

Anyone had a good or bad experience with this bike?
Other comparable bikes to consider?

Looks like the das-kit motor and controller is used widely on brands like Magnum.

Check out the NCM part of the EBR Forums or there's a couple very active NCM facebook groups. I have an NCM Moscow+ and can recommend NCM as reliable and well built. I've had minimal issues with mine.
Milano is fairly new, but I see it mentioned in NCM threads so I think it's fairly popular. NCM Canada and NCM Australia facebook groups are very active too. Also you are correct about Magnum, likewise sells a line of bikes that are NCM Moscow's under the paint too, my son has one.
Thanks for the Facebook tip...
The NCM brand forum here doesn't have anything.... Must be a new model??
It´s bin around for a while as an EU limited bike, but recent to the US mkt. If it´ś anything like
the moscow the quality would be quite good for the price. I´m an advocate of not spending a lot
on a 1st ebike, cuz one will make mistakes; it is a learning process. More costly is not necessarily
better. Nice thing about my moscow, itś pretty solid & forgiving of dumb deeds.
Johns advice is spot on! You can drop $4k, $5k, $10k pretty easy on an ebike and there's no assurance you'll enjoy it any better than a $1000 bike. Spend the $1000, enjoy the bike for a year or two and then you'll be in the right position to know if a more expensive bike is what you need or not. You might find you like speed or range or comfort or storability more than other features and there's bikes that excel in every category.
Getting a bit off topic. Wondering if anyone owns this bike.
It does share much with the Moscow,, so that comparison is valid.

This will be my 3rd ebike....