Battery Cost: $1,299

@Bruce Arnold, why are you tagging moderators in an implicit request for them to censor the forum over truthful brand criticism? Forums here have always served to disseminate multiple kinds of information, both mutual aid and consumer awareness. This thread is about the latter, on a topic that consumers often ignore, the long term cost of ownership. Forums both general and brand specific are as much for current owners as they are prospective owners - and often, like you, they are both at once, because they are current owners mulling buying again. Plus, in this thread, including you, people have shared pointers about alternative sources of batteries (which personally would make me a little skittish if it needed modding).

Forums evolve over time as the obvious ground is covered - from building on open land to modifying existing structures, in city planning terms. Threads are naturally now focused not on low hanging fruit but changes in Juiced's offerings, battery pricing among them. (Juiced used to sell a 922 wh battery for $900-100.)

There have been dubious criticisms occasionally on EBR, of people making false claims about a brand, but that's not what is happening here. If the OP is being truthful about Juiced saying it has no control over its own battery pricing, then it's likely just the opposite, the brand is lying.

Without seeing the company's finances, it's impossible to tell if charging 2.5-3x cost for batteries is necessary to turn a profit or not, and neither you nor I have that info. Circumstantially, it seems highly doubtful, because Juiced was operating with lower battery prices and much lower volumes before, and it doesn't appear to be a venture capital funded company that can afford to lose money on sales for years at a time. It doesn't ultimately matter. What does matter is what Juiced is charging and what the alternatives are charging, and people can decide accordingly.
I wanted to like your post but noticed it’s been liked by two of the most argumentative posters here.
It's a free market. Vendors can charge whatever they want. Customer service reps will exaggerate or say stuff that's wrong. "Just passing on the costs, man"

Ditto for forum responses. The discussion says Juiced made their own extra large battery case,. Those plastic molds can be quite expensive, even in CHina. So I'll cut them slack on my $50 estimate for the case. They could have some big tooling costs to amortize. Still, you gotta be goofy rich to pay $1299 for a battery.
Can you post a screenshot of the conversation to confirm what you are saying? Specifically, Juiced saying they have no control over pricing. @mjorg
Just a heads up, posting screenshots of private discussions is against our Terms of Use. I can't comment on if it is illegal or not... just not allowed here :)

Now it's deteriorated into people hating on JB so much of the time, instead of the knowledge sharing we used to have. I may just have to duck out. Every so often there are posts where someone has a real question or a real observation and it fills a purpose. But this thread is way too common -- someone starts with a complaint, the usual people pile on, and there's no information being exchanged. Seems like the purpose is to talk people out of buying Juiced Bikes.

@Court and @troehrkasse please take note.
I know it can be a bummer when all the new threads seem to have a negative slant... but I think this thread is a totally fair topic and it has been good discussion so far. There is a huge price difference between spare batteries for Juiced and those for other companies, and I actually quite enjoyed the detailed posts about battery construction and cell quality, etc.

Forums for a brand can often seem to have more negative threads than positive... because people who have a bad experience are more motivated to talk about it. Those experiences and the discussions they spark are an important part of why EBR exists. I encourage you to keep creating the stuff you want to see, sharing knowledge and positive experiences, and you can use the new Ignore Thread features to disappear any negative threads that you don't want to see constantly popping up.

-- for everyone else -- let's put a lid on the textbook pricing argument, feel free to start a thread for it in Off Topic you're feeling that passionate about it :)
You get heated up when people criticize Juiced.

There are numerous criticism about any brands, all over EBR.
People have had problems with Surface 604, Himiway, NCM, DJ Bikes, Rad Power, etc.

You could care less about criticism on any other brands but Juiced.
I don't follow any other brands but Juiced. And I read the General Discussion forum. That's it. So that explains the lack of involvement elsewhere.
Just a heads up, posting screenshots of private discussions is against our Terms of Use. I can't comment on if it is illegal or not... just not allowed here :)

I know it can be a bummer when all the new threads seem to have a negative slant... but I think this thread is a totally fair topic and it has been good discussion so far. There is a huge price difference between spare batteries for Juiced and those for other companies, and I actually quite enjoyed the detailed posts about battery construction and cell quality, etc.

Forums for a brand can often seem to have more negative threads than positive... because people who have a bad experience are more motivated to talk about it. Those experiences and the discussions they spark are an important part of why EBR exists. I encourage you to keep creating the stuff you want to see, sharing knowledge and positive experiences, and you can use the new Ignore Thread features to disappear any negative threads that you don't want to see constantly popping up.

-- for everyone else -- let's put a lid on the textbook pricing argument, feel free to start a thread for it in Off Topic you're feeling that passionate about it :)
Thanks for checking in. If it were just this thread, I'd have never mentioned it. I hope you'll just keep an eye on things and see if there isn't a general trend of non-productive, non-informative, knee-jerk JB-bashing. And if there is, I don't know what the solution might be. That's up to the mods.
That battery is a bargain compared to the Stromer at $3200 (983Wh)
EEEEK! and the big retailer in Toronto was selling them after years sitting in storage and that was after buying out stock from other businesses as they folded.
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That battery is a bargain compared to the Stromer at $3200 (983Wh)
Agreed. You could buy the complete bike with 19 miles for less than the battery price... and still not a good value! ;)

2020 Stromer ST1 | ST1 Electric Bike | Stromer Electric Bike | ST1 eBike (
to get this back on topic

i am not an expert on rebuilding batteries but it seems you should be able to get that done by a reputable company for a good bit less in the future if you need another battery

so if it was me and i really liked that bike personally would not let that stop me from getting it

with all the ebikes out now rebuilders should keep growing/getting better and you should not need another battery for years

good luck with whatever bike you get
to get this back on topic

i am not an expert on rebuilding batteries but it seems you should be able to get that done by a reputable company for a good bit less in the future if you need another battery

so if it was me and i really liked that bike personally would not let that stop me from getting it

with all the ebikes out now rebuilders should keep growing/getting better and you should not need another battery for years

good luck with whatever bike you get
I once looked into it and all I found was a Nevada company and the final price wasn't much better than what OEMs charge. Maybe $1/wh. I assume it's the same now until proven otherwise. (Lol same thing with the claim that Stromer quality ebikes are available for $2k - assume false until otherwise proven.)

Batteries are dangerous things, it's not surprising there wouldn't be many shops willing and able to replace the cells.
Well I hope you’re wrong because all these electric bikes that were sold this year are going to need batteries in 4-5 years and I hope they don’t all end up in the landfill because we cannot get/rebuild batteries for them at reasonable prices
Well I hope you’re wrong because all these electric bikes that were sold this year are going to need batteries in 4-5 years and I hope they don’t all end up in the landfill because we cannot get/rebuild batteries for them at reasonable prices
The hidden part of new greenness is not to be discussed. Thank you for your cooperation.
A $3k Stromer seems like a pretty good value, no?

Yes for that one it is a good value, especially in this pandemic. It is the new ST1 with 27.5 wheels and you can't even find a mediocre class3 mid drive for that price.

There may be a logistic issue with the batteries. Stromer 1kw battery should be around $2000.