PSA: warning about Juiced G2 battery casing

Thank you for posting this. I just sealed mine (2022 RCS).
I saw in a different thread you replaced your fork. What model did you get? Are you satisfied with it? Thanks.
Thank you for posting this. I just sealed mine (2022 RCS).
I saw in a different thread you replaced your fork. What model did you get? Are you satisfied with it? Thanks.
Hello, jr!!

I’m delighted that you went ahead and sealed off your battery. It’s nice when your experience helps others avoid the same pitfalls! Happy riding!

After Juiced went belly-up, I bought a used RipCurrent S which I raid for parts, and that’s where the replacement fork came from. I.e., the fork is exactly the same crappy one as the broken original. Below are a couple of pictures of the broken fork. When I was looking around, I thought the RST Guide fork was a better substitute, but I put off buying one (and a pipe cutter to do the install) until I break this one.

Just use the full image option, click on the pic and drag a corner until you get the size you want.
I'm using my cellphone (Samsung A21)

I'm pretty sure that I can't click and drag stuff?
(Although it's entirely possible that I just don't know how to do it?)

Ohh,.. BTW I finally got used to downsizing my pictures.
I have to take a screenshot of a picture then crop the screenshot.

It's the only way I could figure out how to do it.
I tried turning the resolution of my camera down, but that wasn't enough.
I use an iPhone and import the pics into my PC with a program called Imazing.
EBR doesn't like pics much larger than 1 meg so I sometimes use Microsoft Paint to rescale them.
You can use the "Attach Files" and "Full Image" options to import them into EBR or just copy & paste.
I also do this with a screenshot sometimes to shorten the process.
You can also copy pics from some websites and paste them directly into EBR. This is the fastest way, but it doesn't work 100% of the time
Which ever way you use to imported the pic into EBR, you can left click on it and drag a corner to resize it on the screen.

That's the way I do it with an iPhone and a PC running Win 10. Not sure about other hardware / software or smartphones though.
I don't have a PC. I do everything with my phone.

That just started and I had to figure out how to shrink a picture.
I could still upload a screenshot so I started taking screenshots of my pictures.

I have to draw on my pictures with my finger to paint them, and I suck at finger-painting.
I was pretty good at it when I was a toddler but my paintings were always a mess.
I haven't improved my finger-painting skills much since preschool.

I don't think I have that option with my phone?
I think I'm getting the "smartphone" version of EBR?

I steal pictures from the internet all the time.
I Googled "pictures of kids biking no-hands" to post for Stephan, then I got an email from Pinterest about privacy or something, so I stopped stealing from Pinterest.

It's the only way that I know how to do it.

I can't find the damn clicker on my phone.
I tried clapping twice and it won't turn on or off.
I don't what's wrong with it.

My smartphone isn't smart at all.

If it's so damn smart, it should make it's own posts, and stop making me do all the work.

My e-bike won't behave either.
It won't do Anything I tell it to do.

Speed up, slow down, stop jerking the throttle around.
It just won't behave.
If you open up a photo in your Samsung android phone image gallery, click on the pen icon at the bottom of the screen, next to the heart icon. The pen is the edit feature. At the top right-hand corner are 3 dots, touch that and choose "resize". Choose a lower image size, maybe 40%. The physical dimensions won't change, the file size will. Save it. You will always have the ability to revert back to the original size. Then when you upload a photo here, click on "Insert" and choose "Thumbnail". It will place an image into your comment, and that image is clickable to the viewer and will enlarge it full size if they want to see it larger. This process takes less time than it did for me to type it ;)