I don't have a PC. I do everything with my phone.
That just started and I had to figure out how to shrink a picture.
I could still upload a screenshot so I started taking screenshots of my pictures.
I have to draw on my pictures with my finger to paint them, and I suck at finger-painting.
I was pretty good at it when I was a toddler but my paintings were always a mess.
I haven't improved my finger-painting skills much since preschool.
I don't think I have that option with my phone?
I think I'm getting the "smartphone" version of EBR?
I steal pictures from the internet all the time.
I Googled "pictures of kids biking no-hands" to post for Stephan, then I got an email from Pinterest about privacy or something, so I stopped stealing from Pinterest.
It's the only way that I know how to do it.
I can't find the damn clicker on my phone.
I tried clapping twice and it won't turn on or off.
I don't what's wrong with it.
My smartphone isn't smart at all.
If it's so damn smart, it should make it's own posts, and stop making me do all the work.
My e-bike won't behave either.
It won't do Anything I tell it to do.
Speed up, slow down, stop jerking the throttle around.
It just won't behave.