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Thanks! Just want people to be aware since, otherwise, the Juiced G2 battery seems great to me! I’m keeping it charged within the 80%-20% guidelines and I don’t keep it in the cold except for my rides. Plus, since mid-January, there’s been nothing resembling “wet” conditions here. Just sandy, icy, snow crust on the trails which are somewhat unpassable (for me anyway).Very good of you to post with pictures. MOST ebikes use the same or very similar designs and potential issues. I fear this is far more critical than one isolated case with a single builder.
Every battery I ever sold could be an issues with mediocre maintenance, and frankly by the markets failure to instruct customers of do any real world testing. Alas that will make eBikes even MORE expensive.
I can say however my $3000 bottom shelf Bosch system is flying through a salty wet winter. But even that bike is "treated".
Well, the real problem, Tomjasz, is that this battery has a connection port which is simply open to the elements. It was meant, apparently, to allow you to drop the battery into a docking station… Anyway, I mean, mea culpa for me taking the fenders off and thereby exacerbating the spray/contamination issue… but, most batteries I’ve seen use fairly well-sealed connectors on any electronics. Juiced somehow forgot that here. My failure was not a case of contamination in an already-protected area.
I bought a previous-generation Juiced battery which doesn’t have any “open” areas, as far as I can tell. That battery has a little less power, but I think it’ll be good for range extension for my rides this year. I hope I can keep the bike running for, say, another 3-4 years before I have to re-invest. The demise of Juiced hasn’t helped, but it’s turned me a bit into a DIY-er. A good thing, I think.
In any case, thanks for the corrosion resistance product suggestions! I’m going to look into these! Much appreciated!
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