If you are happy with the speed table I gave you for the 20/60 gear ratio, I think you are fine with a 130T belt.
If you want to go with the 19/60 ratio, then using the same 130T belt, the chainstay is 493mm or 4mm more than what you have now.
Gates recommend to have 10mm (.39") available forward of the nominal position to be able to mount the belt, and 2mm (.08") behind the nominal position for tensioning.
To be safe, I would want at least 5mm behind the nominal position, added to the 4mm we need from above, this would mean you need to have room to shift the wheel 9mm (0.35" or about 3/8") back from its current position.
Unless you want to take the risk to buy a 19T then have to buy a 20T if it does not fit, you would want to mark the current axle position on the adjustment rail, then remove the belt, and see if the wheel can move back 3/8" from the marked position.
For the front sprocket, I would cut a piece of cardboard round with a 4" radius, cut a quarter or that circle, and hold it behind the existing one in the upper left quadrant (the one where the rear arm is), until it extend past the existing one by 3/8" and make sure it clears the arm comfortably at all shock position.
If you are unsure of what you are doing, a close up picture of these two areas when you are doing the measurement would help make sure we understand each other