Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

heeehee! :) I am going to miss riding Fri, Sat and Sunday. Going on an extended sea kayaking trip. Take the lead buddy! :)

Brambor's in the lead.....Boooooooooooooooo! I wish we had done this in the winter, I think I could've takin him:mad:

Wait till he misses a day.... I'll be there to pounce!!!:mad:

It's on! Bro!:mad::mad::mad:
I put my zip code but as it isn't a US zip it does not show anything. Well, this is a "national" challenge so I should not even be there to skew the stats.
I have participated in this challenge for the past two or three years. This will be my first time logging most of my miles on an ebike. I've been using Endomondo as my tracking app, but I'm thinking of making a change. Anyone have an app preference? The thing I like most about Endomondo, other than the name, is that the premium version has a low power consumption mode that is great on long rides.
Yesterday was a bad day.

First of all I tried my clipless pedals for the first time and fell off the bike (did not unclip in time) in the morning on the way to work. Then on the way home, going uphill at an intersection my dérailleur got into my spokes and instantly seized the wheel and, again, I could not unclip in time and fell over ... into the traffic, about a foot away from a rolling semi :-(

So, the derailleur got damaged in the first fall in the morning and then seized on the way home. I had to get used to clipping and unclipping of the pedals.

I took the bike to a bike shop immediately and they were able to fix the derailleur immediately. $40 dollars later I was on my way home.

Cherry on top was that I almost cracked my tooth when I bit into an olive and it was not pitted. :-(

Today was a good day. Great ride to work! :)

Looks like we got another member on the EBR team! Now there is 13! :)

They say to find a park or grassy area. I dropped the idea when everyone said you would fall, learning.
Thanks George, I am getting a hang of it but the first day was interesting. :) I sort of understand now why some bicyclists blow through stop signs lol . If you're clipped in you don't want to unclip.
I'm using an older etrex system that I've used for years. It's very good at picking up sat signals, speed, miles and route, but no Bluetooth. I'm wanting another option and the low power consumption appeals to me!
Strava is limited unless you start paying. I use RideWithGPS and love that one as it gives me more for free, but it's not one of the nationalbikechallenge supported apps, so I have to put in my miles manually.

As for pedals: I changed out the stock ones and put on Wellgo MG-1. They are superb. Really do grip. And no falling over from trying to unclip.
heeehee! :) I am going to miss riding Fri, Sat and Sunday. Going on an extended sea kayaking trip. Take the lead buddy! :)
Well I'm in an even deeper hole now, only got half my normal 34 miles in today:( Due to a scheduling conflict I had to arrange a car for my 2nd stage todayo_O Looks like Brambor will continue to be our champion:mad:
J.R. you're going to have to ride a few more times around the block to rack up the points and catch up with me. I am curious what I will see when I return Sunday night. :p
Supposed to be a nice day tomorrow (Sat) so I plan to get a few miles in. Nothing like what Brambor and JR are doing, of course, but every bit counts, even if it's only 10 miles. Sure better than laying on the couch not getting any exercise! ;D
Edit: you can register under any country... Just use the drop down it where it says "United States"

I did register under Finland. As it was possible I didn't think there would be a problem. I didn't even know there were prizes.
Well Ken is in second place now:( I took the weekend off to be fair to Brambor, since he couldn't ride his bike... But now it's on with the two of you! Ken, if you don't ride at least 34 miles a day this week, I'll be taking my spot back:p

In all seriousness our little team is doing very well! I guess the whole point is bringing awareness of cycling to the general public and to raise funds for cycling issues, I hope that's working.
EBike Manufacturer could become one of the sponsors for the prizes. Pedelec bikes are within the rules, it would be great eye opener for an ebike manufacturer to offer such bike as a grand prize.