Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

And another new team member , these CA. Guys are teaming up on us! Welcome , Phuong Vu. Glad to have you with us.
You will enjoy it here! Have fun, keep safe, watch out for the cars. Pedal , pedal, Pedal. Giddy Up Go! Keep looking up! Ken.
Little aver 20 this afternoon.
Hey Grench:
Since you showed me yours, I'll show you mine (mileage display that is).

View attachment 3939

I also have a technical question about Map My Ride. I got it and it rocks, but I've used it twice and my maps don't display an elevation graph, just speed.
Will that be fixed if I pony up the $29.95 annual fee for MVP? Cellular data was turned on for today's commute and I still only get a speed graph.
Go Team EBR!
Nice Allen...doubt I will ever catch you but I can try! As far as the AP I only have the free version so I don't know why your elevation is not recorded. Maybe reinstall? That's what you Mac boys always tell me:D
Hey Grench:
Actually the Mac mantra is shut it down and start it up again. (I've done around 15,000 Mac repairs and I bet I've nailed at least 1,000 of them with that strategy).
Anyway, no need to reinstall; the elevation plot seems to be working now. Check out my commute home from work today:

Map My Ride I.jpg

Go Team EBR!
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Hey Allen, you better watch that John! He took away your first spot for July. You better get that ap in gear and Pedal, pedal, Pedal! Giddy Up Go! Ken. Keep looking up!
Greetings Grench:
I'm not being unfriendly. I just don't know how to make you my friend in Map My Ride.
We'll get this done though. I'm not too hip on the whole social media thing.
Go Team EBR!
I don't know what is going on with my synch of miles from Strava to NBC. It says I haven't updated in 6 days and I ride almost every day. True I don't go to NBC that often and I don't do manual sync. ... maybe I have to . I tried to sync and will see whether it will update to saying that I rode 3 days this week so far (as it should be)
Yes Mr. Brambor , I was just looking at the NBC web page. And a lot of guy are say they are not getting updated. On strava, or map my ride.
I have always put my miles in manually , and I have never had a problem . I do not have a smart phone to use an ap do it with if I had wanted to!!!
Ok Team. Tomorrow is the last day of the month! You better get your miles all loged in. Two new riders on the team and we are still going backwards . It will get better once you guys get your miles loged in! TEAM EBR!! GO Team! Ken.
I don't know what is going on with my synch of miles from Strava to NBC. It says I haven't updated in 6 days and I ride almost every day. True I don't go to NBC that often and I don't do manual sync. ... maybe I have to . I tried to sync and will see whether it will update to saying that I rode 3 days this week so far (as it should be)
I've had some tech problems with the NBC site and logging miles. Like you I don't always check and I could swear some rides are missing. Not too big an issue, we know our group are some serious riding fools!

Maybe we can keep this thread alive even after the challenge ends to post on our winter snow rides:eek: That's a challenge!
I wonder if the NBC web site keeps functioning even after the challenge ends ? We can just keep going :)
I guess it does, I never thought about it, but since it's People For Bikes they would want to gather ride info all year. I guess it's the Challenge that ends...
Now, Now, Guys! You guys are over doing this now. You do not really thing I am going to ride in the winter, down here in Sebastian , FLA. do you? Do you know how cold it gets down here? There are three of four days that I have to find a long sleeve shirt somewhere . Nobody can ride a bicycle in under 70* temps. And that is it ! Keep looking up! Ken.
I wonder if the NBC web site keeps functioning even after the challenge ends ? We can just keep going :)
I guess it does. I just looked at their calendar for March and April . And it shows some of you guys already have miles loged in, before the challenge even started. So we will just keep on biken!!! Ken.
I count the heat index this time of year by number of t-shirts used (it's been in the 100's for a bit :( and very high humidity). 2-3 if I'm out in the heat very much. How 'bout ya'll?