Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

I count the heat index this time of year by number of t-shirts used (it's been in the 100's for a bit :( and very high humidity). 2-3 if I'm out in the heat very much. How 'bout ya'll?
My wife makes me shower everythime I come in from a ride.
So that is twice a day. OH, come on Winter!! Yeah! Ken.
sometimes I take 2 shirts (one for the ride back)

I count the heat index this time of year by number of t-shirts used (it's been in the 100's for a bit :( and very high humidity). 2-3 if I'm out in the heat very much. How 'bout ya'll?
Randonnee JayVee Randonnee - no need to freeze your but while sitting in a chairlift

That's a sport for rich people! :eek:

Now lemme see, where did I put those nice e-bike catalogues again? Hmmm... 4000 bucks... for the latest and greatest 2016 e-bikes.

You're right, maybe I should go skiing instead. But I won't. I think I like biking better. No overcrowded lift line queues... :D
You do not really thing I am going to ride in the winter, down here in Sebastian , FLA. do you? Do you know how cold it gets down here? There are three of four days that I have to find a long sleeve shirt somewhere . Nobody can ride a bicycle in under 70* temps.
Hey KenM.:
Put this in your pipe and smoke it:


Go Team EBR!
Hey Reddy Kilowatt. How did you know that I used to smoke a pipe? Keep looking up!
Rain, rain, looks like I am going to get rained out of my second ride of the day again! Yesterday too! Ken.
Jay Vee, you never been to Kanas ?? That is all there is, is straight !!
Any curves that there might have been . The tornados made them straight too!! Ken.
Yup, some good rides. :)

I'm impressed by the number of "absolutely straight" portions. Just curious, how many miles is the longest?
I could ride down Kellogg Hwy 54/400 for 50 plus miles in a straight line between three towns. The longest on my route is approx 8-9 miles. Yes straight runs seem LONG!
Well, less then two months to go. I for one, will be glad when it is over!
ButThe challenge has been good to me. With the different roads I have been on that I would not have been on except to get more miles on.
I have found about 150 aluminum cans, 3-pennies , 2-quarters
3-sockets(2mm-1-standard), one of those lawn mowing hats with the long flaps that keep the sun off your neck. Someone was throwing away a pack back , and bicycle helmet. So I got them, I do not use a helmet, but if I ever ride the Dragon Tail, I will have a helmet to use there. The helmet is even silver and black , just like the GenZe. The 5th. of July was good to me too. Two small American flags, and a Stars and Stripes bandanna, were laying on the road in three different places.
I can not remember if I had found anything else. So I can not complain about The Challenge to much! Keep looking up! Ken
Anybody else pick up stuff off the street ?
Ken is our first Diamond Dog! He moved from platinum to diamond. Maybe we can all get to diamond by the end of this campaign. Then they'll say "call them the Diamond Dogs".

Congrats Ken!

(If you missed the gratuitous rock/Bowie reference, you may not have been alive in '74 ;-)
Thank you, JR. In 19and74, I was already trucking around the lower 48. And had more miles on then you have on you now .
But I did not listen to the Bowie kind of music. Ken.
Thank you, JR. In 19and74, I was already trucking around the lower 48. And had more miles on then you have on you now .
But I did not listen to the Bowie kind of music. Ken.
Wow, I hope you don't return all congratulatory sentiments with and insult;)
Wow, I hope you don't return all congratulatory sentiments with and insult;)
Yeah, us old crotch pheasants can be like that, you young whippersnapper.
Unlike Ken, I was definitely listening to David Bowie when I was twenty years old (in 1974). I inhaled too.
I think KenM. was about that age then as well.
(We are both officially older than dirt.)
Now get off our lawns sonny.
Go Team EBR!
It was back on the bike for me today since last Friday. (went to NYC for a long weekend) - nice ride. 2 more days of riding and then I'll be logging miles from my vacation. :) Go team EBR! :)