Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Happy Bday Ken! :)

I will be back on the bike tomorrow. Had a small surgery on Monday. Today is a rest day. Biking tomorrow. Over the weekend I put on decent miles but they were on water :-( in a sea kayak. Does that count ? :)

Adventure Man! So all that paddling gives you extra upper body strength and that helps on the hills (at least it did when I only road the old fashioned kind of racing bike:))
Thank you Brambor . Take care of yourself , do not over do it.
Talk about over doing it! That sure looks like some sea trip you took! Looks like fun, and a lot of work at the same time.
Hope all was fun! Keep looking up! Ken.
Impressive @Brambor!

Hope you're feeling well from your surgical procedure. I'm going to ride in about 15 min, since it doesn't look like it's going to rain.
That is COOL!! You ride across that bridge and you will be the CHAMP !! Good picture .
Hey Ken, I used to ride my bike over that bridge after they closed it for cars and trucks. I figured if it had been standing for 125 years and had a five ton weight limit it would probably carry skinny me and my eBike over the Housatonic. And it did so just fine. Then they turned it into a construction site and replaced the nicely-lettered Jersey barriers with a plywood fence and started to rip up the decking. Game over.
The only way I could cross the Housie there now would be if I donned some Jesus shoes.
If Bud decides to lay low today, I should be back in 2nd place in a couple of hours (or at least neck and neck).
That's cuz' even though I weenied out on commuting today—bad WX threatened—I've got to ride to CVS in New York State for meds and toothpaste. That's a twenty-mile trip. See y'all in a few hours God willing and the creek don't rise.
Brambor - feel well cap'n. I miss Maine, especially mid-coast or further down east. Haven't eaten one of those Homarus Americanus in too damn long. Grew up next door to a commercial fisherman who used to leave a box of bugs on our back porch at least once a week. I was the only kid in Central Grammar School who was so tired of lobster salad that he'd trade his sandwich for a PB&J.
Go Team EBR!
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nice Allen. Thanks for the latin version. It helped me tie it to Czech translation for a Lobster = Humr. It probably has roots in French. Not sure what the French name for a Lobster is.
...and yes, I did have one in Frenchboro at the dock. :)

Hey Ken, I used to ride my bike over that bridge after they closed it for cars and trucks. I figured if it had been standing for 125 years and had a five ton weight limit it would probably carry skinny me and my eBike over the Housatonic. And it did so just fine. Then they turned it into a construction site and replaced the nicely-lettered Jersey barriers with a plywood fence and started to rip up the decking. Game over.
The only way I could cross the Housie there now would be if I donned some Jesus shoes.
If Bud decides to lay low today, I should be back in 2nd place in a couple of hours (or at least neck and neck).
That's cuz' even though I weenied out on commuting today—bad WX threatened—I've got to ride to CVS in New York State for meds and toothpaste. That's a twenty-mile trip. See y'all in a few hours God willing and the creek don't rise.
Brambor - feel well cap'n. I miss Maine, especially mid-coast or further down east. Haven't eaten one of those Homarus Americanus in too damn long. Grew up next door to a commercial fisherman who used to leave boxes of bugs on our back porch at least once a week. I was the only kid in Central Grammar School who was so tired of lobster salad that he'd trade his sandwich for a PB&J.
Go Team EBR!
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I did ride, 19.5 mi., just got back 20 min ago.
Nice try PowerMe. But I regret to inform you that my round trip to CVS was twenty miles, eclipsing your performance by a whopping half-mile; woot!
I don't mean to get all competitive on ya'; it's really not in my nature and I totally respect women, having grown up with three sisters and raising three daughters. I know, I know; girls rule and boys drool.
All kidding aside, according to our Team Cheerleader (KenM) we need all the miles we can get.
Once I eat some grub, and call me Mum, I'm gonna' go to the NBC website and see if I clawed my way back in to 2nd place. Look out Bud; I'm breathing down yur' neck, and—for a guy who's as old as dirt—I can get pretty competitive…just ask PowerMe.
Go Team EBR!
You got him Allen. Now quit watching the TV and go get some more miles in , and you will not let That Bud in front of you again.
We have to keep the lead between us Old Dudes. 10-4 Ol Buddy. Keep looking up! Ken .
So Mr. Brambor, how often do you and your daughter ride/boat for lobster:)
Logged my 14 today. Great to be back in the saddle (since last Thursday). Somewhat foggy day. Feeling Great. Go Team EBR! :)
Good for you Allen. I have not watched TV since 2001.
A lot better things to do with our time!
Keep pedaling , and looking up! Ken.