Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

GO TEAM!!! Yeah we are over 10,000 miles as a Team! I think that is cool. We even moved up one place to 194. Pedal, pedal.
Giddy up Go, Keep looking up! Ken.
And Allen is still in first place of the Good ol Working Boys!
Go Allen! Ken.
And Allen is still in first place of the Good ol Working Boys!
That's actually my secret KenM. I work six days most weeks and I do most of my miles commuting to work.
Thankfully I have the best job in the world…no sh**.
All the young turks spend their days trying to figure out how not to do any work. Me? I love to work. After 43 years of it, I've found that the best way to make the workday go by quickly is to work yur' butt off. So that's what I do. (Plus it helps keep the wolf away from the door.)
We all have so much to be thankful for, IMHO.
Go Team EBR!
Good for you Allen. I have not watched TV since 2001.
A lot better things to do with our time!
Keep pedaling , and looking up! Ken.
You've missed a lot of FOOTBALL:eek::eek::eek:
GO TEAM!!! Yeah we are over 10,000 miles as a Team! I think that is cool. We even moved up one place to 194. Pedal, pedal.
Giddy up Go, Keep looking up! Ken.
And Allen is still in first place of the Good ol Working Boys!
Go Allen! Ken.
We have done very well for such a small group! For the community to know what we are on about with this thread, here is screen shot.

team 1.JPG

Ken is certainly our undisputed heavyweight!

Team EBR-->>
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We have done very well for such a small group! For the community to know what we are on about with this thread, here are some screen shots.

(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists)

Ken is certainly our undisputed heavyweight!

Team EBR-->>
I am just the fly in the ointment. You guys are the cream of the crop. I do not think that I could ride a bicycle to work everyday, in the rain, snow , sleet, hail, I do not know , do you ride when the sun is out and no wind blowing in your face?
I used to do it with a motorcycle . But I don't know about a bicycle . Ken.
I am just the fly in the ointment. You guys are the cream of the crop. I do not think that I could ride a bicycle to work everyday, in the rain, snow , sleet, hail, I do not know , do you ride when the sun is out and no wind blowing in your face?
I used to do it with a motorcycle . But I don't know about a bicycle . Ken.

Today was nice! Even got an evening ride in, for a total 46 miles today (e & non-e). I've had and off 10 days with only 3 days riding... sometimes life just gets in the way. I think all of us just ride as much as life allows because we like it! Keeps us young. Well younger anyway:rolleyes:
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Wow JR! 46 miles is like what I could do in an average week. Life often gets in the way. I tell myself not to feel guilty, but to enjoy riding when I can get time on the bike.
Yes indeed Team:
I took out my Winter helmet liner today and kinda' wished I'd put the hood up on my hoodie. Clear blue sky, 53º, and no chipmunks to dodge.
It doesn't get any better than this, does it? I have so much to be thankful for.
Go Team EBR!
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Took this pic yesterday thinking Allen would like the bridge I was on (114 rears old). In the background is the RR and trail bridge and that's a great trout stream!

If you look at the tar patch on the road at the bottom of the picture.... there's an "e"! Coincidence? I think NOT!!!
road patch (640x361).jpg
Ok Team. Brambor and JR will trun Platinum in a day or two.
Which one will get there first?
Brambor needs 110 points. JR needs 144 points. This is before any points were loged in today.
I think Brambor will be bobbing around in the sea, teasing the sharks. And JR will trun on his headlight for his midnight ride to snatch victory from the feet of Brambor . Keep looking up! Ken.
Nice try!:) I've been slacking off at work and need to go to work tomorrow (Saturday) ... Expect 30 plus miles tomorrow!
Brambor only needs 60 more points. JR still needs a 144 points. This is not looking good for JR . so far. He better trun on that lighting system on his ride and Pedal, pedal, Pedal!
Giddy up Go JR ! Ken.
Brambor only needs 60 more points. JR still needs a 144 points. This is not looking good for JR . so far. He better trun on that lighting system on his ride and Pedal, pedal, Pedal!
Giddy up Go JR ! Ken.
I got my evening ride in Ken, how did you know? No commute today! Riding the rails tomorrow though...