Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Hi @Ann M.

I haven't given lighting much thought at all, other than knowing I would indeed need very bright lights if I ever rode at night. As a woman I'm a little intimidated about riding alone at night, though. I should probably try to recruit someone in my area so I'm not out and about after dark on the bike.
Yeah, I'm with you on that @PowerMe, but living alone and working independent, riding happens when it can happen. Carry some pepper spray for the occasional dog; that's really the only issue I ran into. Plus, choose a route you're comfortable with and have done before, maybe a shorter one. I guarantee you, even if its only 30 minutes, you will feel good about it because you maintain the consistency, not to mention the endorphins. In this rural area where I live its the moon and the stars that make me really enjoy the evening rides; its a whole different feel from daytime rides. Check out some of your local bike clubs, we used to have one that would do a couple of moonlight rides each year--a lot of fun.
You make excellent points, Ann M.! A 30 min ride is certainly doable and if I stay closer to home I would think it would be safe. It would be nice to have my 'big brother' EBR guys around to protect me though.

I'm in a local cycling road group but they only ride between 6pm and 8pm in the summer and never after dark.
Ummmm.... I'm thinking "hell no."

It's more like jump in a pool day than bike on hot pavement day/evening.

hot as hell.jpg
my uncle just sold his house close to the Tobacco trail. Somewhere in Apex or near by. I visited him once. The trail is nice.
Hi @Ann M.

I haven't given lighting much thought at all, other than knowing I would indeed need very bright lights if I ever rode at night. As a woman I'm a little intimidated about riding alone at night, though. I should probably try to recruit someone in my area so I'm not out and about after dark on the bike.

There's an alternative idea... Get up at dawn, ride then!!! ;)
Hey Croo':
I rode from my house to one end of my road, then past my house to the other end, then back home, just so I could log some miles today. That was good for four miles at the NBC website.
Tomorrow augurs well for bicycle commuting here in the quiet corner of Connecticut, so it'll be a ten-mile day for me (and by extension, for our team.).
Go Team EBR!
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The best things in life happen early in the mornings!
That's true Grench.
And a note to the ladies on the forum who feel intimidated by weird guys out at night: the weirdos don't get up early in the morning.
My middle daughter Elizabeth is a Krav Maga practitioner and instructor. She teaches women's self-defense classes in Boston and instructs her students in how to beat the crap out of boys who get too frisky or don't know the meaning of no. (She's pretty formidable; I'm glad she's on my side.)
Also, that pepper spray might come in handy for more than just aggressive dogs. Just sayin'.
Actually my suggested technique to get a guy running in the opposite direction is to ask him where this relationship is going, what his intentions are, give him a long "honey do" list, and announce he will be meeting my mother 'very soon.' Pretty sure I can make any guy run away in less than 30 seconds, no chemical compounds needed! I mean, even the weirdest of the weird would surely think twice when confronted with 'the talk' combined with 'meet the mother!' In reverse it would work on me. :cool:;)
my uncle just sold his house close to the Tobacco trail. Somewhere in Apex or near by. I visited him once. The trail is nice.

@Brambor - I'm in the town right next to Apex. It's a great area and yes, the American Tobacco Trail is well-used, although there's very limited scenery due to high trees lining both sides. Parts of the ATT are paved (which is nice) and other parts consist of this gravel stuff, which is not so nice without MTB-ish tires. It's a trail I'd be comfortable riding alone only as long as there are people out and about, as there has been an increase of individuals being accosted.
Right now, at 7:15pm EDT, it's 94 degrees. Looks like I'm going to have to seriously consider this whole early morning riding scenario, because it's still too hot in the evenings.
Maybe you should move to Connecticut. It's 67º F here at 7:25 PM EDT and beautiful. But then again, three months ago it was 10ºF. You might not have liked that overmuch; I know I didn't and I've lived here my whole life.
Yes if my company would let me telecommute exclusively then I could relocate myself up north for the summer. Autumn in the northeast is my favorite season and place, bar none.