Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

My MSband battery ran out of juice this morning. Had to manually put in the miles when I got to work. Ironically I felt extremely strong this morning. The ride was almost too easy. :) I won't know what my riding time was. Probably the same :)
Hey Team:
Racked up the usual ten mile commute today, plus—since we were down two workers—I was elected to run to get lunch.
That made this a fourteen mile day.Go me!
When I went out to ride to the sandwich shop, there was a mockingbird standing on my Brooks saddle and there was a nice collection of bird s*it on the Grey Ghost's rear rack. Do you suppose they're trying to tell me something?
The chipmunks were giving me the hairy eyeball today to0. That makes me wonder if they talked to their cousin (the one I almost hit on Salmon Kill Road last week); hmmm… Since I don't speak chipmunk, I guess I'll never know. (I'm not paranoid; everybody really is out to get me!)
Tomorrow does not look like a good day for bike commuting. I just messaged my boss to see if he can furnish transport. (That way I can do a load of laundry too; my laundry basket is kinda' big for the rack.)
Go Team EBR!
Tomorrow does not look like a good day for bike commuting. I just messaged my boss to see if he can furnish transport. (That way I can do a load of laundry too; my laundry basket is kinda' big for the rack.)

Sounds to me like you do your laundry at work? :)
Big storms here, lots of rain and lightening. It got to 97 and pretty much stayed there the rest of the day until the storms moved in about 90 min ago. Yet another reason I'll have to switch to morning rides -- afternoons and evenings bring storms here. On the upside I just had a bunch of landscaping done this week with about 100 new plants installed, so the rain is very welcome.
I guess it does. That would be swell, but I use the laundromat in town. Just a quick side trip for my boss to take me there on the way in to work.
I'd love a bigger battery, but nothing in life is free.

Snuck in 21.3 mi at lunch, just got back. It's damn hot out there. 93 now.

And @Brambor, how the heck did you slide into the #1 spot on the Challenge? Oh yeah... all quiet-like and absent on the forum, but spinning the gerbil wheel for hours on end when no one's looking. Mmmmhmmmmm.
well yeah, I bike to work and it's far away and I get hungry at lunch time so I bike to eat :) that's the secret ;-)
Hey Team:
I can't let Brambor mop up the floor with us, so even though I went to work by car today, I just went out and did my end-to-end ride on my road. I needed to get some miles in come he** or high water.
My dog Callie gave me a curious look when I spun by. I think I interrupted her special time. She was barking at a couple of deer who were getting ready to swim across the Housatonic River in front of my cottage.
Brambor's avatar image does make him look kinda' sneaky, but I reckon mine is just plain shocking (groan!).
Tomorrow is a bonus workday for my boss, since I have the best job in the world. So I'll log in ten more miles.
A 21.3 mile lunchtime ride PowerMe! You go girl (aah, sweet bird of youth). Enjoy it now, cuz' someday you'll be old and decrepit like me,
Go Team EBR!
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He may have "top spot" with "points", but I got him beat on miles!

I think he's got something on the person who keeps score!
Nice to 'see' you Brambor! Great picture.

I'm going to try to get in another ride tomorrow if I can before the storms start. I guess I could always do a short ride.

It's takes 750 points to get the gold badge. I've still got a ways to go. You guys in those top spots are very impressive with all the miles and # of days ridden.
You get x number of points for every day of riding regardless of the miles :) maybe I have more days on the bike ? I dunno...i haventlooked
Fear not PowerMe. You will go gold before you know it.
Brambor's right; you get points even if you only turn a mile when you get on your whip.
That was pointed out to me way back when (I was just adding my miles at the end of the week, so I got screwed out of like 60 points every week for a couple of weeks).
So I reckon I'm gaming the system too when I take a car to work and then if the weather turns out to be acceptable I jump on the Grey Ghost and ride four miles up and down my road (like last night).
Go Team EBR!
I'm not worried, just impressed by how often and how far you guys ride--especially J.R. & Brambor.
especially J.R. & Brambor

PowerMe, what am I, chopped liver?
There may be snow on the roof, but there's still a fire in the wood stove!
Consider my new—admittedly self-bestowed—title, before you trifle with me. I used to just be an Apple-Certified Macintosh Technician. I'll have you know that now I am the Senior Vice President of North American Service Operations. So there!
(My boss said I could call myself that, as long as I wasn't expecting a concomitant raise in pay and I didn't use it as a sig. on company emails)
Go Team EBR! (Even the members who are still wet behind the ears; J.R. and Brambor, I'm looking at you.)