Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?


(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
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Hi PowerMe:
Well at least you guys have the Blue Ridge Parkway. That said, I think if I was in Cary, NC, I'd be sweating like a stuck pig.
What I really hate are the nights that don't go below 75º F. (I'm not a fan of sleeping on top of the sheets.)
On the other hand, my former wife and I used to agree to disagree about the thermostat setting in the Winter; she liked 66º; I liked 67º. If it ever hit 67º in my cottage I'd be walking around in my boxers. But there's no danger of that happening; I'm lucky I don't have to chop ice to use the toilet.
I guess as Rosanna Rosanadanna used to say, "it's always something." Now I'm even more impressed girly girl. Bring plenty of water when you ride.
Go Team EBR!
A dry heat today, got a few extra fun miles in today! Humidity and heat are back tomorrow, not as bad as you have it @PowerMe but 92... enough to boil my blood:mad:
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Hi PowerMe:
Well at least you guys have the Blue Ridge Parkway. That said, I think if I was in Cary, NC, I'd be sweating like a stuck pig.
What I really hate are the nights that don't go below 75º F. (I'm not a fan of sleeping on top of the sheets.)
On the other hand, my former wife and I used to agree to disagree about the thermostat setting in the Winter; she liked 66º; I liked 67º. If it ever hit 67º in my cottage I'd be walking around in my boxers. But there's no danger of that happening; I'm lucky I don't have to chop ice to use the toilet.
I guess as Rosanna Rosanadanna used to say, "it's always something." Now I'm even more impressed girly girl. Bring plenty of water when you ride.
Go Team EBR!

Blueridge Parkway is hours away in the mountains. Pretty though. I like it on the cool side myself and temps over 85 are a bit much. Temps in the 90s with humidity is ugh. What we're experiencing right now is August weather, not typical June weather.

If you like mountains and NC, Asheville is the place to visit if you ever get the chance. It's a totally cool town with tons to do and a great vibe. There's even an ebike store there as well as ebike tours. Wonder how my EVO Street would do in the mountains?
Blueridge Parkway is hours away in the mountains. Pretty though.
I've driven the Blue Ridge Parkway once before and it is incredible. I plan to go back there late this Summer or in early Fall. I've never visited Asheville except to fill my gas tank. At your suggestion I will have to explore it a bit when I vacation down there.
Although Virginia has part of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the prettiest sections are definitely in North Carolina. Here's a picture of the hiking trail that goes under the Linn Cove Viaduct. That aqueduct—which carries the BRP over a shoulder of Grandfather Mountain—is an incredible piece of engineering which was built right from the roadway itself. No trees were cut down that weren't right where the road would run.
Oh, just logged in my ten-mile commute for today. It's supposed to pour rain tomorrow but Wednesday looks pretty sweet.
Grench yur an animal! (You cover more miles in a day than I do in some weeks.) But we both know you've got a really nice eBike. Give Opie a pat on the flanks for me.
Go Team EBR!

Linn Cove Vidaduct I.jpg
Oh, Ok, I will put the miles back on The Vero Beach Bicycle Team. That pore girl that was in third place, went to forth when I joined, then back to third when I left, now back to forth when I go back !

That Is one thing I did like about their team. Them and a lot of other teams have some really nice logos! Don't we have someone who could makeup a real nice logo for Team EBR.
I mean we do want to be top notch, don't we?
Well, you have to ask Brambor about a logo, he's our captain.... You can keep your miles, I have to be number 2 in something I guess:rolleyes:
Allen, I have ridden my motorcycle over the Blue Ridge Parkway 5 times, a car three times. And never new that walkway was ever there. I couldn't even find a place where I could stop to take a picture of that bridge.
Thank you for sharing.
Ok, Mr. Brambor , the ball is in your court. I vote for a nice fancie, slick LOGO . For Team EBR.
Everybody else cast your vote for a nice Logo for the Team.
Grench yur an animal! (You cover more miles in a day than I do in some weeks.) But we both know you've got a really nice eBike. Give Opie a pat on the flanks for me.
Go Team EBR!

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I don't know about that Allen...I was hoping to be up to 30 round trip by now. I am quite a ways off my goal. I guess my mind never tells me I am out of the game and not the athletic kid I once was. All I can do is keep pedaling...right? Team EBR keeps me eating humble pie...maybe that is why my weight loss is going so slow:D. Thanks for the kind words.