Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

I'm impressed by how many miles we do as a team, small as we are!

And OLD as we are:eek:
Ok folks...back from travels and on the clock...added 3 miles this am and will edit in this afternoons ride...
Well I *like* chopped liver, so there! Yes, you too Reddy are impressive. I was just looking at those 2 top spots on the EBR team when I made the comment, but really everyone is doing very well, and are embodying the spirit of the challenge, which is to ride more, and ride more often. When I happen to see mileage figures of over 40 mi a day I admit I do find that quite impressive because 1. my bike's range is much less than that and 2. Even with e-assist, my stamina & butt can't do that kind of time in the saddle (which is not to say I'll never be able to do it, but that's where I am now and this is the bike I have right now).
That PowerMe needs to be told off from time to time.
Dude, don't get me wrong. I never, ever tell off girls. Not no way, not no how.
Since I grew up with three sisters, then raised three daughters, I know; girls rule and boys drool.
Neither me nor my son would have made it to puberty if we'd been in the habit of leaving the seat up. Just sayin'.
I'm not on your sh**list, right PowerMe?
Go Team EBR!
No worries, Reddy! If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm sassy & I can take it as well as dish it out! ;)
Ok folks...back from travels and on the clock...added 3 miles this am and will edit in this afternoons ride...
Welcome back Grench!
We're short-staffed here at work today, so I had to run out and get my own sandwich at lunchtime.
It's all good as that will add two more miles to my ten-mile commute when I log in at home later this afternoon.
Wowzer! I just remembered I put my grocery panniers on for a trip to the market for a week's grub after work. So there will be yet more miles.
Go Team EBR! Kicking a** and taking names since 2015.
Sorry havent been riding in like 7-8 days , got bitten by a deer tick and it gave me lyme disease which has spread from my leg into my lower back - put it this way it hurts to move. I wouldnt wish it on anybody.
Sorry havent been riding in like 7-8 days , got bitten by a deer tick and it gave me lyme disease which has spread from my leg into my lower back - put it this way it hurts to move. I wouldnt wish it on anybody.

Damn. That is a serious illness. Hope you recover fully. All the best wishes.
Hey Team:
Well, regrettably I weenied out after work yesterday, since it was kinda' raining. So I skipped the grocery run and rode straight home.
So it was just a twelve-mile-day.
Right now it's pouring so I'm taking a ride in to church from a fellow usher who also happens to be my neighbor. (I planned it that way for crappy days like this.)
I usually ride to my favorite AA meeting on late Sunday afternoon but the closed (to cars) bridge I've used forever is now barricaded with a plywood wall while they replace it with a new bridge. So that dog won't hunt and my two-mile route to the village becomes fourteen. I reckon between that and the oofty-goofty WX, I'll just score a ride from one of the other drunks.
Sorry to hear that. Lyme is bad news and I hope you kill it out of your system thoroughly and soon.

Sorry havent been riding in like 7-8 days , got bitten by a deer tick and it gave me lyme disease which has spread from my leg into my lower back - put it this way it hurts to move. I wouldnt wish it on anybody.
Sorry havent been riding in like 7-8 days , got bitten by a deer tick and it gave me lyme disease which has spread from my leg into my lower back - put it this way it hurts to move. I wouldnt wish it on anybody.
That is nothing to let just go on. My mother died from Lyme disease. Please go to your doctor . I will be praying for you !
To get well soon! Ken.
Sorry havent been riding in like 7-8 days , got bitten by a deer tick and it gave me lyme disease which has spread from my leg into my lower back - put it this way it hurts to move. I wouldnt wish it on anybody.
Feel better man. Lyme Disease sucks. What's even nastier about it is that—unlike my COPD from smoking cigs—you didn't even do anything to cause it to happen to yourself.
And Ken, I'm so sorry to hear it felled your Mom. I know a few people who've been afflicted with Lyme, but it's only messed them up, not killed them.
Oh, another thing Ken, I hope you're back. You've been sorely missed man. I'm not talking about your voluminous miles (though they were nice). I don't think I speak only for myself when I say that I miss your spirit and your reverent and refreshing take on life.
Ken, no matter our situation, you have always helped remind me that we all have so much to be thankful for.
Go Team EBR!
Thank you , Allen. Yes I miss it here too. A lot of you riders have bee like good friends to me, and I would hope I was a friend to them too. But I think their are a lot of people that would warther I just stay away . Thank you Allen. Ken.

Don't let other people determine your participation in a sport you like or a bike challenge you enjoy. There's an ignore button and you can easily tune out the negativity if necessary.

Don't let other people determine your participation in a sport you like or a bike challenge you enjoy. There's an ignore button and you can easily tune out the negativity if necessary.

Yes Ken! There's no honor in falling on your sword on a forum, you won't make your friends happy and your detractors are never happy anyway! Misery loves company, be very bad company to misery and stay! Oh, stay and speak your mind.

Ken, keep looking up! JR

Welcome back buddy! May the force be with you! ... because we're going to need it. I'm not riding today. On the road, in a car, to some meetings ... the day is shot. I won't get on the bike today... most likely. Yesterday was a rainy day but I snuck out on a fat bike behind the house for 6 miles. Akuma Matata, I'm high on caffeine. bye. signing off :)

Yes Ken! There's no honor in falling on your sword on a forum, you won't make your friends happy and your detractors are never happy anyway! Misery loves company, be very bad company to misery and stay! Oh, stay and speak your mind.

Ken, keep looking up! JR

Go team EBR, we have so many fun and interesting bicycle-related things to talk about! Welcome back, Ken!