Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

"Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?"

I joined a personal challenge today, biking in this heat and humidity! The humidity is a killer today, hard to breath. Since using that coconut water, my end of ride recovery is shortened considerably.

Please be careful out there today!
I've driven the Blue Ridge Parkway once before and it is incredible. I plan to go back there late this Summer or in early Fall. I've never visited Asheville except to fill my gas tank. At your suggestion I will have to explore it a bit when I vacation down there.
Although Virginia has part of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the prettiest sections are definitely in North Carolina. Here's a picture of the hiking trail that goes under the Linn Cove Viaduct. That aqueduct—which carries the BRP over a shoulder of Grandfather Mountain—is an incredible piece of engineering which was built right from the roadway itself. No trees were cut down that weren't right where the road would run.
Oh, just logged in my ten-mile commute for today. It's supposed to pour rain tomorrow but Wednesday looks pretty sweet.
Grench yur an animal! (You cover more miles in a day than I do in some weeks.) But we both know you've got a really nice eBike. Give Opie a pat on the flanks for me.
Go Team EBR!

Has anybody rode The Tail of The Dragon. I think it would be a good ride for an e-bike. It is after all only 11 miles long. We won't say anything about the 318 truns! I think I would like to do it someday. Ken.

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I got home between the storms to a dark house without power or internet! As I have well water I can't even shower:eek:

Worse still, you are my entertainmento_O:eek:

What a day...
Yeah, same here in Northwest Connecticut. I have power but no internets. (I'm posting through my cellular iPad's personal hotspot.)
We had a gully washer at midday. As soon as I advise Comcast that I got no internets, I'm going to take a four-mile spin up and down my road, so I can log some miles.
Tomorrow looks great for eBike commuting though.
Go Team EBR!
I hope I do not break your computer with the new avatar .
Power Me, and Brambor , started it, but I think it is a good idea. Helps us get to know each other a little better.
That way when we all gather to ride The Tail of The Dragon! We will know who we are! Ken.
Well team I kicked it up a notch today! Started with my normal 10 to work. I then found out about a Tuesday night club which meets at a local pub and rides 8 mile loops. So I rode from work to the pub and made a loop with them. I was pleasantly surprised to see my miles for today! New personal best 33.2 miles! Waaaa Hooo! I will probably pay the price tomorrow...:confused: image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Good for you Grench . Tomorrow , Tomorrow , is always a day away. Keep pedaling . Now we have a Logo to live up to . Ken.
Wowzer Grench:
You sure are making up for your bike's downtime last week.
We had three rainstorms here in the quiet corner of Connecticut today, so I commuted to work by car.
Just to get a few miles in, I rode up and down my road tonight. The Appalachian Trail has been rerouted by my cottage while they replace the bridge up the road. Now my dog Callie can keep an eye on those scary hikers when they walk by "her" cottage. Between the hikers by day, and the zombie Nazis at night, she's got a lot of work to do. But Australian Shepherds do much better when they have a job anyway.
Tomorrow is gonna' be splendid here, so I will definitely be riding the Grey Ghost to work and back. And then to an AA meeting tomorrow night. So God willing and the creek don't rise, it'll be a fourteen-mile day for me.
Go Team EBR!
I hope I do not break your computer with the new avatar .
Much improved Ken. I didn't want to say anything but you looked like a quadcopter before.
I hope my fellow team members are enjoying a day's fine weather, as I am here in Connecticut.
Just logged my ten-mile commute in at the NBC and when I get back from tonight's meeting I'll be adding another four.
Tomorrow looks like another splendid day for eBiking to work.
Go Team EBR!
image.jpg image.jpg Allen you are a good man! Almost everybody calls them (drones) , which they are not! Thank you very much.
Yes I had a good day today too. Did the moring 25 miles on the Schwinn . Mowed the grass in the afternoon , still had time to put 10 miles on the GenZe, to get the battery down to charge up ready. And still had time to put a flight on the outside flying machine . Good day, I hope everybody had a good day too. Ken.
Oh yes, anybody want to go swimming with me and my buddy
All right, Allen. Look at that fancie , dude. I would of never thought you could be cleaned and polished up so good. Ken.
Now we just have to get Mr. JR to show his face. And I guess Bud does not partake of our talk here. Or he needs to fess up too. Ken.