30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

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People are buying toilet paper not out of some rational need but because they don't know what to do, and buying a big load of toilet paper makes them feel like they are in control. Toilet paper is relatively cheap and the large packaging also provides reassurance.

Let's be blunt: you don't need toilet paper. In a real emergency you can wipe with leaves, snow, or old newspapers. Or you can be like the seventy percent of the world that cleans their filthy butts with a jug of water.

I'm more concerned about looming shortages of food packaging; https://www.packaging-gateway.com/news/coronavirus-packaging/

I'm much more concerned that in spite of parts of China being on lockdown for two months they aren't yet lifting them, in spite of reported cases plummeting.
Sorry, you can't bait me into a childish, illogical argument. You don't have the power to do that.
"No" to your bait... try to remember that it was you labeling people who were prudent, as being "f u" to their neighbors.
People are buying toilet paper not out of some rational need but because they don't know what to do, and buying a big load of toilet paper makes them feel like they are in control. Toilet paper is relatively cheap and the large packaging also provides reassurance.

Let's be blunt: you don't need toilet paper. In a real emergency you can wipe with leaves, snow, or old newspapers. Or you can be like the seventy percent of the world that cleans their filthy butts with a jug of water.

I'm more concerned about looming shortages of food packaging; https://www.packaging-gateway.com/news/coronavirus-packaging/

I'm much more concerned that in spite of parts of China being on lockdown for two months they aren't yet lifting them, in spite of reported cases plummeting.

Maybe time to go old school and have bins and bring your own container sales. Kind of like the section in Winco stores and elsewhere. Not necessarily a bad thing for many items.
"No" to your bait... try to remember that it was you labeling people who were prudent, as being "f u" to their neighbors.
Sorry, I didn't say anything about prudent people. And I never posted the letters fu or labeled anyone. Facts are stubborn things.
Walmart isn't going to stopping by the elderly with gifts of supplies that the prudent thought ahead to stockpile for extended famil. Smears of the prudent are dismissed as greedy and slothful moans.
Sorry, I didn't say anything about prudent people. And I never posted the letters fu or labeled anyone. Facts are stubborn things.
Here are the facts of what you said. Naturally you didn't say that stockpilers were prudent. That word doesn't fit the narrative, does it?

Normal people buy a months worth at a time, now they are buying 6 months worth, saying F my neighbor.

You didn't label anyone as saying
="J.R said:
F my neighbor
Why aren't Bidets flying off the shelves?
Good question!
They are online for Walmart and more expensive ones are in stock at places like Home Depot. $30 to $50 gets one on Amazon. The moaning accusers are undeserving of further attention.
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Naturally you didn't say that stockpilers were prudent.
I picked up gallon upon gallon of kerosene and a few kerosene heaters for "pennies on the dollar" 10 or so years ago after people were tired of it sitting in their sheds and garages. Ahhhh... Y2K.
I heated the house for next to nothing for a few years. In the early 2000's you could get "used" generators for a song.

I guess I should start perusing Craigslist in a few months for __________!
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I picked up gallon upon gallon of kerosene and a few kerosene heaters for "pennies on the dollar" 10 or so years ago after people were tired of it sitting in their sheds and garages. Ahhhh... Y2K.
I heated the house for next to nothing for a few years. The early 2000's you get "used" generators for a song.

I guess I should start perusing Craigslist in a few months for __________!
Y2K was a panic without sufficient underlying cause. Perusing for "only used once" toiletpaper in a few months could result in some real gems!
So maybe not a waterpik :) But why not buy a pump bottle garden sprayer and relax with whatever temperature you like? A long shower hose sprayer? What gives?
Maybe time to go old school and have bins and bring your own container sales. Kind of like the section in Winco stores and elsewhere. Not necessarily a bad thing for many items.

That also assumes that people can actually cook.

At this point if you aren't really ready for this you are most likely screwed. Like I said in a previous post, I did my (very modest) Costco run two weeks ago.

This is kind of a weird crisis in many ways. My own guess is that food for people and essentials (like toilet paper and soap) are likely to be in reasonable supply, although choices about specific brands and packaging may be limited.

If I had screwed up and hadn't prepared this is what I'd be looking for right now:
  • If I had prescriptions I'd get them topped up last week.
  • Pet food. If there does get to be a problem with the food supply they are likely to prioritize people and not fluffy animals. And in a pinch you can eat the pet food or your well-fed pet.
  • Long-lasting foods that you have to cook, like rice or pasta. But don't go overboard -- you can probably eat for a six months on a 50lb bag of rice.
  • Canned soups and other canned foods that are easy to prepare.
  • Bake mixes to make cookies or brownies or other comfort foods.
  • Soap and other toiletries. In particular look for products you could use to wash yourself and also your dishes, like a Dr. Bronner's soap. You can even use the peppermint soap as toothpaste.
Pet food. If there does get to be a problem with the food supply they are likely to prioritize people and not fluffy animals. And in a pinch you can eat the pet food or your well-fed pet.

I saw a fellow buying bird seed 'cause it's cheep.
They still have paper towels and napkins in the big stores..the accusers seem to be simply out to do smearjobs :)
BTW, I want a tiny inverter generator right now!

I have used my electric vehicle with a small inverter to power critical house loads when the utility power has failed this winter... a common event in Northern California.

I suppose you could use your Ebike battery with an inverter to power small loads for a phone or laptop during an outage or emergency. ;)

My Yamaha PW-X display also has a micro-USB power output port for recharging a phone and light on long rides.
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I have used my electric vehicle with a small inverter to power critical house loads when the utility power has failed this winter... a common event in Northern California.

I suppose you could use your Ebike battery
with an inverter
to power small loads for a phone or laptop during an outage or emergency. ;)

My Yamaha PW-X display also has a micro-USB power output port for recharging a phone and light on long rides.
I want the inverter generator to charge my bike. Maybe on the go for camping, so under 20 lbs. Can't really go wrong unless everything goes wrong. I would not discount having intermittent electrical supply problems depending on how bad the Wuhan goes. Propane fueled would be good for camping and long trips.
I do not expect the power to go off, nor do I expect the water supply to either.

We are in day two of being buffeted by strong winds and the power has been fine. It usually is because we have socialist power and they take good care of the lines instead of the stockholders. (now watch the power go out)

I fear I'll have to make some bread. I love fresh baked bread and eat too much of it. I may make a Safeway run tomorrow and see if they have any.

I really really need to go for a long walk, but everytime I go outside, the wind sucks my will to live out. It's nasty for March. Very nasty. But it could be worse.
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