30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

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Apparently a couple of ebikes brands shipments are delayed until June. And one on line direct firm is reporting end of March, but sounds like that is fluid and could be delayed longer.
since first started this thread back in Jan this quote has certainly had its true meaning play out. Now that we are finally declaring a national emergency, pretty late in the game, especially since it was highly evident for anyone willing to have an open mind and not be so darned cynical, I guess you could say it's in part becoming self evident. Every store in our area is getting sold out of many common goods that have been sold out all over the country and now in short supply. Still a lot of people keep ridiculing this or ridiculing reaction to it, if not also the taking of precautions. We will likely see a lot of opposition to preparations or even what are declared as emergency actions, especially from politicians who want their say, or credit for any success instead of real problem solving. I hope above all, people don't resort to violence. Too much of that and heated rhetoric in our world before this virus took hold and became a pandemic.

I just wish everyone the best and to stay safe, act smart, and look out for and help others.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” quote by Arthur Schopenhauer
And thankfully, biking is an activity in well ventilated open air spaces, and generally low density as far as social interaction ... a great way to get some exercise and have some fun it these trying circumstances. My wife dropped her membership at the exercise gym for the time being, so we are looking forward to getting back out on our ebikes as the spring weather comes to us.
very store in our area is getting sold out of many common good
A local Costco in meat sections only had left:

- beef brisket(45%salt) , no good

- LOTS of ham(35%salt), no good

- steaks(9.99$/lb), not smthng. to stock for long term or in bulk

- smoked white fish

- beef, chicken, turkey dogs(35% salt , NO GOOD)

- smoked salmon( 20$/1.5lb, nO good for bulk purchase)

i bought chocolate, lots of good cheese, and veggies.
Walmart trip this weekend. If no meat, will need to get in the woods for some hunting.
A hunting ebike could be helpfull.
It is very unlikely to get that bad. My own guess is that most food items will be available although brand selection is likely to be poor. And convenience foods will likely be harder to find. Convenience foods will likely be in short supply not because of a shortage of food, but a shortage of packaging.

Bluntly if you have a big bag of rice, a reasonable assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables, and multivitamins you should be good for six months to a year. It won't be the most inspiring diet but you won't starve.
We stocked up on rice, beans, pasta, peanut butter, canned veggies and are stocked up on about 2 weeks of stuff we could freeze. Naturally we eat fresh stuff first. This situation will require us all to keep our heads on straight, for this too shall pass. Hopefully everyone realizes we are kinda on our own with this. If your waiting for the government to resolve this...good luck with that. eBikes are crucial to our stratagy of coping with this mentally. It will get us outside and active. On a side note I read an article from a financial planner stating the importance of keeping current on payments, unbelievably self serving drool from the folks who will receive the Lions share of any rescue plan. Pay yourself first, that's my two cents on that and be aware of your neighbors plight. We bought extra rice, PB, beans etc, just in case our neighbors didn't. They would never ask, I won't let them. Being human got us into this, being humane will get us out.
It is very unlikely to get that bad. My own guess is that most food items will be available although brand selection is likely to be poor. And convenience foods will likely be harder to find. Convenience foods will likely be in short supply not because of a shortage of food, but a shortage of packaging.

Bluntly if you have a big bag of rice, a reasonable assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables, and multivitamins you should be good for six months to a year. It won't be the most inspiring diet but you won't starve.
Don't count on fresh fruit. Get multivitamins and Vit D, get all over the counter drugs you might need, get your prescriptions filled to the max NOW, get water purification tabs and filters.
BUY SUGAR. BUY IODIZED SALT. Rice and beans and lentils. Noodles. Flour. OIL, WATER. YEAST. Batteries.
a shortage of packaging.
Buy lots of garbage bags and assortments of ziplock bags to help avoid spoilage
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Well I guess we're not worried about how we're all going to die from climate change anymore now that we have a new apocalypse to worry about.
Children won't know what snow is...and muh ski resort...errrr..children won't know what climate change is...
How many US/NA cities will be on lockdown now? What is the over/under? There are no sports to bet on. (-:
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Gypsy, remember all our schools are closed. The flakes will wring their hands over the end of menkind until something else catches their attention; luckily they have the attention span of a goldfish.
Gypsy, remember all our schools are closed. The flakes will wring their hands over the end of menkind until something else catches their attention; luckily they have the attention span of a goldfish.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the word to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man" G B Shaw
It looks like a bomb hit at the local grocery store...
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