30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

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The research is now concentrated on humans, not animals. This picture will clear out later. The virus might establish itself in pets that may or may not spread it to humans, and it might not establish in North American bats. Even though Asian bats were likely the source of this epidemic (with intermediate hosts like pangolins consumed by humans - darn Wuhan markets).

The video in the link above is packed with honest and useful info, well worth watching. He covered a lot of questions, one interesting point was that Covid-19 could fade out in summer in Northern hemisphere but flare up in Australia and South America and then come back here again.

Mortality numbers are different in different age groups, "almost" independent of underlying condition, it's more about strength of immune system. They (South Korea) are not out of the woods yet, young people are mostly asymptomatic and are spreading the disease, congregating in bars and night clubs that were "recommended" to close, not ordered to.

6ft distance is not enough when you are yelling or singing or even talking loud, because respiratory droplets become smaller than those from cough, and fly much farther.

And many other things. Watch the video.
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From what I understand it's a very unlikely scenario that it came from the bats through pangolins.
That seems like just another cover story invented because it obviously came from the biolab.
Handlebars - I don't know why South Korean epidemiologist would support a (Chinese?) cover story about bats and pangolins.

Bats are hosts, "reservoirs" for corona-viruses. This is a fact discovered about 10 years ago.

There is indeed a biolab in Wuhan, and leakage from there is a possibility - this doesn't exclude bats as intermediate hosts, but biolab involvement has not been established, and given any government's efforts to keep these things in secret, I doubt it will become a public knowledge soon.
Handlebars - I don't know why South Korean epidemiologist would support a (Chinese?) cover story about bats and pangolins.

Bats are hosts, "reservoirs" for corona-viruses. This is a fact discovered about 10 years ago.

There is indeed a biolab in Wuhan, and leakage from there is a possibility - this doesn't exclude bats as intermediate hosts, but biolab involvement has not been established, and given any government's efforts to keep these things in secret, I doubt it will become a public knowledge soon.
I don't think of the question as requiring a motive by the South Korean.
I'm going by the scientific papers showing deliberate steps taken to produce specifically such a virus by the scientist running the lab and by her comments and commentary of the Chinese President afterward, as well as an advertised call for researchers into the topic.
The original SARS-CoV is a virus that certain bats have 900 km away, yes, and the lab had those particular bats for research on the virus.
They were trying to make a virus that had extra capability, with "gain of funtion" - a more threatening virus than SARS-CoV. It was a scientific goal pursued by the lab's US partners also. Long while back they had already put an HIV code insertion into SARS-CoV for that purpose and more recently they had worked to achieve virus that attacks the ACE2 receptors in lungs.

Here is a recent paper dismissing the probability but I think it offers risible reasoning. There is little reason to doubt that there would be intense political will to produce blame-counteracting explanations. I note that none of the researchers into it are epidemiologists. They are specialists in the actual fields involved.

Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.
Notable features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Our comparison of alpha- and betacoronaviruses identifies two notable genomic features of SARS-CoV-2: (i) on the basis of structural studies7,8,9 and biochemical experiments1,9,10, SARS-CoV-2 appears to be optimized for binding to the human receptor ACE2; and (ii) the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 has a functional polybasic (furin) cleavage site at the S1–S2 boundary through the insertion of 12 nucleotides8, which additionally led to the predicted acquisition of three O-linked glycans around the site.
1. Mutations in the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2
The receptor-binding domain (RBD) in the spike protein is the most variable part of the coronavirus genome1,2. Six RBD amino acids have been shown to be critical for binding to ACE2 receptors and for determining the host range of SARS-CoV-like viruses7. With coordinates based on SARS-CoV, they are Y442, L472, N479, D480, T487 and Y4911, which correspond to L455, F486, Q493, S494, N501 and Y505 in SARS-CoV-27. Five of these six residues differ between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV (Fig. 1a). On the basis of structural studies7,8,9 and biochemical experiments1,9,10, SARS-CoV-2 seems to have an RBD that binds with high affinity to ACE2 from humans, ferrets, cats and other species with high receptor homology7."
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I'm going by the scientific papers showing deliberate steps taken to produce specifically such a virus by the scientist running the lab and by her comments and commentary of the Chinese President afterward, as well as an advertised call for researchers into the topic.
The original SARS-CoV is a virus that certain bats have 900 km away, yes, and the lab had those particular bats for research on the virus.
They were trying to make a virus that had extra capability, with "gain of funtion" - a more threatening virus than SARS-CoV. It was a scientific goal pursued by the lab's US partners also.
Now that you mentioned it, I recall some criticism by the US towards this Chinese facility, that they were running it without due environmental safety considerations. Don't remember the details.
Breeding HIV-Covid - amazing.... Explains why anti HIV drugs now show "some" effect on Covid-19. We're all lab rats here. Where to run?
We've blown past 300,000 cases of Covid 19, and Trump wants us to wear scarfs because he absolutely failed the American people, and our medical system. Maybe he'll increase military spending yet again, who needs a well funded medical care system anyways, lol!
The President of the United States of America
Trump always blames somebody else when he gets caught. In this case, he did nothing for months, he knew full well the virus was knocking on our door, so now it's the Who orgs fault, LMAO!!!!!!

America is still waiting for that " Phenomenal Healthcare" (his words) he promised, just more of his snake oil pitch to bs the people.
I doubt you realize how silly you sound. The dems were running a scam impeachment trial all the while the facts were coming out. Tell us what the glorious dems have done to help with the pandemic.
Nothing. We get it. FB is the place for you - you'll be in good company there. IT'S ALL FAKE THERE. 🤣

Pelosi/Biden/Nadler/Schciff - "The travel ban from china is xeonophobic and racist". Got it. Ya can't have it both ways, cupcake.
The WHO misled the entire world apparently obeying the Communist Party's every wish.
The WHO is supremely blameworthy. Trump did much to stem the tide from China or it would have been orders of magnitude worse. Sure, he downplayed it. He also took the proper step the fools running other nations refused to take as they played into the "don't be xenophobic" game.
Now he's right on with the meds approach and getting back to work so the Communist Party globalist game of "chicken" doesn't take the country down.
America is still waiting for that " Phenomenal Healthcare" (his words) he promised, just more of his snake oil pitch to bs the people.
As Bernie declares medicare for all not feasible in the election, Trump gives medical coverage for all covid 19 illness.
He's bringing down the price of drugs and speeding up the process of drug innovation, plus right to try...not bad considering that anything he says, dems immediately demand the opposite as with closing off importation of the virus from China as much as possible and then try to impeach him over it.
One loon said she would take him to court in the Hague for boosting HydroxylChloroquine. :)
... What is the purpose of this discussion? Perhaps this could clarify things. This is supposed to be a sharing of thoughts, no??? Or do you simply just wish to shut people down cuz somehow YOU know better?...

Physician, heal thyself.

I doubt you realize how silly you sound....whataboutism #1. whataboutism #2. Fake. whataboutism #3...
Got it. Ya can't have it both ways, cupcake.

It's OK, we get how hard it can be to resist resorting to whataboutisms. We've all been there.

Oh, and you had me at cupcake. ;)
Sure, he {Trump} downplayed it. He also took the proper step the fools running other nations refused to take as they played into the "don't be xenophobic" game.
A usual pattern for somebody with lower than average IQ but sharp instincts - knows when to flip.

I think most of the world have downplayed the virus until it was too late.

China fared better because they are a dictatorship and when they decide to do something, it is done quickly, discussing is not an option, questioning the government policy is punishable. They downplayed the virus for the first several weeks, hundreds of planes carrying the disease to other countries, and doctors warning about the seriousness of the situation were thrown to jail. Then they turned around and locked half the country.
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Nuts! Do you hear yourselves and EVER consider the news from all sides and use critical thinking skills or just blather on...
Please do feel free to ignore it. Sadly plonking here still lets responses to the conspiracy theorists leak through.
Rush Limbaugh Claims Health Experts Are Hillary Clinton Allies Trying To Hurt Trump
The conservative radio host spewed a conspiracy theory about coronavirus experts being more concerned with damaging the president than aiding public health.
Nuts! Do you hear yourselves and EVER consider the news from all sides and use critical thinking skills or just blather on...
Please do feel free to ignore it. Sadly plonking here still lets responses to the conspiracy theorists leak through.
Rush Limbaugh Claims Health Experts Are Hillary Clinton Allies Trying To Hurt Trump
The conservative radio host spewed a conspiracy theory about coronavirus experts being more concerned with damaging the president than aiding public health.
Sure. Expect that contrary opinion be blocked or removed simply because you cannot support your position.

Any health official busy instructing that people should not wear a mask surely appears to be concerned with damaging the nation's people and the President or they're simply self interested and obeying politically motivated orders from above.
Their reasoning, even when containing some fact, is not supported in a satisfactory way.

These are the big 3 that lack proper support AS TO WHY people should not wear a mask AND learn how to use it (not touch their face with potentially contaminated hands, and remove it per safety instructions).

1.People might touch their face more often.
Learn how to use it and practice to resist the urge to touch face. Just like medical staffers have to.

2.They don't work.
They offer protection to some degree either/both to the wearer/others
Even if only partially effective, getting a smaller virus load helps survival rate. That is for both wearer and others.

3.They are needed by health professionals
That is the only semi-viable reason and it's only viable if the mask is a genuine approved kind. Moreover, many of the lousy media presenter health officials didn't give that reason until they were widely excoriated by the public for nonsensical presentations of falsehood regarding masks. Further evidence is that NOW THEY HAVE MOSTLY FLIPPED to be in agreement with the dissenting public after such outcry against the guilty officials.

Shall we have to name names and show their flip, in order to expose the falsehoods and who uttered them, Thomas?
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