2025 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos


I finally got 2025 underway after 18 days of dangerous conditions, yesterday it was very wet and very windy and 10C so it did a good job of clearing most of the ice! One of my back roads still had ice about 3" thick but thankfully it wasn't right across the road so it was safe to continue! After that the roads were totally fine so I just kept going and made the most of the mild conditions, it was so good to get back on the bike!:D It was quite a blustery day with a SW wind around 20-25mph and very mild, I could feel some rain in the air at times but it never came to anything but it wouldn't have stopped me!;)

I headed down the back roads to Allanton and on to Carluke where I turned east passing through Yieldshields and continued on the back roads towards Auchengray! I stopped for a couple of photos and timed it nice to catch the train heading west!



I continued east and remembered about a back road I haven't used for a long time and it would be mostly downhill so it was a no brainer to use it today! I grabbed more photos before heading down the first descent!



This photo makes it look almost flat but it was a fast descent!


The locals weren't impressed and totally ignored me...😂



A short time later and another fast descent!


Then it was time for some climbing and there was plenty of that today, it was good to see the fields green again!



The next climb was a big one, part way up I decided to stop for a snack and grabbed another photo!


After the climb I had a very nice descent to enjoy and at the end of the road I joined the main A70 which was thankfully quiet!


The Pentland Hills to the south!


I continued NE on the A70 and was enjoying the twists and turns and very little traffic, lots of climbing but I had the strong wind at my back!



You can see some remnants of the snow in this one, I escaped the snow this time but only 3 miles east of me there was quite a significant fall at Caldercruix!


Looking back down the road here, usually I'm enjoying this fast descent but not today!


The big climbs continued!


A short time later I turned SW for Tarbrax and it was time to enjoy some nice big descents, this one passes through the tiny village of Polkelly!


Its around 1000ft here but the fields were free of snow and ice!



I continued down the descents and arrived at Auchengray where I headed north into Woolfords and started up the big climb before plunging down the fastest descent of the day at 40.5mph, at the end of the road I turned east for West Calder and now had around 6 miles of climbing ahead! As well as climbing I was battling the strong headwind and had to use level 2 assist, eco mode wasn't cutting it!;) After the final big climb up through Longridge I had some descents again and they were most welcome! I joined the cycle path towards Harthill where I turned north for Blackridge with 54 miles in the bag and almost 10 to go and a straight road home from there!

What a brilliant day on the bike, I have been enjoying lots of nice walks which have kept my fitness going but getting back on the bike was just fantastic and hopefully more rides will follow with a possible big ride on Thursday...


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Or, when you are set and ready to set off for a meticulously planned ride: hair-dresser (precise appointment), groceries, some new clothes, cigarettes and pharmacy. You start your ride at a precisely defined time and then...

The inner tube valve tears off. No use to try and swap the e-bikes: I wouldn't be at the hair-dresser at the appointed time.

Still, it is good to own more than one e-bike. The visit in the beauty parlor :) has been rescheduled.
As I got into the parlour, it became clear the hairdresser was not done with the previous customer yet, so I would need to wait for a couple of minutes. I was offered coffee and -- as it is usual with hairdressers -- we had a chat. I told her I came in on a bicycle. 'Oh, I thought it was a motorcycle!' -- 'No, I'm cycling all year long!' I told her the story of catching a flat (so I could not meet my earlier appointment), and that I had to pick up another bike. 'Are you riding a pedal bicycle or an e-bike?' -- she asked. Go figure. The e-bike awareness is already there!

Later, I was doing some clothes shopping in H&M. To my surprise, I got a discount there based on my e-mail address and birth year; it was because I made an account at H&M a long time ago but even forgot that fact! I even didn't have the loyalty app installed!

My last place to visit was the pharmacy where I have my long-term prescriptions registered. I could see Mr. Pharmacist the owner coming to his evening shift on his Cannondale e-MTB! A brave man! (The weather was nasty).

I'm in love with the modern world! Just fancy none of my FB friends had a slightest idea of e-bikes only five years ago!
Travelling to Wandsworth London UK tomorrow!
Yes, I really wish I had discovered ebikes when they first appeared, is it an age thing that the simplest pastimes of life become so satisfying, I get just as much happiness from sandwhiches on the beach as a crazy ride across the mountains.
I know which one will be my near future :)

With the decent weather holding out I just had to make the most of it before it goes downhill again! I took my 3 batteries for this one, 2 fully charged and 1 charged to 80% which in hindsight was a mistake as you will find out if you read on...

I set off at first light just after 8am with a chill in the air but it was 5C so no danger of any ice and I was greeted with dry roads for a nice change, most unusual at this time of year! The wind was from the SW and around 20-25mph, I decided to head north and use the back roads down to Cumbernauld which is a proper rollercoaster and a lot of fun! I had this view of the Campsie Hills early on in my ride!


Just after this there's a big fast descent and as I was hurtling down it I saw the headlights of a car coming up in the other direction, its a very narrow road so I pulled in and waited for the car to pass! Just as well I did because the idiot driver flew round a blind bend at high speed!:rolleyes: I don't want to think about what might have happened if I hadn't stopped at the side of the road and for all he knew there could have been a car coming down the hill...so not the best start to my ride but I soon got back into the groove!

From Cumbernauld I headed west into the wind to take the back road to Twechar, it starts with a big climb and ends with a big descent and brings you out at the canal!


I then continued west towards Kirkintilloch where I turned north for Milton of Campsie and then NW to Lennoxtown, at this point I decided I would tackle the big climb over the Campsie Hills because I had 3 batteries with me! I usually avoid the Campsies when I'm doing a big ride but it just felt right today so I went for it and was rewarded with this lovely scene part way up the climb! I was surprised to see the fields down below covered in frost...



I continued up the 3 mile climb and was looking forward to the big descent, stopping part way down for some photos!




I stopped again near the bottom of the descent for these photos!



From there I headed for Fintry, its been a while since I have used this road in this direction and its another great road full of ups and downs and twists and turns and the scenery isn't too shabby either!


Eventually the road leads to Killearn where I turned north to join the main A81 towards Aberfoyle, quite a bit of climbing here but I had the wind at my back! I reached the turnoff for Aberfoyle but decided to turn east towards Port of Menteith, this road also starts with a climb up past the Aberfoyle Golf Course! Its a bit of a strange golf course as it sits on a big sloping hill, I always imagine the golfers striking the ball and it just runs down to the bottom of the hill...😂

The tiny clubhouse!


Conditions were excellent and the dry roads were very welcome!


A short time later I had a nice descent to enjoy!


Just round the corner the Lake of Menteith came into view!



The descent keeps on going!


Another view of the Lake of Menteith just before arriving at the village of Port of Menteith!



It was time to start climbing again and me being me decided to take the big climb up past Loch Rusky, a real beast of a climb and its actually my first time climbing it on my e bike! I did descend it last year or the year before but had only climbed it on my road bike and it was a tough one, much easier on the e bike of course but level 2 assist was required! Near the top of the climb I reached Loch Rusky!


A short time later I reached the summit and was looking forward to the big fast descent, just after this the road plunges down into the valley and leads to Callander!


The clouds had rolled in when I reached Callander but Ben Ledi was still looking amazing, it is just below Munro (3000ft) status at 2884ft! Last week it would have been completely covered in deep snow...



I stopped for lunch in Callander before heading SE on the main A84 towards Doune, thankfully the road wasn't too busy which was a relief! I continued SE towards the city of Stirling and thought I would be brave and tackle the 4 mile climb over the Campsies at the eastern end, yes I'm a glutton for punishment...the climb was straight into the wind!😂Near the top it gets really steep at Loch Coulter and I turned the assist up to level 4 and was treading water, I stepped off the bike to get a couple of photos and realised why it was such a struggle! The wind was insane, it must have been close to 40mph at the top!!!

Looking back down the hill with the Ochill Hills in the background!


Loch Coulter!


At this point I had covered 80 miles and depleted 2 batteries, I switched to my final battery which was only charged to 80%! I only had around 30 miles to go but I had a lot of climbing ahead, at least I had a long descent first which was the main reason I decided to take on the Campsies! I would also have the wind at my back for 14 miles which was a welcome relief so I conserved a lot of battery power, I flew down the descent at a rate of knots and was in pure cycling heaven!:D Then I reached Bonnybridge and knew the remaining 20 miles would take quite a toll on my battery as it was mostly uphill and for the best part directly into a strong headwind, I wasn't wrong and on the first big climb I had to use level 3 assist to make progress!

Before I knew it the battery had dropped to 49% with many climbs remaining, thankfully some were sheltered from the wind and I managed to use eco mode at times and then came the big climb up to Slamannan and I had to go to level 2 and soon the battery was at 30% with 9 miles to go! At least the big climbs were over now but the wind was now a big factor, on the flatter parts I was turning the assist off and battling the wind and any small inclines I had to use eco mode to make any progress! I reached Longriggend and had the descent down into Caldercruix but it was directly into the wind so I had to use eco mode again and as I reached Caldercruix I had 23% remaining, luckily I knew a shortcut which would bypass a tricky climb there!

I now had 4 miles to go which was mostly flat until I reached my home town so I managed to conserve the battery and as I arrived in my home town I still had 23% and was confident of making it up the final climbs! The big worry is hitting 20% as the battery tends to drop off a cliff and as I headed up the final climb I had 18% remaining and just as I turned into my street it dropped to 10%...I made it phew!😂 I did have the option of my second battery which was at 21% as a possible backup but it wouldn't have given me much distance!

Anyway all's well that ends well, what a brilliant day I had!😁 2025 has now arrived for me, 2 rides totalling 173 miles and 11,627ft of climbing! I will enjoy a few much needed rest days now and see what next week brings...


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I’ve been off the bike since Xmas eve when I had a little disagreement with a cute oral surgeon…and then there has been the bad weather. I went out today in zero degrees (Celsius…I always wanted to say that). And the little I did ride did raise a sweat, surprisingly. Winter or not the birds are gearing up for spring. I saw at least three brilliant bluebirds flitting about…the colors sharp in the crisp air. I have to pull down my bluebird houses to clean for the spring. The cardinals are also gearing up as you can see from the photo taken outside my work window.
Apparently the New Year doesn’t like my new phone…server doesn’t care for my photos’ size
Happy New Year
Apparently the New Year doesn’t like my new phone…server doesn’t care for my photos’ size
Happy New Year
It's not your phone. A new file size limit appears to have been imposed by forum admin, but we have yet to hear what it is. Meanwhile, try downsizing your photos before uploading. I got some pretty big photos through at ~75% original size.
Got out on a surprisingly warm day to test out the wobbly BBSHD bike, this is three minutes in and I've already crashed the drone.

This was one of those test rides where every thing is taped on and tightened in varying degrees from loose to finger tight.
the motor spun around straight away, and pulled the power wires exposing bare metal that shorted against the bike, don't put that
in your Spacex resume, or maybe do?

She's an absolute bag of nuts, but looks good in street killah black.

I hilariously kept forgetting I had a throttle and just pedalled, too much time in the legal zone, I'm losing my bad boy reflexes

I don't like leaving tyre tracks in this part, so I always try to scrub them out, it's probably making it worse.

Yes the drone crashed into the tree.

Used my old Sony zoom camera to film the gas rig.

Hers the full zoom out from the same spot

Its just never going to be a reliable bike, the bbshd just pulls like a train on the frame and also over this year throttle bikes are going to far more in the public perception.
I haven't decided what to do, just keep it for very remote offroad rides, I'm getting too old to be a scally on a 1500W ebike.