Well-Known Member
Anyway Stefan, I've sent Charlie over for a chat, give him a wave.
An antibiotic should fix the whooping cough in five days. Now, I have learnt there are antigen tests available at the pharmacy, which would give the answer virus or bacteria!The missus had it, she coughed for months, eventually I became very unsympathetic.
I'm trying to watch this, go cough in the other room![]()
Hope you feel better soon.Guys, I'm ill. It could be the nasty whooping cough or just flu.
My clinic has relatively few registered patients (that's why I chose it!) I gave the clinic a phone call this morning (Tuesday) at 7:58 am: "Please come on Thursday morning!" That made me shocked, how so?
"I assume everybody is ill with the same disease?" -- "You guessed it right, sir!"
Well, what to do. I need to survive. At least the weather is pretty warm as for the season...
Hope you get well soon! Can you ride at all now?It's either pneumonia or pertussis (bacteria, not virus) and I will be taking an antibiotic for 14 days.
What can I say...
I could but prefer not to unless necessary.Can you ride at all now?
I understand it is a general remark. Before I visited the doctor, I made a new type antigen test and it read I was virus negative! (I think the test can identify up to six virus types).Those nagging dry coughs that linger for weeks after an acute respiratory illness are typically a post-viral thing. They can often be broken with a short course of steroids under a doctor's supervision.
High adventure, stunning photogaphy, and quicksand! EBR ride reports just don't get any better than that!Took a ride to Hilbre Island, its a tidal path off West Kirby beach, you have to leave at low tide and you have a few hours to mooch before you set off back.
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I wasnt a 100% sure if I had to do it exacty to avoid quicksand, but this local seemed to think it was OK to just head straight there.
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I kept getting views of lakes of water, but they were only inches deep, as I left the coast behind, I was completely alone and it started to get a bit ominous as I could hear the roar of the turning tide in the distance
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The sun hadnt risen yet, but you could tell it was going to be a good one
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I passed little Hilbre, small but big enough to survive missing the tide.
Here was the larger Island.
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The sea was getting loud now, I was miles out and completely alone, I tried to concentrate on reason, but it felt very exposed to calamity.
Inbetween the Islands a fall with zero mobility would be an emergency services call.
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The view back had become spectacular, and once I was on the main Island I felt more at ease.
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But I could watch the sea moving in at walking pace, pretty terrifying to be honest, there are buildings and compost toilets , but I would be stuck till well into darkness.
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Had a quick look at the abandoned lifeboat station and then headed back.
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While it was beautiful it was also blinding.
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I couldnt find my tracks, so it was playing on my mind there might well be quicksand between the rock slabs.
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It got more and more beautiful and dreamy atmospheric as I rode towards the smaller Island, I felt like I was in some end of world movie.
I got back well with time, covered in wet sand, but quite an experiece to solo it in the early hours.
The RNLI actually pulled me over as I neared the coast, they just wanted to see if everything was OK.
Red sky moring shepherd warning, it hailed massivel a few hours later and there was no weather report for that.
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Yes I'm in the central lowlands but a very hilly part of them!I appreciate theres some killer climbs, but is that what we refer to as the lowlands?
I suppose you think lowlands are where you ride while the tide is out and highlands are where you have to ride when the tide comes in?I appreciate theres some killer climbs, but is that what we refer to as the lowlands?
Yes I remember quicksand full plots from my youth, I have watched a few self rescue videos as its very much a reality on our coast, every year people get stuck or cut off by the tide, and there was a terrible tragedy years ago, with the bizarre ability of the victims being able to phone home to China as the sea engulfed them.High adventure, stunning photogaphy, and quicksand! EBR ride reports just don't get any better than that!
There was a time, especially in the 1950s and 1960s, when Hollywood writers worked quicksand into their plots every chance they got. Guaranteed tension and drama only heightened here by the inexorable threat of a returning tide and visions of a beloved ebike left behind as the last handlebar grip slowly disappears beneath the sand. Bravo!
Quicksand Movies
Love how the low red sun plays on the rock and sand. RLNI?