2025 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve ridden. A sore knee that is better and very cold and snowy. A picture from yesterday looking out from my front porch after I plowed.
So Poland is Really Polska
Rzeczpospolita Polska. "Rzecz Pospolita" or "Res Publica" (Common Thing).

For your information: England is Anglia (you are Anglik and your wife is Angielka), Wales is Walia, Scotland is Szkocja, and Ireland is Irlandia 😃

Your state is known as Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Go figure 😂
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Work has been hectic lately so I finally had the chance to take a ride out, and I took the drone with me. :)

Despite the blue skies, it was chilly out, and this cut my ride short as I wasn't wearing the right clothes for it. So just a 14-mile round trip to the neighbouring town of Leighton Buzzard. Much shorter than the 45-mile ride I had planned on the Garmin!

Anyways some pics.

Has anyone lost a bike? 😁


The murky waters of the Grand Union Canal. I'm standing on the wharf in the middle of this photo... a microdot from 100 meters up!

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The Grand Union Canal with the river Ozuel running alongside...

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You can see Dunstable Downs in the distance on the left... It's about 7 miles away... You gain such a different perspective from 80 meters up in the air! Everything seems so much closer.

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All Saints Church - Leighton Buzzard

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The canal boat Timeslip quietly slipped by!

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There she goes... around the bend to somewhere.

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Completely unedited... Love the contrast of blues and greens...




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    Still 2025-01-07 172333_1.3.4.jpg
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Artezan Brewery Express :)

There's an ongoing battle between me and @fooferdoggie (and @BlackHand) on Strava Club. I think Steve from Portland doesn't really care :) but he gives me a constant motivation for more rides! Especially as this Winter makes me depressed, and the thought of pulling the warm clothes on and riding out into the weather is not particularly attractive! However, seeing foofer in the lead again makes me forget all the sorrows! :)

Today, I thought I promised a Warsaw friend a bottle of Samiec Alfa (Alpha Male) Imperial Stout but had drunk his share during the holidays! :D (Two bottles for @Brix are waiting for my London trip soon!) As the local specialist beer store sold all the Alpha Male out, I decided to ride straight to the Artezan Brewery to replenish my stock! Trust me, the brewery had the last bottles of that nectar in their shop!


Together with Jerzy (RIP) and Brix in the Artezan Brewery, 2017.


Tasting hops. A hop granule is about one of the most bitter things you would want to try!


Enjoying life.


There are two breweries on the same industrial plot: Artezan and Błonie. Artezan is a renowned brewery for craft beer for connoisseurs while Błonie brews good traditional lagers for everyone. My ride was quick: I took a longer route but my plan was to complete the ride in an hour (net) and I almost managed that! :)
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Whats that old joke.
The Texan farmer visiting Ireland and bragging that it takes him two days to drive around his farm.

The Irishman replies.
Ah, I had a car like that once.

But yes, it is bigger and every other extreme far exceeds anything we experience, from cold to heat to wind to shaking, collapsing, burning, freezing, sliding, flooding, biting, goring, stinging and infesting.

Its almost like we sent our entire stock of hardy buggers out there, or if they werent, they soon learnt how to be.
Work has been hectic lately so I finally had the chance to take a ride out, and I took the drone with me. :)

Despite the blue skies, it was chilly out, and this cut my ride short as I wasn't wearing the right clothes for it. So just a 14-mile round trip to the neighbouring town of Leighton Buzzard. Much shorter than the 45-mile ride I had planned on the Garmin!

Anyways some pics.

Has anyone lost a bike? 😁

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The murky waters of the Grand Union Canal. I'm standing on the wharf in the middle of this photo... a microdot from 100 meters up!

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The Grand Union Canal with the river Ozuel running alongside...

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You can see Dunstable Downs in the distance on the left... It's about 7 miles away... You gain such a different perspective from 80 meters up in the air! Everything seems so much closer.

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All Saints Church - Leighton Buzzard

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The canal boat Timeslip quietly slipped by!

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There she goes... around the bend to somewhere.

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Completely unedited... Love the contrast of blues and greens...

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Love the music on that video, I cant possibly film like that, too far for my stress levels
Love the music on that video, I cant possibly film like that, too far for my stress levels
It's not too bad when viewing it through the screen but I did have a backend clenching moment that I cut out of the video... I was like "what are those lines appearing on the screen? Interference???.. oh POWER LINES...Turn around Turn around..." :oops: From ground level I didn't realise how close I was to the nearby electricity pylons! :rolleyes: You can see them at around 1:20secs into the video. Luckily it films in high res 4k otherwise I may not have seen them at all. :p
A quick trip to the nearby (Disused) Houghton Quarry, where I took these panoramic photos using my drone.

The ground was cloggy chalk and frozen over in places making it quite "interesting" to ride on. I did try my luck at making it up one of the hills but I stood no chance, I got 3/4's of the way up and then I was wheel spinning on the frozen ground so I just slid back down again! :D I'll definitely be coming back here when the weather improves and the ground dries out! :)





Spectacular photos! Couldn't you ride up the ascent by zig-zagging?

I don't think these panoramas from a drone do it justice regarding perspective. It was a single track path the slope that's probably 40%+ at the top, and either side of you the ground drops off. On the wet chalk you either bog down or wheelspin and on the icey parts you stand no chance, just wheelspin... Indicated by red arrow below.

I made it up the another slope (green arrow), but what you can't see is a large and steep ditch at the top. It drops 8-10ft and immediately rises again, I couldn't get over this ditch even pushing the bike while in walk mode - and then I full throttled it - and still couldn't make it up. The bike was wheel spinning and I was slipping! I had to come back down and ride around... 😃

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Yesterday's day's 38-mile group ride on the Vado SL really wore me out, and not where I expected from the route emailed out beforehand.

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This was my 3rd outing with the EX-Y Riders, and I wanted to see how well I could keep up with the unmotorized senior roadies making up most of the group. From their bikes and lycra, you could tell that most are pretty serious about road cycling and have been for a long time. Several look even older than me.


So, Plan A was to ride in OFF as much as I possibly could, pamper my sore knees with SPORT on starts and hard accelerations only, and fall back on ECO as needed. In the end, rode 34% OFF and 49% ECO.

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Unexpectedly, the part that wore me out most wasn't the hilly first half. It was the much flatter 2nd half around the east ends of San Elijo and San Dieguito Lagoons. Found myself pushing 170-220W in OFF just to keep up with the leaders' fast pace on this stretch and could sustain that only so long before retreating to ECO.

These low-lying parts of Rancho Santa Fe and Fairbanks Ranch are dotted with Spanish-style villas and other mansions, horse estates, several lush golf courses, and big fields for crops unknown. Had been through here many times by car but noticed so much more on this first time through on a bike.


This experiment left me with no illusions regarding my strength as a rider in this company — well below average in OFF but at least no laggard in ECO with some effort. To my credit, I was more upright and pulling 20 lb more bike than nearly all of them. And most carried less gross weight — especially the women, who were no easier for me to keep up with than the men.

So, a pretty good showing overall considering where I was when I returned to cycling 27 months ago. Very thankful that this friendly bunch of roadies seems happy to let me tag along.


The final leg home was a solo coast ride with as many MUPs and quiet side streets as I could string together to get away from traffic. Narrow, twisty 2-lanes made up most of the middle part of this ride, and bike infrastructure there had been poor at best. More than ready to change adversaries and face pedestrians and dogs now instead.


The group ride ended as always at a coffee shop, this time in Solana Beach. I was too bushed to eat or drink then, but by the time I got to Moonlight Beach, the chipotle aoli dogs at the concession stand there were calling to me. Compared to the high-sugar pastries I would normally have had at the coffee shop, I told myself, a dog was downright healthy.
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Yesterday's day's 38-mile group ride on the Vado SL really wore me out, and not where I expected from the route emailed out beforehand.

View attachment 188270This was my 3rd outing with the EX-Y Riders, and I wanted to see how well I could keep up with the unmotorized senior roadies making up most of the group. From their bikes and lycra, you could tell that most are pretty serious about road cycling and had been for a long time. Several looked even older than me.

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So, Plan A was to ride in OFF as much as I possibly could, pamper my sore knees with SPORT on starts and hard accelerations only, and fall back on ECO as needed. In the end, rode 34% OFF and 49% ECO.

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Unexpectedly, the part that wore me out most wasn't the hilly first half. It was the much flatter 2nd half around the east ends of San Elijo and San Dieguito Lagoons. Found myself pushing 170-220W in OFF just to keep up with the leaders' fast pace on this stretch and could only sustain that so long before retreating to ECO.

These low-lying parts of Rancho Santa Fe and Fairbanks Ranch were dotted with Spanish-style villas and other mansions, horse estates, several lush golf courses, and big fields for crops unknown. Had been through here many times by car but noticed so much more on this first time through on a bike.

View attachment 188274
This experiment left me with no illusions regarding my strength as a rider in this company — well below average in OFF but at least no laggard in ECO with some effort. To my credit, I was more upright and pulling 20 lb more bike than nearly all of them. And most carried less gross weight — especially the women, who were no easier for me to keep up with than the men.

So, a pretty good showing overall considering where I was when I returned to cycling 27 months ago. And thankful that this bunch of roadies seems happy to let me tag along.

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The final leg home was a coast ride with as many MUPs and quiet side streets as I could string together to get away from traffic. Narrow, twisty 2-lanes made up most of the middle part of this ride, and bike infrastructure there had been poor at best. More than ready to change adversaries and face the pedestrians and dogs instead.

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The group ride ended as always at a coffee shop, this time in Solana Beach. I was too bushed to eat or drink then, but by the time I got to Moonlight Beach, the chipotle aoli dogs at the concession stand there were calling to me. Compared to the high-sugar pastries I would normally have had at the coffee shop, I told myself, a dog was downright healthy.

Great riding there Jeremy... 34% of a 38 mile ride in off is no mean feat! That's almost 13 miles all under your own steam! 👍
New Station Pruszków

Compared to the exciting rides of Chris, Martin or Jeremy, my current utility rides are just banal but I would like to show you some pictures from my yesterday's ride to our county town of Pruszków (population 65,655). FYI: Poland is divided into 16 voivodeship (provinces), 314 powiat (counties), and 2,479 gmina (boroughs).


In 2011, there was a crisis in the scrap metal market. Taking the opportunity, one Jose Mariusz Olejnik decided to convert scrap metal into art, and thus the Gallery of Steel Figures by the Pruszków Junkyard started its existence. His idea caught up, and there are 120 GSFs worldwide. Olejnik now owns 3 GSFs in Poland and one in Prague, Czech Republic. (I have several photos from the GSF if you are interested). It looks this specific Gallery of Steel Figures has just returned home!


The Junkyard By The Tank in Pruszków looked nicely in the setting sun!


I think the concept of the shopping mall is very different from the one of North America here. The investors understood the malls had to be integrated into the urban infrastructure and easily accessible without a car. Here: New Station of Pruszków. (The mall has internal car parks should you prefer to drive here).


One of two bike parking lots. Pruszków was one of the towns established thanks to the construction of Warsaw-Vienna Railway back in 1845. The actual railway station is located nearby, hence railway references here.


"Win a free autogyro flight!" :) The size of shopping malls is designed according to the expected number of buyers. New Station is small and beautiful. Four most important places: a beauty salon, a bookstore, a drugstore and a supermarket are located within several steps here.


Nothing can, however, beat fresh food available in your local grocery shop! :) Here, in Lewiatan (a franchise store).


The morning weather was just terrible! White outside, raining, freezing. The skies cleared in the afternoon and temperature rose to 6-7 C!