The weather has been great all week but I took a couple of days off to recover from Monday's epic! I have been waiting for the right conditions to do one of my favourite rides and today was looking just right so my plan was to put the bike in the car and drive down to Peebles to cycle out to Moffat andf back! I had everything ready last night to get out early this morning, all I had to was get breakfast and jump in the car and go! I set off at 6.40am and enjoyed quiet roads all the way to Carnwath, I pulled up at the traffic signals and noticed a message on my car dash saying no phone connected and then I had that awful sinking feeling...I had put my phone on charge when I got up to make sure I had plenty juice for the day ahead! Yes I left it behind, I had no choice but to head back home and get it so instead of leaving at 6.40 am it turned out to be almost 8am! What a plonker!

I'm just glad I noticed half way to my destination...
The forecast was showing light winds from the NE so I chose to have what little wind there was at my back for about 33 miles, I parked the car in a small layby which was well protected from the road and grabbed a photo of the electric car (not fully electric though) and electric bike before setting off into the morning mist! The bike fits in the car pretty easily with the front wheel off and the front passenger seat fully forward!
After just 2 miles I turned off the main road and took the back road through Stobo, a few miles later and the sun managed to break through and started to clear the mist!
I then passed over the River Tweed!
A short timer later the sun really worked its magic!
The hills started to appear!
I reached Tweedsmuir and things came to a halt for around 10 minutes due to roadworks, they had a convoy system in operation which meant following a vehicle at very low speed through the roadworks to protect the workers! At this point I had covered 16 miles which was mostly flat or slightly uphill and now I was about 10 miles away from the top of the climb at almost 1400ft, its a very easy climb so I was in eco mode all the way up!
This was part way up the climb, its such a great road and in great condition!
I now had a lovely 5 mile descent to enjoy down the Devils Beeftub into Moffat, this is the start of the descent!
I had to keep stopping on the way down though, the views were just too good...
I must have taken at least 20 photos on the way down, maybe I should have climbed it today!

I did stop taking photos further down to enjoy some of the descent, I then arrived in Moffat and as always it was very busy so I didn't even stop and just made my turn to the NE and into the wind for the first time! Of course the light wind was no longer light and I had a lot of climbing ahead, thankfully some nice descents also!
The log trucks were making their way up the hill in the distance and throwing up lots of dust, the road was very steep after they turned the bend!
A nice descent next but a climb soon after, the road is like this for many miles!
Then the big climb starts up to 1100ft!
I was looking forward to cresting the climb and plunging down the other side, the road is just amazing!
This is the end of the descent and Loch of the Lowes comes into view just around the bend!
I was hoping the water would be like glass today but the wind had picked up so it wasn't to be, not that it was a strong wind though but it was supposed to be less than 10mph...
St Marys Loch was also a bit choppy, its right next to Loch of the Lowes!
Part way round the loch I could see the hills surrounding Moffat out to the west!
I continued on the main road for a few miles and was passed by lots of bikers and they weren't hanging around! I rode my motorbike around here many times and know how much fun it was, especially on days like today! Eventually I reached the turnoff for Peebles and had another big climb ahead up to 1200ft! At the top of this one I had the best descent of the day ahead, initially around 5 miles before a few ups and downs and did I enjoy that!

I then reached the turnoff for Traquair which keeps you away from the busy main road, its a bit rough in places and very up and down but not the worst!
The hills were looking amazing today with the clear blue sky!
Somebody was too busy munching to notice me!
I then arrived in Peebles and just like Moffat it was very busy in the beautiful weather, I grabbed a quick photo of the River Tweed in the town centre before heading back towards the car!
My last photo before arriving back at the car, its such a beautiful home this one and always catches my eye on passing!
73 miles appeared on my gps as I reached the car, I was hoping to do 89 or more today to reach 5000 miles for the year but my mishap at the start of the day put paid to that! Just 16 miles to go though and I should be riding to the motorcycle racing on Sunday so the 5000 will be passed then! What a brilliant ride once again, I'm really blessed to live in this part of the world with some of the best cycling roads all around me!