Catching up on some pictures from rides in late September and into October...
Back in late September and early October, the weather was really nice and I took advantage. As I went Hard Tail MTB with my Fathom, I've spent most of my time riding the large park just west of my home.
Here's some tracks with some trees that really stand out in the landscape - our Autumn foliage is typically more yellowish than reddish.
More colour, with downtown Calgary off in the distance. I live about 1 KM off to the left (east):
Since I've started off with colour, here's a shot from mid October, from Vernon British Columbia.
I was just cycling around the neighborhood of an area that one of my long time friends moved to, that's just off the north end of Lake Okanagan.
It was drizzling and cooler, but was still a great day for a short ride.
Our drive back to Calgary was snowy, and how I protected my bike was documented in this
Back home, we had some dreary weather until the last few days. I finally got back out again yesterday and rode 27Kms of trails and pathways, When I started, it was about 3C, but I ended the ride at 13C.
As such, I bundled up and a good thing too - it was quite windy up on the hill. In the second shot you can see the wind off the eastern slopes of the Rockies.
On any protected eastern slopes and some of the northern ones, the conditions were tricky. This shot doesn't really show how steep this was, but my new dropper, courtesy of
@Stefan Mikes was instrumental in me being able to navigate the slippery terrain. Saddle was down and one foot out to stabilize!
Finishing up my ride, now off of Nose Hill and following some green space along Nose Creek Parkway, I stopped for a hydration and snack. These rocks (Glacial Erratic) are near a former site of a Sandstone quarry and are known as "Split Rock" and were once part of Mount Edith Cavell, which is by Jasper Alberta (about 350 Kms away).
All in all, a few excellent rides - some in pristine conditions, and some less so but enjoyable none the less!
The weather looks good for the next 5 days (+11 to +14C) and then we drop down to -9C on Friday. But, this is Calgary and that forecast is good for...well, actually nothing.
It absolutely will change and by the time any of you finish reading this post, it will have!
Next steps - document my new (to me) Dropper post installation (PNW Coast Suspension - imported from Poland

) and I suppose I should document how I've chosen how to layout my cockpit too.
I hope you've enjoyed my rambling on - I certainly enjoy reading about your rides! I just need to be a little more timely with my inputs...