2019 Brose Mag s Specialized Turbo Levo motor failure


New Member
My brand new Turbo Levo has had two motor failures in less than 500 miles. Same failure twice, belt starts to jump the splines between motor and crank spindle and fails completely in a few seconds. Specialized replaced the first motor no problem. Back in the shop now awaiting second motor. Anyone else had this failure or any kind of failure of the new Brose Mag S?

2019 Comp Carbon ; The symptoms? When on level ground to slight incline, just pressing lightly on the pedals, not a heavy load at all - the motor would vibrate, whine and bind, sounding like a shaft oscillating in a loose journal, but delivering near zero power. I stopped, turned the system off, restarted. I could go continue various distances, 50m to 200m, and it would happen again. I finished my ride by avoiding pedaling lightly. I'd either turn the assist off, or crank it hard on turbo. It finished another 8km without any drama.

My local shop replicated the symptoms. Specialized provided a new motor. I expect to get the bike back tomorrow. I'm grateful to be in warranty. Does anyone know how much a replacement motor costs outside of warranty? Is the warranty transferable if I sell the bike?
High Rock Ruti

I do not know for sure but I've been told that the motors run between $700 and $800 without labor, my third motor in less than 650 miles seems to be working, although I had to warranty the cable from the batter to the motor recently this part also failed on my 2016 Turbo Levo expert. The 2016 bike had an intermittent motor problem that I filed a "implied warranty of merchantability" and under the bikes two year warranty to either fix the bike or take it back, even though it took another 6 months a total of 2 1/2 years Specialized refunded me $8,000, which I gave back in short order for the motor failing 2019 Turbo S works, other that leaving me walking twice this is great bike to ride and Specialized has really stood behind the bike. The refund took the sting out of a $12,000 bike the failing motors have put the sting back in.
High Rock Ruti. UPDATE

Third Brose mag S motor died less than 1000 total on the bike, asked specialized to replace motor or refund, they chose refund. Love the bike hate the failing motors.