How Many e-Bikes do you have and ride ??

John from Connecticut

Well-Known Member
Hi All,
I'm curious how many e-Bike you own ? I bought two Treks 6 years ago, an XM700 Commuter - Class 3
and a Powerfly 7 MTB / 90% Rail Trails. 12,000 miles. Love the bikes.

I'm in the process of buying a Trek Allant + 7s because the 60Nm of torque from my XM700 is starting
to pull at my 77 years legs and knees. Love the 75Nm on the Powerfly 7.

Besides your number of e-Bikes I'd love to hear from Trek Allant+7 riders...I'm not thrilled the Allant is
8 pounds heavier than my two 6 year bikes...Tough on the old back for lifting.

Anyone have car / hitch racks with ramps so no lifting ?

One well sort of as my son has taken possession. It is a Giant Defy, which I converted using a Bafang BS01.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I have a Reise and Muller Supercharge 2 GT Rohloff coming from Germany on a slow boat.
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I have a bulls commuter with a bosch gen 2 motor. the bearings rusted out right after he warranty was up and 14,000 miles my mechanic was not sure what to do and it was my cars so I bought a trek allant 8 to replace it then bosch replaced the motor for free.
then we have a bosch powered tandem.
the trek was actually less snappy then my bulls with those tiers it came with. changed them to 2" slick tires and its much better.
two e-bikes, one acoustic bike. down from three e-bikes. probably won’t reduce any further unless the acoustic gets sold.
Well, last year, I finally reached a point, age-wise, where I can benefit from having some pedal assist. This was after decades of cycling and building up and riding dozens of different bikes over that time.
So, so far, I own just one e-bike.
Hi All,
I'm curious how many e-Bike you own ? I bought two Treks 6 years ago, an XM700 Commuter - Class 3
and a Powerfly 7 MTB / 90% Rail Trails. 12,000 miles. Love the bikes.

I'm in the process of buying a Trek Allant + 7s because the 60Nm of torque from my XM700 is starting
to pull at my 77 years legs and knees. Love the 75Nm on the Powerfly 7.

Besides your number of e-Bikes I'd love to hear from Trek Allant+7 riders...I'm not thrilled the Allant is
8 pounds heavier than my two 6 year bikes...Tough on the old back for lifting.

Anyone have car / hitch racks with ramps so no lifting ?

So far , Thank you all for you replies. This little post is just for me. I'm glad I've posted because,
while folks on EBR will almost certainly never meet in person, just to know what others ride, it's nice
to know what a little of the human side of our 'sport' / hobby.

Lord knows we spend enough time on tires and chains and gear ratios etc Yawn : ) You get what I mean.

Thanks again,
I’ve got 2 e-bikes. A ride1up 700xr is my daily driver (when it’s not raining) and the other was given to me as a “project”. That bike is an EVG 24v. It was in rafters above a garage for 20 years and never moved. My friends neighbor was going to trash it, but gave it to me as he knew I’d like to clean it and fix it. I cleaned it and fixed it, haha. Works great. We tried to sell it, but no one wants it and he says I can keep it. I may ride that bike in the summer when I rewire my 700 series.
My Giant Trance E+ e-MTB is now properly used by my brother.
My Lovelec, a Czech hub-drive motor e-bike is ridden by a friend (the e-bike is still mine).

Specialized Vado SL in a gravel modified version is my most used ride now.
I use a Specialized Vado 6.0 for road rides where a long distance or high speed or a high motor power requirement is the case.
I believe I'm at five ebikes. Three of those are hub motor ebikes, and the other two are mid-drives. I use a different bike for a different use.
2 both conversions

One off one on road


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I'm up to 5 ebikes after not owning or riding a bike for almost 30 years since my early college days back in 1985:
2023 Himiway Cobra Pro, full suspension 4.8" fat tire 1000w mid-drive
2023 Radcity Step-thru, 750w rear hub
2018 Radcity Step-thru, 750w rear hub, +1000 miles
2016 Radrover (two), 750w rear hub, 4" fat tire, +3700 miles each

Planning to hand down my two 2016 Radrovers and maybe the 2018 Radcity to family members. Gave away my two 2014 GT Transeo 3.0 700-40C pedal bikes to a family friend in 2023 (XL men, small women step-thru).

Old pic of two Radrovers, GT Transeo, Radcity step-thru on Steadyrack (wife GT Transeo on steadyrack not pictured):
Radrover storage.JPG
Love the Steadyrack and I have 5 total (three fat tire and two 2.3" tire rack for ebikes with front fenders). My fat tire ebikes have Big Buck fat tire front fenders that sit further away from the tire and they don't interfere with the steadyrack (a normal close fitting fat tire fending might not work with steadyrack).

The feature I like the most is being able to swing the (e)bikes left/right for more compact storage and easy access around the car. Not too hard to install with a stud finder and sinking the two large bolts with a pre-drilled hole, drive socket, and installing high enough on the wall for the (e)bike to be supported by the rack. I installed the folding coat hooks under the Steadyrack to hold our bike helmets.

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I have three Pedego Platinum Interceptors and am presently converting two Trek MTB's.

I use a slide out pickup truck bed rack with ramp, so no lifting.
Creo 2 / Gazelle C380

Quite different bikes. In light of picking up the Creo 2, the Gazelle's stock has risen. I no longer look to it for all of my cycling fun and can better appreciate it for what it is. Also, despite being 6' 1", my wife's small C380 fits me better than my large due to having short arms. A lot of ergonomic complaints were solved by riding the smaller frame. Imagine that!

The Gazelle has a lot more power for when you want to minimize sweat or haul groceries. I also appreciate that it's the quietest bikes I've ridden aside for the full-size Specialized 2.2. Creo can traverse almost any terrain and climb hills easily without motor power. The 47 tires are quite comfortable. Great adventure bike.
Lectric Xpedition. My wife and my 'hood explorer and my occasional commuter.
Lectric XP 3.0 that no longer gets ridden. Needs a new home. Free to the right cause/person.
Rad Power RadMini that might become my commuter.
Swing King analog beach cruiser that I need to find a new home for. Free to the right cause.
Electra Rat Fink analog cruiser that I'll never come off of.
Fairdale Taj analog bmx bike that I'm holding for a friend. Hope he gets it soon.
Wow, this list looks terrible typed out! I have a cheap bike junkyard!
I have one electric bike. A yubabikes bodaboda cargo bike, equipped for hauling groceries or sundries. With spares tools water weather gear it weighs 94 lb but since I do not operate a car, no lifting problem. It is too long to fit the bike racks on TARC busses. ~11000 miles on it.
I keep a 3 speed pedal bike for locking up at the symphony or ballet over the Ohio. I just bought new tires for it. The bus runs over there but does not come back after 2130. I would have to leave the hall at 2050 to walk to the bus stop in time.
I keep a spare Huffy Savannah cruiser 10 speed out at my summer property to get home if my bodaboda has a major problem. I keep spare tires & tubes out there but not a chain power wheel battery controller or throttle.
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