Forum Features: Your Opinion Wanted!

Besides EBR, what other ebike forums do you use?


    Votes: 16 15.8%

    Votes: 9 8.9%

    Votes: 13 12.9%

    Votes: 20 19.8%
  • Reddit

    Votes: 30 29.7%
  • Facebook

    Votes: 29 28.7%
  • Other (I'll say which site in the comments)

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • None

    Votes: 37 36.6%

  • Total voters


EBR Webmaster
Fort Collins
Howdy folks! For those of you who use other ebike forums or Facebook/Reddit, I would love to hear what you like about those communities. Are there any features you really like that you want added to the EBR forums? Community events? Access to special sales and deals? In a nutshell, what do you want out of your online community for ebikes?

This is an open space for suggestions and comments on the EBR forums, how they work, and discussing possible improvements. Please be respectful and constructive with any feedback :) and thank you for being here!
Try encourage meet up rides, give tools for people to create an event and others to subscribe/join the event. Post a route, give a little description about what you're doing, where you're going, stop offs along the way, things you'll see along the route etc... Link up the online and offline world a bit as we're out on our bikes half the time :D

Some people on this forum have found great places to ride - the photos are testament to that, and I'm sure others would like to visit such places.
It would be very helpful to have a country of residence showing under the avatar. There are questions posted and after some discussion we find the OP lives in Europe or Australia and laws or sources of supply are different.
Many times I check the location field and see questionable locations like 'Earth' or 'cyberspace'. New users don't know why they should reveal their location, experienced users don't update their info. Explaining this at sign up might help.
Many times I check the location field and see questionable locations like 'Earth' or 'cyberspace'. New users don't know why they should reveal their location, experienced users don't update their info. Explaining this at sign up might help.
Also, someone in the great plains vs someone in the Rocky mountains has different performance needs.
Make it more obvious--I know, I'd think it's obvious enough already--the difference between the General Discussion and Off-Topic Discussion forums. Perhaps rename them to General Ebike Discussion and Off-Topic Non-Ebike Discussion.
What he said. General motor & battery, riding techniques, pics & maps, ebike markets, etc. shouldn't be mixed in with really offtopic stuff so much.
Sorry, but I don't agree. The idea is good, but trying to determine what is and what isn't political is itself political.
This is mostly a bright and polite group, and there is a handy "Ignore" button for the others. My two cents.
Howdy folks! For those of you who use other ebike forums or Facebook/Reddit, I would love to hear what you like about those communities. Are there any features you really like that you want added to the EBR forums? Community events? Access to special sales and deals? In a nutshell, what do you want out of your online community for ebikes?

This is an open space for suggestions and comments on the EBR forums, how they work, and discussing possible improvements. Please be respectful and constructive with any feedback :) and thank you for being here!
I suggested earlier but it didn't get any traction with the forum managers - the creation of user groups with the ability to see a library of user groups - and to join - and to request new groups. There are times I want to ping a specific community for advice and just posting a new thread might not catch the attention every member of a group. Examples of user groups I might create or join: @TernGSDOwners, @TrekAllantOwners, @CargoOwners, @BoschGen4Owners .... just making up some names but hopefully that gives the general idea. I know there are brand-specific threads but this might allow for a more targeted call for participation. Maybe something like this already exists in the forum and I just haven't found it (?) ...
How about a specific rule prohibiting political discussions. There are plenty of other places on the web folks can go to cut each other up.
I’d just eliminate the off topic area altogether. Who gives a rats ass about off topic stuff...that’s not why I come to this forum. Just PM off topic junk with others.
I don't participate in any other e-bike forum, so the poll seems to miss the "None" option :)

I'd like to have either:
  • Filter out posts from the newsfeed that contain specific words or phrases

  • Possibility to mark selected threads as to be hidden.
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Howdy folks! For those of you who use other ebike forums or Facebook/Reddit, I would love to hear what you like about those communities. Are there any features you really like that you want added to the EBR forums? Community events? Access to special sales and deals? In a nutshell, what do you want out of your online community for ebikes?

This is an open space for suggestions and comments on the EBR forums, how they work, and discussing possible improvements. Please be respectful and constructive with any feedback :) and thank you for being here!
I see there is the option to ignore an individual member, but can’t see the option to ignore an entire post/thread
If there isn’t, then this
Not a new suggestion, but some feedback .
1. The last change where 'Has this been discussed before?' pops similar threads up seems to be working ...I see older threads coming back to life on the common arguments like LBS vs DTC, hub vs mid, etc more often than before and think that's a good thing. Read the whole thread and see the opinions together has to help.👍
2. However performance has really degraded. Sometimes too slow to even be useful when trying to type a reply and I just close out.👎
Troeh, I suggest that you add 'NONE' to the list of other forums that we contribute to.
David, I guess you opted out of getting messages here as that button is missing on your profile. I just wanted to let you know that my nephew, Drew and his family just moved from Sydney to Byron Bay. They are a charming family. He is a software guy who loves to surf.

The ability to jump to the last read post, per user, per thread.
You can do that now, if I'm understanding your suggestion. When you click on 'new posts' the list comes up:
If a thread title is bold, it has new posts since you last viewed the thread. If you click on the title it will take you to the first new post you haven't read. If you just want to see the newest and last post in the thread, click on time of the latest post and you'll skip all new to you and old posts to the last post in the thread.
I don't know if I'd really use it much, but I think I like the idea already mentioned of being able to ignore a thread. Of course that's pretty easy without software support. It might just make it easier to see the threads you are interested in.
